Knitting Mania


Along with sock knitting mania comes some lovely time sitting and enjoying the afternoons. I didn't have classroom classes this week but still had Tai Chi. Next week we have a break from all classes then I start back up the following week for the second half of the spring semester. One of the best decisions I've ever made is doing these classes. I've met lovely people and I do enjoy absorbing knowledge.

Spring is in full force here. The birds are singing away and this weekend the clocks go forward one hour. My body has already done the time change, I've been getting up at 4:30 a.m. like a crazy person. I just go with it. Frodo is ready to go to bed at 7:30 p.m. at night. Holly doesn't do time changes, I guess.

I'm on the second sock and of course with my sock knitting mania I have some wrist pain from my arthritis condition. I guess I have to ease up a bit? Double pointed needles have that way about them for me, and I am going to look into flexi-flips and see if that is something that would be a benefit. I do not like two circs nor do I like magic loop.... (I know I am so picky!). I do have teeny tiny circs that I could try again. I think I have a death grip on the double pointed needles. Switching from metal needles to wooden ones has helped immensely but I guess I've got to experiment some more.

Of course I could limit my knitting time, but where is the fun in that?


  1. I'm already wondering what time I'll wake up after the time change, and how I'll feel. I do not like to spring ahead!

  2. The bird song is more boisterous every morning and I love it! I will see how the time change rolls around here... Steve has been grousing about it for weeks. (He is a Master Complainer!) I seem to remember that I had a few days of struggle last fall... I am hopeful that sleep is not upset too much!

    Likewise, I have tried socks on *all the needles* and I prefer wooden dpns. They are nicest on my hands! Have a great weekend!

  3. The Spring ahead usually impacts me a bit...not so much the Fall behind...but really, I wish we could just do away with changing clocks. I use wooden DPN and love them. I bought a tiny circular needle to try, but found it way too awkward for me (maybe my hands are too big?). Every time you mention your classes I have Tai Chi Envy! LOL

  4. We will see if the time change affects Giroux. The fall back on sure did. He was looking for his supper way too early. LOL

  5. Love the message with your tea bag. I'm sorry about your wrists. I'm sure you will figure out another solution rather than limiting your knitting time. :) xx

  6. What a sweet mug. It is hard to limit the knitting time. I hope you find something that works for you. I think Spring ahead is harder for me than Fall Back.

  7. It's hard to believe that the time is changing already. I agree, wooden needles are really nice; I've been using some metal ones lately and realizing how much better I prefer the wood one. Enjoy spring for us! It snowed/hailed here earlier this week; however, today the thermometer says 51 which is a big change from the thirties!

  8. Sock knitting I started with dpns, then small circular needles but found as I knit so tight using those, I end up stabbing myself. I love the magic loop, yes it's tedious keep sliding stitches around but I'm getting used to it. I made one pair from Debbie Macomber's fiction book, her pattern said to use 2 x circular knitting needles. One pair works the top of the sock (the part of the sock that you see), the other needle works the underneath eg the heel and the sole of the sock.
    Cute photo of Frodo x

  9. Lucy has been delighted with the time change ... Oh, it's time to eat already? and oh, are we going out again already? ... we'll see how she feels about going to be a little "early" :-)

  10. We handle the spring forward pretty well this year. Loving the longer days already. Hope your wrist feels better.


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