Knitting News


Good morning lovely people! How are you today?

My knitting has come to a screeching halt this week because after we picked up Frodo from the kennel on Friday evening, he started with unrelenting diarrhea and we were on 24/7 nursing care. We took him to a vet practice on Saturday morning and the medicines they prescribed did not work. Yesterday morning I drove him 50 minutes up north (as opposed to going south towards the city) and he was seen at an emergency vet hospital that has 24/7 nursing care. He was admitted for dehydration and I was so glad!!  He is expected to make a full recovery. 

My socks are coming along, I even knit another inch after I snapped the photo above.

What are you working on this week?


  1. I hope Frodo is doing much better, and you can stop worrying and get back to knitting.

  2. Oh, Frodo! I hope you are better and soon!

  3. I hope sweet Frodo recovers quickly and feels better soon.

  4. Poor Frodo. I'm glad that the animal hospital you took him to has the 24/7 nursing care. What a blessing and I'm so glad to hear that he is recovering.

    Love everything about these socks!

  5. Poor Frodo! Yep, they mentioned that my Lewey had flu like symptoms. He got an antibiotic, antinausea meds, a probiotic, and a charcoal tablet to absorb the acid in his tummy. Of course two cans of special food that he could only have a couple tablespoons twice a day. He is feeling much better now. {{sigh}} yes, it was like a geriatric ward at our house for the weekend.

  6. Sending hugs to Frodo and you.

  7. Oh no! Poor Frodo. I hope by now he is much, much better and that you are back to knitting.

  8. Oh no! Hope Frodo is feeling better now. Great sock!

  9. I hope Frodo is feeling better. Knitting soothes the soul so those socks look like a good project for right now. I'm working on socks and a shawl.


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