

How was your weekend?

First off I'd like to announce we had our first snow of the season. This knitter was quite pleased and the snow event occurred both Saturday and Sunday - sweet! 

Over the weekend I managed to finish the cross stitch holiday ornament, I just need to glue some felt on the back side and find where my ribbons are (I think I know where they are but moving makes everything wonky with memory).

Yesterday's morning walk was quite chilly so Frodo wore his coat under his harness, he is so trendy! Someone handmade this coat many many years ago for when our previous dog, Zoe, was a pup. She never wore it for long and then I tucked it into the back of the hall closet. Last year I unearthed it and trained him to wear it (he stands frozen like a statue with coats....) because he shivers a lot as an older dog.

Of course I did a ton of knitting this weekend but more on that on Wednesday. Tell me about your weekend!


  1. Hi - I used to read your blog years ago and just started reading again…I saw you are making the Peekaboo mitts and I am currently making a pair too…nice easy knit…looking forward to reading your blogs again - Jen

  2. Love your ornament - so cute! And snow!! We had hail, but no snow. Frodo is adorable in his trendy coat. My weekend was good...not enough knitting or stitching, but I got some messy chores completed.

  3. That is a lovely ornament, and I'm inspired to try a few of my own. My weekend was filled with the usual chores and travel back and forth to NJ and MD, but I'm excited about staying in NJ all next week!

  4. Oh I love that little ornament - nice work! And Frodo looks quite dashing in his fancy coat.

  5. Oh snow! We are not ready for that just yet. But happy that you are happy. Frodo looks very dapper.

  6. I did a lot of knitting but I pulled away from that to work on a couple of afghans for my nephews. I hope to have them finished by Christmas. We will see.

  7. I did a lot of knitting but I pulled away from that to work on a couple of afghans for my nephews. I hope to have them finished by Christmas. We will see.

  8. What a sweet little ornament. Frodo looks very dapper in his plaid jacket. We had a snowflake or two in the air on a cold windy day. I am happy for soup weather.

  9. I love the ornament you made. Frodo looks so warm and comfy in his little jacket. We had a warm weekend, but colder temps and some snow is expected later on this week. Have a good one!

  10. I love that Frodo matches your gorgeous burning bush. Ours were spectacular this year as well!

    That ornament is just too cute!

  11. Love your finished cross stitch ornament and Frodo looks so cute in his plaid coat. Yeah for snow, hope you were able to enjoy it.

  12. Love that ornament and that you trained Frodo to wear a coat. Holly's coats go over her harness, She doesn't mind them when she's outside, and will even wear them inside, as long as there's no harness. It still seems really early for snow, and I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

  13. Hi Karen,
    ...I love your truck ornament...and that red bush is amazing...Jack has a little plaid coat like that one...it'll be time to get it out soon...
    ~Have a lovely day!


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