
Good morning!

How was your weekend? Mine was busy and wonderful. We had a small family gathering yesterday to celebrate Easter and I'm still recovering for the 'busy'. I had a wonderful time. My husband and I also zoomed/face-timed our kids over the weekend and it was nice to see them even though we are miles apart. I can't wait to see them all again, it's getting time to plan some trips.

I managed to NOT take one photo over the weekend so here's some from this Monday morning. My dogwoods are about to bloom and I hope they can manage to survive the sleet and snow that is coming today and tomorrow. (Eep!!) I'm ignoring all wintry weather, in my heart it's springtime.

How was your weekend?


  1. Pretty pansies! The weather is nuts!! I walked yesterday and could have used gloves and an ear band or hat. It was COLD. And two days before that it was 80! Today is another cold one. My weekend was filled with domestic chores (sorry to say, but glad to have them completed).

  2. I spent time doing a little bit here and there in the garden. I’m trying to revive my rosemary but I think we ravaged it a bit too much last year. I also have a couple of pots with dahlia bulbs that I’m trying to start, fingers crossed! It’s pouring rain today and I have the day off, so I think it’s gonna be knitting and dog snuggles today.

  3. Oh no, not snow! We've had sunny weather on the East coast of England UK. A few chilly moments with a sea breeze but overall nice weather. We spent the Easter break with my son & his girlfriend popping to see us. Church on Sunday was good to see the return of a friend visiting, she hopes to stay at the church for a while... see what the new minister is like. We've just advertised for a new one at the moment, the previous one left to retire.

  4. This weather is crazy! in the 80s last week, but 40s and snow this week. It's a good thing for you to ignore the sleet and snow and stay inside. Spring should be here soon, hopefully, to stay this time!

  5. It is cold and windy hear, but thankfully no snow. I am glad you enjoyed your Easter weekend.

  6. We had snow last week and rain and cool temps over the weekend but today it is sunny and up to 70. Spring will eventually come to stay. So glad you had a nice weekend. :-)

  7. Your basket of yellow pansies is very sweet. I'm going to remember your line - "it's springtime in my heart." We had a few minutes of snow on Easter Sunday - crazy. I'm glad you had a nice weekend. We went to brunch with my husband's family. It was nice to see them but I felt a little ill at ease in such a crowded buffet. Yikes.

  8. Hi Karen,
    ...I hope you hade a Happy Easter...our dogwoods are blooming now...but it's been really chilly again...and rainy too...oh well such is April...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  9. Happy Easter! We had a lovely weekend in the UK - chilly but warm enough at times to enjoy being outside. I too managed to not take one photograph over the Easter weekend!

  10. I love that you were in the moment and did not take any photos, that is me too. I am glad to hear that you had a lovely Easter. I hope you can get to take your trip to see your children soon x

  11. Our weekend was quiet. A tiny ham for us and a good chat with our kids .

  12. I love your gazebo space; that'd be perfect to knit, read, doodle in.


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