

My weekend was really nice, calm and relaxing. I spent most of each day reading both fiction and non-fiction. I usually sit on the patio and watch the birds come to the feeders. I'm reading 'Full Catastrophe Living' by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It's going to be a long time before I finish this book, it is huge!

Friday evening we went over to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner and a quick board game. Saturday was lots of reading and enjoying being outside with Frodo, who by the way, seems to be adjusted to our new home. He loves to sit outside and watch the world go by and he is barking less. Sunday was more reading along with those pesky chores (laundry and cleaning). I watched Mass on You-Tube in the afternoon. 

How was your weekend?


  1. I am back to watching worship as well. It feels more comfortable right now. I love the cover of that book!

  2. I'm glad you had a relaxing weekend, and I'm also envious. My weekend was full of heavy lifting, moving, putting together furniture, and some unpacking. But it's finally done!

  3. Your weekend sounded idyllic until you mentioned laundry. Although, I am one of those people who actually enjoys doing the laundry. My weekend was filled with knitting, a baby shower, and laundry as well as Mass on TV. So glad Frodo is adjusting so well. That didn't take him very long.

  4. That is a great book cover. Sounds like the perfect way to spend the weekend.
    Our entire weekend was rained out.

  5. My weekend was great and it sounds like you had a good one too. How is Holly adjusting??? Or not???

  6. The cover of that book is making me go look it up :-).

  7. With my neck in a collar, I can't say I had a very exciting weekend. I am very lucky in that my friends have been taking turns visiting me, so I get a visitor a day. So, I can't complain!

  8. That view, that book, Frodo adjusting, and dinner at your sister's sounds like the perfect weekend!

  9. What a nice weekend. We walked Sat and Sun a.m. Just for Saturday morning, the air was cool and felt like fall. I savored every step. Sunday we watched worship and that evening we went to our great niece's birthday party. She was 2. It was nice to see some family.

  10. So glad you had a restful and relaxing weekend. That book looks interesting. It's so great that you can get together with your sister more. Hope the week is going well.

  11. Hi Karen,
    ...that does sound like a nice weekend...it's so nice to be close to family...
    ~have a lovely day!

  12. Watering watering watering. Some good friends drove up and we hiked the mansion traiil Iwas tuckered out socially!

  13. Very calm, much like yours but crocheting and not reading. Stay safe.

  14. It always goes by too fast. Made myself hit the cardio but more of mellow/no incline walks on the treadmill while blasting my tunes away.

  15. Perfect weekend! Dinner with friends here and it's so hot, so we had waterballoons for the kids...even I had so much fun.

  16. That book looks interesting and sounds like it was a great weekend!


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