

This is the third weekend in a row that we have family plans. This weekend, our daughter and son in law are visiting us from Massachusetts, we haven't seen them since last September. I've been busy planning a family gathering on Saturday night and meals to make while trying to keep it simple. 

Finally! I snapped a photo of the birth sampler project for grand baby girl number two. I work on this an hour a day and really love how easy it is. First of all I can see it (big win) and second of all there's little to no backstitching. 


  1. Love the kitty in the sampler!! Enjoy your daughter & SIL's visit.

  2. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

  3. I really love the birth sampler. What a lovely keepsake gift for your new granddaughter. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. See you again soon!

  4. Family gatherings are the best, aren't they? Love that sampler; it will be cherished by that new grand baby.

  5. the sampler is lovely! congratulations on the new grand baby and i hope you have a wonderful visit with your family.
    love & magicks

  6. That sampler is coming right along! (and that black cat is too cute!) Enjoy your family-full weekend!

  7. I love the birth announcement. How cute. Enjoy your family visit.

  8. Enjoy your visit with your daughter and son-in-law. The sampler is very sweet. I have samplers my Mom stitched for my two children.


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