

Good morning, how are you and how was your weekend?

Our daughter and son in law arrived Friday night and are leaving sometime this morning to go back to the Boston area. We are so grateful they came to see us. We had a fabulous time together.

Saturday morning, we went to the conservatory for their summer show and it was fabulous. We love being members there and I always see something new when I walk about their gardens. It was very hot in the sun outside and I wilted.

My autoimmune disease (Sjogren's Syndrome) makes me sun sensitive and heat sensitive.  I try to cover myself from head to toe to shield the sun and yet I still at some point feel unwell (flu like symptoms).  I guess that is why I love winter so much! 

After the conservatory, we had a difficult time getting home because a major highway ramp was closed. So we took the scenic route through another section of the Pittsburgh area and after an hour ended up at our place for lunch. That had a 45 minute wait time (ugh) and we were tired and hungry. However, we managed to go to two yarn stores!

Sunday after Mass, we went out for lunch then did a little bit of shopping at a used bookstore. For dinner we had burgers on the grill and then went out for ice cream. Today I am resting and doing a bit of laundry after straightening the house.

How was your weekend?


  1. What a wonderful weekend (except for the heat)! Stay cool this week; it's supposed to be brutal.

  2. That conservatory looks so fun! Hope your weeks holds space for rest

  3. The heat is out of control.. 90's in June is not normal for our parts.. global warming at work. Wonderful that you got to spend some time with your son and family.

  4. Family, plants and books... Sounds like wonderful weekend to me!
    Our weekend consisted of a 10 hour flight and a major jetlag. Hoping for more fun next week ;-)

  5. Sounds like a nice weekend and trip to the conservatory. I struggle in the heat too. Maybe I should consult my doctor - especially since we are thinking of moving to Southern Utah - back to the hot desert climate. My hubby loves the heat. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  6. My weekend was a lot quieter than yours ... Saturday morning we saw Charlie's team tie their first (of five!!) game in this weekend's tournament, and yesterday we hosted Sara & Fern for dinner (Lucy has been sleeping most of today and I'll bet Fern has too - they played HARD).

  7. How lovely that your daughter and son-in-law came for a visit! We left Boston behind last Wednesday morning about 9:00 when we flew out of Logan to Pittsburgh! I'm really sorry that your autoimmune disorder causes you such sensitivity to sun and heat. Glad you had a lovely weekend!

  8. What a delightful weekend (aside from the heat... sigh.) I am hoping you can stay cool this week! XO

  9. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Our weather was surprisingly nice over the weekend. Mid - upper 80's but low humidity. This coming week though... UGH! 98 and high humidity is forecast. Not looking forward to that!

  10. How nice for your family to come and visit. What a lovely time you had. Used bookstores are so much fun. You never know what you will find. We had a spectacular weekend - in Connecticut visiting our daughter and family!


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