
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

How was your weekend?  Mine was electric (pun definitely intended..)  I enjoyed your comments and your experiences with living the hard life without comforts.  I was humbled by how some of you went weeks!!  Ugh! 

Every morning when I wake up I say to my husband "guess what?"  He is sleepy and slightly grumpy in the mornings so he says "what?" muffled and dazed.   I reply "I love my ELECTRICITY." Now you can imagine maybe an eyeroll from him or maybe a nod.  I kid you not.  I know one day I will get over the loss of electricity but it's still real.  We lost four days from Hurricane Sandy. Funny that this last 24 hour jaunt is the nudge we needed to get a generator.  Yes, a generator, finally.

I'm too old for the no electricity life.  So there.

I received, on Friday, a beautiful thoughtful package from winning a giveaway at Kimberley's blog creative chaos.  I was thrilled to get some fun mail and a squishy good skein of New Zealand wool!!!  I am so thankful for a lovely gift, thank you thank you thank you Kimberley :)

Yesterday, we went to a country knick knack store that was having a leap year sale and I found some new runners for my coffee table to cover up the water stains.  We could refinish the table, but I love trying to cover it up for now.  

Today, my friends came over for a knitting session and I loved being with them, knitting and talking.  As you might have guessed, the laundry is going, the kitchen needs to be cleaned up, then I'll make some tea and knit some more.

How was your weekend?


  1. What a beautiful yarn colour - it seems so spring-like! Perhaps knitting with bright colours will encourage the weather to warm up faster?

  2. hooray for electricity and knitting friends...and, yes, for the eye-rolling husbands ;)

  3. I am SO glad your power is back. We thankfully live next door to the power line repair guy. Whenever our power goes out, he fixes our street first.

    Knitting with friends is a favorite of mine that I rarely get to enjoy. I am glad you had the chance.The best!

  4. Our weekend was relaxing after 10 busy days in AZ. Lots of rain has welcomed us home, but the unseasonal warmth has brought out the daffodils and crocuses much earlier than usual.

  5. Sounds wonderful knitting with Friends. Glad you got the electricity back and wonderful to know that you now have a generator. I had some little visitors and lots of crochet an idyllic weekend.

  6. Good to hear your power is back on! That's a great parcel to win! Hope you have a good week.

  7. You will never be without electricity again :) What a lovely package to receive, the yarn is delicious. Have a great start to your week Karen.

  8. great package!!! (love that colour...yummy!!!) Daughter and SIL felt the same way about the electricity thing....and immediately got the generator, too, so I know we would have a place to go in a real emergency. But for now, I sort of look at it like playing yarn-chicken. I need some excitement occasionally, so...it might as well be storm-chicken! (Surprised we didn't have lines down yesterday---wind ALL day that you could hardly stand up in. So, what's with THAT? It left us a beautiful day today, though!!! ) Glad you now have peace of mind. Means a LOT!!!

  9. Love this yarn color! And I know how you feel about being grateful to such seemingly small things. I had such a busy weekend that it didn't really have time to recharge.

  10. Electricity is nice and having a generator will help when the big companies just can't do it.
    That is some very pretty yarn and I 'm so happy for you, now to see what you create.
    Have a great week my friend.

  11. I don't do well without electricity for very long myself. I'm so glad you got to spend some knitting time with friends!

  12. What a lovely coral color yarn win! Happy you got some happy mail!

  13. What a great gift box! I'm glad that you're finally getting a generator-and that it only took one day without power to tip you guys over the edge! Hopefully the next storm will be much more comfortable for you :)

  14. Ha! I love how you wake up declaring your love of electricity. Cute and funny. hehe. Thats a nice little winning package of loot you've got there. Enjoy :)

  15. What a fun package - I'm sure that felt uplifting after loosing power. I'm with you - I love electricity and all the great things that makes world so wonderful. I could deal without if I intently went camping:)

  16. No electricity! yikes
    I love you too electricity.. so very very much

  17. Love the color of that yarn! Can't wait to see what you make of it! :)

  18. The color of the yarn is beautiful! What a lovely giveaway you were lucky enough to win. We had some really nice weather this weekend and were able to spend time outside. Some to just enjoy and some to start getting yard/garden in order.

  19. Electricity is a wonderful thing...a little scary when you think about it...but wonderful!
    That lovely yarn just screams Spring-such a pretty color-what will it become?

  20. so happy you love my little package. Enjoy.

  21. A lovely weekend Karen, a parcel, a little shopping, time at home, time with friends and electricity...perfect! xx

  22. This skein is definitely a sign of spring. I like the salmon like colourway. Glad you haven't had to do w/out power again. In the city I would get frustrated when we'd have a black out and wouldn't know why.

  23. I love the colour of that wool and wonder what you're going to make with it.

    Where I live in the UK we've not had a power cut for more than a couple of hours since I was a child. My children love it when the power goes out occasionally in the evening and we have to get the candles out - I don't think it would be so much fun if we had to go for days without though.


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