
Showing posts with the label socks

The Quiet

  Hello! How are you?  After a week of dry hot weather, we finally had some rain. Our area is still behind in rain accumulation but the bit we had helped a lot. Frodo and I walk early in the mornings before the sun has a chance to be intense. I've flipped my whole morning routine around so I can get some exercise.  I'm enjoying the quiet this week. Nothing going on and oodles of time to read or knit. I started a pair of gift socks only to rip it all out and start over again. They were too big?! I love when I make rookie mistakes, it's humbling.  Frodo had his vet recheck. He is doing much better and clinically has minimal symptoms, but his liver is still wonky, but not alarmingly wonky. I'm grateful his symptoms are under control once more and he acts like his old self (annoying at times, lol). He will see the vet again in October when he is FIFTEEN years old. He hates the vet and lets her know it. I've been exercising more in the house and incorporating more streng

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? There is something so satisfying as to be knitting a wool sweater during an oppressive heat wave. I know it's crazy, but it's true. I feel so defiant! I've been enjoying this knit and the promise of cooler weather in my future. Also if you know me, you know that I love to knit with thin wool, so knitting with worsted weight wool feels fast and furious! I finished the mini leg warmers a few days ago. I did not enjoy knitting these because the yarn kept splitting. They are a gift that I believe will be well received.  What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? On Saturday, my local family arrived for a picnic at my house. We sat outside for about an hour then headed indoors because the heat became too much. Most of Saturday morning, I got ready for the picnic. I'm so grateful that family brought dishes to share which made my work in the kitchen manageable. After everyone left, I had the house put back together again before I went to bed. Did I take a photo? Nope. I was in the moment! On Sunday morning, I went to 7:30 am Mass then came home to do one load of laundry since I did much of the laundry the day before my work was easy. I rested the whole afternoon and evening. I read a ton and knitted a little bit.  As you can see, I am knitting the sweater and I still have that last leg warmer to finish up. It will be done today! 

Knitting News

  How are you? What have you been working on this week? My knitting has been slow since the weekend. Above is a photo of the leg warmers for my mother in law. They are coming along nicely. I cannot wait to be finished with this project so I can start a new project. I have yet to decide what the new project is but you will be the first to know. Frodo was unwell again, hence the lack of knitting time. However, we are on the road to solutions for him. I have great difficulty getting an appointment with his regular vet because of their limited hours and the days they are opened. On Monday, I successfully obtained an appointment and he received a thorough examination. He has a history of a wonky liver for the past four years without symptoms (schnauzer thing) and it is flaring up and causing symptoms now. That is why he is having repeated bouts of diarrhea and un-wellness. The vet has a medicine treatment plan for him and is quite confident we can get him back to his regular self. We have

Knitting News

  Good morning! It's a steamy hot day today and I'm sitting inside loving the AC, also I am grateful I have AC. My knitting update isn't very exciting. We had company over the weekend and yesterday I spent the whole day recovering from a brief (but painful) stomach virus. I'm fine now but all I did was nap on and off the entire day. I also slept great through the night! The leg warmers for my mother in law are coming along nicely. I am nearing the end of the stockinette part of the first leg warmer. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was wonderful. I enjoyed having a healthy dog and all the benefits of a healthy dog. Frodo finished his medications on Sunday morning. We are back to walking daily, not as far as in the colder weather but still a nice walk. I walk him a little bit, take him back to the house then I finish my walk on my own. I love having my walking buddy back! Both Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I knit some and read some. I try my best to make my weekends feel like weekends with lots of relaxation. On Sunday morning, I attended 7:30 AM Mass while my husband and brother in law worked on replacing the deck stairs.  Below is a photo of calf (leg?) warmers (?). My mother in law requested socks with no feet to keep her calves warm in the winter. So I'm making a pair of socks with no feet - this should be a speedy knit. How was your weekend?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? How's the crafting been going for you? I am surprised that I finished these pair of socks amidst the stress of Frodo's illness, but when you are sitting with a dog for long periods of time you end up with some knitting time. These socks are the last pair I'm knitting for my husband, but they are not the last pair of socks that I am knitting. I will be making some pairs of socks for holiday gifts this year. While the yarn was nice to work with in my hands, I did not like the super long repeat of colors and I found the colors too muted for my liking.  In other news, Frodo is back to his old annoying self! He is slightly thinner than before and maybe a tiny bit fatigued. He is still on many medicines until the weekend but we are thrilled to see him acting like his usual self. Thank you for all the well wishes! He felt them and I am grateful for them. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning lovely people! How are you today? My knitting has come to a screeching halt this week because after we picked up Frodo from the kennel on Friday evening, he started with unrelenting diarrhea and we were on 24/7 nursing care. We took him to a vet practice on Saturday morning and the medicines they prescribed did not work. Yesterday morning I drove him 50 minutes up north (as opposed to going south towards the city) and he was seen at an emergency vet hospital that has 24/7 nursing care. He was admitted for dehydration and I was so glad!!  He is expected to make a full recovery.  My socks are coming along, I even knit another inch after I snapped the photo above. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? My knitting has been on fantastic. I continue to limit how much time I spend on my knitting so I avoid and prevent a wrist flare coming back. I have been quite successful. Since I'm limiting the amount of time I knit, my progress is slow. The socks are coming along nicely. Today I should be at the heel flap and once I turn a heel the rest is down hill for me. I swore these were the last pair of socks but I will be making more just not for my husband. I a few people I could knit socks for the holidays. I'm still thinking about it. The lace scarf  (which is a holiday gift) is growing! I love to sit and do a few repeats each day mid morning. I cannot do anything else since it's lacework so it's meditative for me. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

 Well, look at that! I am on the second sock . We had a lovely getaway and I came back home Monday. I am still playing the great catch up game that I always do when I arrive home. On Friday I will post about our long weekend. For now I am focusing on this second sock and this will probably be the last pair of socks for my husband for quite a while. (unless I change my mind!). These will not match and I have come to peace with that. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you all doing on this fine Wednesday morning. My knitting has been minimal but I am slowly plugging away on this sock (still on the first one but oh so close to the toe shaping). The above photo makes the color-way look much better than it does in real life. Once these socks are finished, I will be taking a break from knitting socks for my husband.  I have family visiting this week and so I am planning a blog break until next week. Adventuring takes a lot of time as I age, ha ha.  What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  While I was visiting my grandchildren last week, I did not knit one blessed stitch! (and interestingly the residual wrist pain is gone....) So all the progress you see on this first sock  is from Sunday evening til now. So far, I am not loving the color-way of this skein but maybe I'll change my mind. I do love the way it feels in my hand though. Also, I'm not sure if there is a repeat in the color-way so these will probably not be matchy-matchy socks. That will be hard for me to accept, I do thrive on socks matching. What are you working on this week?

Swizzle Socks

  Good morning! I finished another pair of socks for my husband and promptly cast on another pair. I enjoyed this colorway but, gosh, it was a challenge to match the two socks up (but I did a good job!). Once I am done filling his sock drawer, I will be thrilled to be knitting other projects that are on my mind. I should write down my ideas so I do not forget. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Yet again, I had a nice quiet (boring) weekend - I'm just stringing them along one after the other. Yesterday we put away the snow shovel so maybe there will be some snow (ha ha ha). We also set up the back patio for the warmer weather because the awning company will be here this week to install my clean, mended and newly waterproofed awning. I am excited!  Besides daily walks with Frodo in our neighborhood and going to Mass on Sunday morning, I took it easy. We popped into the library on Saturday so I could borrow the 14th book of the Ruth Galloway series by Elly Griffiths. I read this last year so I need to refresh my memory before I read the final (15th) book of the series.  Of course I did a bit of sock knitting and I continue to protect my wrist from over-doing it. I am so happy with my progress on the socks and in the wrist protection. It's a double win!

The Rain

  There has been so much rain this week. There are times when I am out on my daily walk with Frodo and I wonder why I'm happy, then decide it's because the sun is out. This week, I'm wondering why I feel blue, well - it's because of the endless gloomy skies. Sure the sun comes out at the end of the day and I do appreciate it but I like some sunshine sprinkled in with the rain, please. This week the trees have been sprouting and the green sheen can be seen wherever you go. I like this part of springtime - the newness and the green-ness, it pairs perfectly with Easter and rebirth. How are you? How's your week been?  I continue to work on his socks for no more than one hour at a time. This approach seems to be the sweet spot of knitting without any wrist pain. Earlier in the week, I pulled out my sketchbook and did some abstract sketching and painting. I really enjoyed myself. I mostly read when I'm not knitting. I have a shawl blocking in the laundry room and I pl

Knitting News

  I continue to take it easy when it comes to knitting. Most evenings I work on these socks for my husband. I am on the second one! I'm excited about that. I limit myself to one hour a day on double pointed needles just to be extra cautious in babying my wrists. I believe this is working for me since I continue to improve. What are you working on?


 Good morning! How was your weekend? I'm sitting in my kitchen watching the sun try its best to shine among the clouds. Today is going to be a beautiful day and I am going to be outside in it. My weekend was great. I cannot believe its Holy Week already and yet I am ever so ready for Easter. I mailed the kids their packages last week and the only thing left to do this week is make a rice salad on Saturday for dinner at my sister's house on Sunday.  My wrists are greatly improved and my knitting is back as usual (with me being careful). I forgot about my wrists yesterday morning while plunging a plugged drain and irritated the right wrist. Lesson has been learned!! Besides going to Mass on Sunday, nothing exciting happened which is the way I love my weekends.


  Good morning! How are you doing? Life has been quite nice around here.  First of all, thank you for the well wishes, they worked! I am gingerly knitting and have minimal wrist pain. Slow and steady wins the race, so they say. I am learning to have patience. Yesterday, my husband and I went to the science museum early in the morning to see the titanic exhibit. The exhibit was nice and informative but the crowd was not nice. I am not a fan of crowds and I especially do not like being near people who are sneezing (and NOT covering their mouths....). Goodness! We toured the exhibit and quickly left. The science museum is our least favorite because of this reason. I did not have the patience I clearly needed. Once we were home, I snuggled with Frodo and did a few rows of knitting. I also enjoyed reading my book. I am on the 13th book (out of 15) of the Ruth Galloway mysteries by Elly Griffiths. I read number 14 first over a year ago and will probably read it again before the last book, ju

Knitting News

  My knitting news is minimal! The arthritis flare in my wrists has greatly improved but it's because I've significantly decreased the amount of time I've been knitting. I started these pair of socks over the weekend but then switched my limited knitting attention to some simple dishcloths for Easter gifts. I keep my knitting time to about one hour a day, sometimes a little more with lots of stretches and breaks. I am grateful that I am getting better each and every single day! What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you all doing? I finished the socks on Monday night and already started another pair of socks the same evening. He is proudly wearing these socks which makes me happy. I do not know how much knitting I will be getting done because I'm in the middle of an arthritis flare in my wrists. I wish I could be patient but alas, I am not.  I'm doing my best to knit briefly and then take a rest.  What are you working on this week?