

Well would you look at that! Snow! I'd say it's about six inches or so and we are still getting some more. Luckily for me I have a warm house and all the knitting. How was your weekend?

I enjoyed lots of reading and knitting and cross stitching. My sister and brother in law came over for dinner Friday night and we played a few rounds of a board game. Saturday morning I was out with my sister doing some shopping (nothing exciting was bought). I'm enjoying being a homebody as I do whenever I travel and come home. 

How was your weekend?


  1. It's very pretty as long as you don't have to drive in it or shovel it! My weekend was full of communications with our real estate agent (good), snow, sleet, and freezing rain (not so good).

  2. The snow looks so pretty. I always loved being outside when it was falling. Everything got so quiet and peaceful. It was one if my favorites times living in PA.

  3. The snow is so lovely this morning! Stay warm!

  4. Your snow looks beautiful. We had some...then rain which washed it all away...now a little snow again. Messy to say the least. My weekend was good - filled with meeting up with Dee, knitting and stitching and reading. All the good things!

  5. So glad you get to get together a lot with your sister and brother-in-law. That is great. My sisters live so far away, so I don't see or hear from them often. You sure have a lot of snow and it is beautiful as long as you can stay warm inside and just look out at it. Our snow is all gone and I don't know if we will even get any more. No snow in the forecast here. Have a great week. Enjoy staying close to home. We are being homebodies this week too and school has gone online for a week. See you again soon.

  6. That's pretty much how our backyard looked a couple of weeks ago. Very nice to look at but also very nice to be able to stay home. Hope it melts soon like ours did! Until then, get lots of knitting done.

  7. Sounds like a lovely weekend Karen. I love your photo of the snow, so beautiful!

  8. Yeah for snow, and yeah for snow for you. Now that I am aware that you have moved, I missed that bit of your life not blog reading much last year. I know how much you yearned for snow at your old house. I am glad to hear that you had a homebody weekend, they are always good ones. I was busy being ill, I spent all weekend in bed. I am feeling much better now but on the slow, gentle road to recovery.

  9. Your snow is so pretty. We had blizzard conditions for about 45 minutes then sleet for an hour or two then massive, massive amounts of rain. Glad you had pretty things to stitch.

  10. Look at all that snow! Katie's in-laws an hour north of us had a similar view yesterday morning. Thankfully, we didn't!

  11. I am very happy to stay in and nap, and tidy up and knit. Fireman is much busier by nature . i have convinced him to try to nap and fezzik a1ways comes a1ong. I miss the barn and the good use of our time but we cannot chance any horse spooking and causing us to fa11. FIreman's just hearing now and a set back would be devastating
    I remind myself that by doing nothing, I' am actua11y doing something.

  12. The snow is beautiful. We had a little last Friday but it's mostly melted by today. Quiet weekend here - we are sticking close to home because of the Omicron surge. I finished plying a little handspun yarn and mended an old quilt.

  13. I think it's so neat how snow piles up like that, the shape of what it sits upon. I haven't cross stitched in ages, but of course these are detailed and big patterns.


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