

How was your weekend?

Friday night my husband and I had dinner on the patio, it was fantastic! The weather was perfect. Over the weekend, I've battled the bullying blue jays at the feeder who were over-eating, fighting with each other and not letting any other birds at the feeder. My feeder has a setting so that I can exclude by weight which is what I did on Saturday.

Now I'm battling with my guilt that they cannot eat. But there was so much fighting going on! It's like recess at the playground, someone has to ruin it for everyone.

I also have a multitude of red squirrels and chipmunks that stand at the bottom and pray for a seed to drop, their prayers are mostly answered. Oh and I saw the raccoon again this time at 8:30 p.m. so now the feeder comes inside the house at 6:30 p.m. The bird feeder is squirrel proof but not raccoon proof.

The main point is that I am grateful there is NOT a bear like at our old home!!

I wound up some lovely green yarn for our grandson's Christmas sweater that I will be casting on today (hopefully). We have lots of home improvements going on in the next two weeks (insulation, chimney repair and a new roof and gutters). So it's going to be noisy and messy. My main focus is to make sure Holly doesn't escape and that Frodo doesn't bark incessantly.

How was your weekend?


  1. I'm thankful you don't need to worry about bears either! Pretty green yarn for your grandson's Christmas sweater. What pattern will you be knitting? Good luck with the animals during home repairs!!

  2. This weekend we had the usual birds at the feeder and the usual squirrels under the feeder, but I was surprised to look out and see a fox under the feeder. I'm also wishing you good luck with Holly and Frodo and that you get a few moments of peace from the noise of the roof replacement.

  3. Hello. Home repair/improvement projects are never fun while they are going on, but oh how nice to have them done. I love the color of the yarn you are using for your grandson's Christmas sweater. I am looking forward to having a backyard I can put a bird feeder again (next summer), but I do enjoy watching the little hummingbirds who come to the feeder on my back patio. I hope you have a good week, and that all the repair projects go off without a hitch. See you again soon!

  4. Those Blue Jays are so naughty. They raid nests here in the winter and destroy eggs before being hatched. So naughty. You al fresco dining looks lovely. I feel for you and your home improvements. We are finally done with ours for a while. But it is noisy and stirs up so much dust and dirt. My barking dog settled after about 10 minutes when he realized the noise was going to be happening for quite a while. Goodluck with your two fur babies.

  5. what a great idea to get started in JUNE on that Christmas sweater! I had a way more hectic than usual weekend and am enjoying some chill, catching up time today.

  6. How fun to knit a Christmas sweater for your grandson. Feeding the birds and the squirrels is a balance. Blue jays are characters. Best of luck with all the home improvement. Getting a new roof is a noisy proposition but nice to have it done.

  7. We just had an order of R21 insulation delivered from Home Depot yesterday! It was a lot, maybe 15 bundles.
    Dining outside is one thing I love about summer. Is thar a gazebo I see in the back?

  8. How lovely to be eating outside, it is not quite warm enough to do that in the evenings here yet, but many midday meals (we call them dinner here) have been eaten outside for a while now on those days when it is warm and not wet.

    I had to look up blue jays as we don't have them here they are beautiful looking birds, I am guessing they are big. They sound like our crows, rooks and jackdaws in their behaviour, they often monopolise my neighbours feeders in the same way. She has resorted to putting out old CDS around the feeders which seems to be putting off the bigger birds.


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