Flying the Coop

Yep, that is our son's stuff.  A bit too much stuff if you ask me.  Would you believe that we jammed the Accord to the brim and we still had room for our kid!  Anyways, the move in was quite painless.  The university had the process all streamlined which made my husband and I very grateful.  His roommate and family were already moved in and helped with all of our stuff.  So nice!!

These are brandy new dorm suites and he is lucky enough to have a corner room so he has two windows instead of one. He shares a bathroom with his roommate, no walking down the hall to a shower or bathroom.  I hope the boys will occasionally clean their bathroom.....The views from his room are nice (except for a dumpster-so just don't look down, look across).

Today he starts classes and over the weekend he attended lots of orientation meetings.  None of the meetings will take away the apprehension of your first days of school at university.  

We said our goodbyes quickly and then we left.  It feels very weird in the house with just the three of us, counting Frodo of course.  I think it will take a while to adjust for all of us.  On our walk yesterday, my husband and I were talking about how we started out as a couple and we have come full circle. 

We carry our cell phones around just in case one of them texts or calls :D


  1. Congratulations on getting him well settled.

    I have to say that when I saw the title I thought Frodo had taken a Grand Adventure. This is definitely much more noble!

    Blessings, Debbie

  2. Hugs to you. I must say, I remember dropping my sister for her first year of college and boy, was it bittersweet. My parents were maybe more excited and scared for her than she was! I hope both kids have a wonderful year!

  3. oh man! an empty house. is it eerie? not sure if that's how you spell eerie, but you know what i mean.

  4. You son is in a beautiful dorm! Lucky duck ;)

    Hope he has a great year.

    And now.. what to do what to do!


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