Knitting News


How are you? 

Last night I finished that cuff and have started the second sleeve on my fall sweater. I cannot wait to wear this! Also this week we've been having cooler weather and so when I work on this sweater I do not get hot from having a big old pile of wool on my lap, it's the simplest of pleasures. I hope that we are done with heat waves, I am so ready for fall and cold weather.

How are your projects coming along?


  1. It is 45 degrees here this morning!! I will bundle up for my walk. Your sweater is such a gorgeous, rich shade. Glad you can work on it without it being a "hot bundle" in your lap!

  2. It was a very chilly start here as well! I am loving it also!! That sweater will be perfection, Karen! And I love the color!

  3. That pile o' knitting will be keeping you warm very soon!

  4. I'm getting more excited by the week to see that sweater in its completion because I love that yarn...and the color will look splendid on you!

  5. Wow! I wish I knitted as fast as you do! That's coming along nicely! Can't wait to see you wearing it! LOL!

  6. That sweater looks like the color of cinnamon. It is so pretty. Welcome Fall.

  7. Perfect fall color for when fall decides to stay for a while.

  8. Love your sweater color. I'm so excited for tomorrow - an expected high of 72 and low of 49. Perfect fall weather!


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