
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

that's me on the left and my favorite (only) sister

Guess what?  I have a son in law!  Yep.  It's nice and my am I glad to NOT think or talk about planning a wedding. It's not as fun as they lead you to believe.  I am missing about 7 hours of sleep from a three day celebration.

We had family on both sides from:  Ontario Canada, Minnesota, Ohio, Maryland, California, South Dakota, Arizona, Oregon, New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and New Jersey.  Oh and Pa.... My little town and the surrounding areas received a boost in their economy!

me, my daughter and my mother in law

I was completely unplugged yesterday so when the photographer gives the kids the files, I'll be able to share a few for you.  The day was filled with all sorts of emotions, the service was beautiful and the reception went well enough, there were glitches but only the few know about them.

the bridal bouquet

Today I had a luncheon for all of the families that were still in town, which ended up being quite relaxing.  We rented a tent and I served sandwiches and salads.  Oh and there is lots and lots of cake!
My freezer is stuffed and we will not be shopping for food any time soon.

How funny to be the "old" people at a gathering.  It seems like yesterday we were just getting married and were young and hip.  Now we watch another generation begin a life time together.

I am so glad that this coming week is super boring.
flowers from the rehearsal dinner

how was your weekend?

I hope to catch up with all of you over the week :)


  1. I bet it was simply a fairy tale affair!!!! You and your sister could be twins! The flowers are gorgeous....Rachel's dress beautiful....and you don't look the least bit stressed out!!! (of course, only a knitter needs to know.....did the shawl get put to use?)
    glad your upcoming week is going to be a gentle one. enjoy the aftermath....and not cooking!!! :)

  2. I was thinking about you. Hope there is a photo of the shawls! Congrats and I agree, it is exhausting but so lovely to be a part of our kids lives.

  3. Karen, you and your sister are just gorgeous!! No way you're the "old" people, you are still young and hip! Your daughter looks beautiful and I can't wait to see more photos! Enjoy a slower pace next week and take it easy.

  4. The wedding dress! Oh my, R looks like a princess and you and your sister are so beautiful Karen! I can't believe I have tears in my eyes. I am so happy that you have a son in law . It's kind of surreal to realize you're in a different group now isn't it? I still think of all of us as being young and hip!
    Enjoy a quiet and boring week my friend. My week is going to be hectic, it's the last full week Emerson is here.

  5. Beautiful photos Karen. You and your sister look amazing, and my goodness your daughter is stunning in her dress. I am so happy to hear it all went off well, and that you had a wonderful time celebrating your daughter and your new son in law.

    Here's to a week of rest, and quiet. xo

  6. Congratulations! I well remember that weekend of all kinds of emotions. You and your family look beautiful. Your daughter is a gorgeous bride. Be gentle with yourself this week. Take some time to put your feet up and savor the post wedding days.

  7. Wonderful pictures! I know that huge sense of relief when it's all over. Well done you! Your daughter was a beautiful bride, and I look forward to seeing more pictures. Enjoy your boring week! :-)

  8. Congratulations! What a beautiful bride!
    You and your sister do look like the young, cool people! That is a beautiful photo. Looking forward to seeing more.

  9. What a lovely bride! That photo with you, your daughter, and her mother in law all holding hands brings tears to my eyes. I wish the newlyweds health, happiness, and love, and I wish that you get caught up on your sleep during your super boring week!

  10. Oh, congrats! You all look amazing. Your daughter just looks like something out of a magazine. :-)

  11. Oh Karen...how wonderful!!! thank you for sharing all the beautiful faces from such a lovely and special day.
    Did Frodo make ring bearer??? xoxo

  12. Lovely photo of you and your sister and you together with the bride. We are having a great time on Vancouver Island.

  13. Thought about you all weekend and am just delighted to get to see a few pictures! You are no way old or un-hip, Karen (although I totally know how you feel -- haha!). Crazy, isn't it? Enjoy your slow week. I was exhausted after my Jessica's wedding...the hardest part was her empty bedroom. Sigh.
    xo Lisa

  14. Congratulations and lovely pictures!

  15. Congratulations - what a beautiful bride and you and your sister look gorgeous too. I bet you are looking forward to a relaxing few days. My weekend is on my blog. Joan at www.aviewtothefells.com

  16. Sounds like a wonderful, if tiring weekend. Such beautiful pictures.

  17. Congratulations! You and your sister look beautiful on that photo. I was so excited for you on the weekend Karen! Your daughter looks stunning!
    So, enjoy your "boring" week now, my friend. With lots of walks and knitting! Much love!

  18. Oh congratulations mother-in-law. You all look radiant, a beautiful family. Now you can put your feet up and relax...I know what you mean about being the older ones...I had the same feeling at a wedding two weeks ago...how time flies.
    Enjoy all the cake...

  19. How wonderful, congratulations to you all. You all looked beautiful, a truly radiant bride. So glad it all went well, put your feet up and enjoy a well deserved break.

  20. Congratulations! Your daughter is a beautiful bride, and you look gorgeous. I look forward to seeing more photos. Weddings are such happy times!

  21. The weekend looks like it was beautiful and memorable. Hope you take time to catch your breath and take care of you!

  22. What a great weekend! Can't wait to see more photos!

  23. Weddings are busy business. We had some glitches in ours but didn't know about the fight until the next day. Can't wait to see pictures!

  24. NOT as exciting as yours but good! Your daughter looks like a princess! Congrats to everyone and a successful event. Hope you have some nice relaxing days this week.

  25. Oh Karen, your daughter was such a beautiful bride! Congratulations to the happy couple. Lovely photos shared too :)

  26. From the moments pictured here, it looks like a wonderful, beautiful, exciting weekend! Your daughter looks beautiful, and that's a great picture of you and your sister!

  27. Congratulations to your daughter and new son in law!!!! So glad that it all went well! I hope that you got some time to enjoy it too. Your daughters dress and flowers are beautiful! Hope you have a lovely boring week ahead just as you wish it to be! xx

  28. Oh Karen, I was thinking about you this weekend and sending lots of good vibes for a beautiful day! Your daughter is gorgeous, I love her gown. And you look beautiful! You and your sister look so much alike! I am so glad that everything went well and that now you can breathe again. :) xx

  29. You are a great mother in law already! The day we found out my son was a boy, on ultrasound, I said, Ugh oh I'm going to be a mother in law to a girl some day! I hope to be a wonderful MIL. My father always treated inlaws like underlings. I plan to embrace them with the love of blood!

  30. Karen, your daughter is so beautiful (takes after her mum and aunt). I am so happy the wedding went well! Enjoy a restful week xx

  31. Your daughter looks beautiful - gorgeous gown! I'm sure you'll be happy for a few quiet days. Enjoy them.

  32. Best wishes to the beautiful bride and congratulations to you!

  33. Congrats! What an exciting weekend, can't wait to see more pictures! Have a wonderful week. :)

  34. You all look beautiful, especially the bride! Congrats. And go put your feet up (and knit). You earned it.

  35. Nice photos! Glad you had a good celebration. Congrats! You are entering a new life-phase, enjoy! And take some time now to relax!!!

  36. Congratulation! Your daughter was such a beautiful bride. And you looked gorgeous Karen! I can't wait to see more pictures (and I bet you are breathing a sigh of relief now that it's over).

  37. She looks so beautiful!! We had a wedding weekend too and as mother of flower girls I am so thankful we are home in normal life again. I hope you get extra rest this week now!

  38. I understand your relief at the end of all that work, but, oh my, what a gorgeous girl you have and you too! Enjoy your rest and the happy memories xxx

  39. Beautiful bride! Congratulations to the newlyweds!

  40. I'm so pleased to read that it all went well. I imagine you're exhausted now but for all the right reasons. Many, many congratulations to your daughter, her new husband, and all the rest of the family x

  41. Oh my gosh that dress! So beautiful! Congratulations to your daughter, wishing them every blessing for their marriage x

  42. So excited to catch up today and see that all went well for the wedding! I have thought about you often even in our own frenzy! Weddings are such emotional times. Best wishes and congratulations to the bride and groom! You were all BEAUTIFUL!! blessings and hugs ~ tanna


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