Where I Went

Last weekend my husband and I drove north to the Endless Mountain fiber festival for the day.  I was unable to attend last year due to his dad passing and our trip up to Canada for a gravesite service.
I was excited to once again return to this small but exciting event.

Two years ago when I attended my sister and brother in law were with us and we had so much fun.  This year, I focused on enhancing my stash with what was lacking.  I steered away from alpaca (for no particular reason, I have it in stash).  I was interested in natural unprocessed fibers or unusual fiber blends.

This is what I bought:

yakity-yak wool by Skirted Fleece Mill
summer breeze by Gurdy Run Woolen Mill
two skeins of mohair blends by Holly Road Fiber Farm

I hope to have these entered into my Ravelry stash soon.

Of course, I'm itching to start something new, but I need to finish a few projects already started.  

We had a quick packed lunch on a bench (I wasn't feeling too great because of the preschooler sharing her preschool viruses).  I soaked in the quiet beauty of being in the country.  It was a beautiful day!


  1. Sounds like a lovely time! I hope you are feeling better!

  2. Small festivals are the best and you brought home some lovely yarn!

  3. That is lovely yarn! And I'm always on board with pictures of animals. :-)

  4. I Love a good fiber show, which is usually all fiber shows I attend. Your choices are beautiful! Hope you feel better soon! Littles are such petri dishes for viruses, ugh.

  5. Sounds (and looks) like such a nice Festival. Glad you were able to go, but sorry you weren't feeling all that great. Hopefully by now the crud has gone. Lovely additions to your stash!

  6. Sounds like a fun festival. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  7. Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well, I hope you are feeling a little better now. Your yarn looks lovely looking forward to seeing what you make with it!

  8. Feel better soon! It looks like you found some pretty treasures at the fiber festival and will be fun to see what you do with them.

  9. those sheep!! wool is the best. always! (well, unless it's a silk/cashmere blend ;-) I love that photo of your husband on the bench. has me thinking I might be able to get Charlie to a fiber event next summer!

    hope you're feeling better! glad it's the weekend and you have LONG break from the preschool germs!

  10. A joy to see the sheep what an amazing festival. Hope you feel better soon.

  11. Those colors are beautiful! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  12. The yarn is beautiful. How nice to be close to some small fall fiber festivals. Feel better - those viruses can be nasty.

  13. It sounds like a beautiful day. Hope you are feeling better now and love your new yarn.


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