Relaxing and Resting

Can you see three deer?  One of them is awfully shy, the other two?  They are brazen, they stand and stare me down and scoff at Frodo who desperately wants to catch one of them.  They think he is ridiculous, and I think he is a positive dog who seeing the glass half full.  A great way to think.

Yesterday, I heard him barking out in the backyard and just knew there was a garter snake refusing to move.  Again, it's a stand off, so I call Frodo back inside to give the snake some peace and time to hide. Fifteen minutes usually does the trick.

This past week was kind of crazy on the health front.  My theory is a simple one, my one medication for inflammation was changed (I requested it...) and that just set me up for my body going bonkers with an RA flare up.

On Wednesday morning, I called my RA doctor who called me back within the hour.  I am now on a course of prednisone and back on the old tried and true anti-inflammatory drug I do well on.  What a crazy week though.  I was unable to grasp or lift anything (like a book!) without some kind of pain.

I am now mostly pain free and quite happy on my drugs.  I know this is transitory so I've been relaxing and resting and reading and yes, I am knitting in spurts and bits.  I know some of you are on Instagram and I thank you for your kind words and thoughts.

I did settle on the PERFECT Avenue Travel tote bag which I ordered last week and it arrived this week.  I searched everywhere local in brick and mortar stores and nothing met my expectations. This bag is a great size and has plenty of pockets for an organizational freak like myself.

 Oh, and for those of you who want to know what the PERFECT knitting tote bag is, well I love my Vera Bradley Vera Tote. I mainly love how lightweight the bag is so I can stuff as much knitting into it.

 So there you go, I've enabled you immensely :)

Today I hope to be winding up some yarn (waiting for my wrist and hand to cooperate!) and starting some new projects over the weekend.  Wishing you a wonderful weekend!!


  1. I'm glad you have Frodo to protect you from wildlife! I'm also glad that you are beginning to recover from this awful flare up. RA is difficult to deal with, especially for a wonderful knitter like you. Wishing you much less pain, more knitting, and a Happy Mother's Day!

  2. I find it so funny that Frodo can be so persistent with standing off with a snake! Haha! I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. Chronic pain is so hard sometimes. It can definitely be discouraging.

  3. I'm sorry it has been a rough week for you. Hopefully you'll feel all better soon!

  4. Good luck with your meds, I hope you continue to improve.
    What color Avenue Travel tote did you choose? So many great colors . . .

    1. charcoal, however I was highly attracted to the lime green one. BUT my spring jacket is red and I thought I'd look like Christmas with both on.....Hence the charcoal - but the inside is lined with bright deep PINK :) so it hits my need for bold.

  5. I am glad that you managed to get your meds resolved and that you are feeling a little better, I do know how hard it can be. Beautiful photo of the deer, how wonderful.

  6. So sorry your health has been wonky and you've been in pain. I hope that going back on the old medicine does the trick. It has to be so frustrating to have RA and love knitting!
    That is a great bag. I've looked at Vera Bradley but worry about the fabric getting dirty or worn. Or maybe I'm just a slob?

  7. Love the dogwoods. Thank you for the link to the bag, which is a perfect size and, yes, all the pockets!
    I hope your pain continues to ease. Prednisone has made a difference for me, but the cause is still unknown.

  8. Must you tempt us with such lovely offerings! I have more knitting totes than I know what to do with!! I can't justify one more, I mean it. Well, maybe if it's the perfect bag? LOL

  9. Oh man, I'm sorry the meds didn't work out and I thought they did after that change? Frodo is one brave dog.

  10. Happy you have a new tote to tote! Happy your steroids helped. THey are powerful powerful drugs and IM glad .

  11. I am sorry to hear that you have had a bad flare up this week. I hope you will be able to knit again soon. Funny, I am contemplating making a tote type bag for carrying knitting around in ;).

  12. Sounds like Frodo has a lot to keep him busy. I hope you're on the mend and the meds settle things down soon. I looked at that Vera Bradley tote just last weekend.

  13. I hope your pain continues to ease and that you have a good weekend.

  14. You are so wise to rest and regroup. I hope the pain continues to ease and you can wind some yarn. The dogwood flowers are lovely and peaceful.

  15. So sorry to hear you have had a rough week Karen, but glad to hear things are getting better. Rest is the best thing. Take care of yourself, and enjoy your weekend. Happy Mother's Day.

  16. Yay for new projects! So glad you're feeling better. :)

  17. So incredibly sorry to hear about your pain. You don't deserve that.

  18. Hope by now you're more comfortable so that you can celebrate Mother's Day in style.
    Hugs! Nice deer photo; that third one is pretty well hidden but I found it!

  19. I am sorry you had health problems! I hope you are doing much better now... Have a great Sunday!

  20. How miserable to have to deal with RA, Karen. I am so sorry and am sending you love and quick healing wishes.
    I did chuckle about the brazen deer thinking lovely Frodo is ridiculous. They just don't know him like we do. :)

  21. So pleased you have your health back on track and I hope you have enjoyed a lovely weekend. Bless Frodo, he is so protective! Wishing you a lovely week ahead xx

  22. Karen, so happy to read that your meds are bringing you some relief from your RA! Thanks for the bag tips, Rob and I are traveling to Italy next month and the traveler bag is exactly what I have been looking for! I will definitely be ordering one! xx

  23. Chronic Pain does suck the life from one. It really helps that you have a doctor who understands and helps. Good luck with your recovery. I'm about to send myself into the land of pain flare. We are scheduled to receive a GM Econoline Van stuffed to the gills with stuff from my parents. I'm going to get to be one of the main unloaders. I hope I can knit after tomorrow.


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