
Showing posts with the label Weekends


  How was your weekend? Yesterday we went to the P hipps Conservatory with my sister and brother in law and had a fabulous time. This is our second year of having memberships and the displays are wonderful. We go right when it opens so that the plants are abundant and the people are few. I had a restorative weekend. Lots and lots of downtime while slowly taking care of tasks around the house. We have company coming and staying with us starting on Wednesday so every day I clean a little bit more of the house. I remember the days when I could clean the whole house in a single day with babies. I guess I could do it in a single day but I'm not motivated, where is the fun in that?! I'm feeling so much better now that I am home and resting after our trip. Today I'm starting up my strength training/yoga practice after a whole week off.  How was your weekend?


  Good morning! How are you doing? How was your weekend? This weekend was quiet and, well, regular. After a crazy couple of months with my dad in the hospital (he is at home and making fantastic progress!) this weekend my sister and brother in law came over for dinner and game night. It has been a long time since we did that.  The weather, of course, is cold again. Frodo and I are having none of it. We huddled under a blanket together yesterday evening.  Even though the weather is cold, the spring-time views are delightful. Besides doing all the weekly household chores, I intensely worked on the baby blanket. I'm delighted with the color and my progress!


  Good morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was restive and I'm ready for a brand new week to start. I am feeling much better and after a whole week of not exercising, I'm jumping back into my daily routine. I need to stretch and move. Did you get the ridiculous warm weather? Gosh it was beautiful which will make the cold days ahead that much more challenging tolerate. Poor Frodo has a 'summer' cut and is shivering. My entire weekend was huddled up at home and chilling out. I pulled out my paints to start some little loose floral pictures as gifts. I had fun! The photo above is the beginning process and not completed. I also read a bit and knitted a lot. I drank gallons of water or tea. The baby blanket is coming along. I enjoy adding rows and chilling out.


  How was your weekend? Ours was upside down but overall nice.  Yesterday I had every intention to go to Mass but when I talked to my husband and heard how congested I was (allergies? cold?) I decided no one wanted to be near me and if I was contagious I didn't want to share my germs. With additional medicines, my husband is finally feeling a bit better. Fingers are crossed he has crossed over to good health after two weeks of symptoms. We cancelled going over to my sister and brother in law's house for Easter dinner. However, my sister kindly brought dinner to us! How sweet is that? I am beyond grateful and dinner was delicious. I managed to knit the second sock and have completed turning the heel and picking up the gusset. I am so close to the sock being finished now.

Weekends and the Week

  Hello! How are you? I've missed visiting your spaces and hope to catch up with you all during the week.  My it's been such a long time since I wrote here. Before I get into what I've been up to this past week and weekend, I want to let you know that my dad went home on Saturday!! He will continue to receive therapies at home and he is so happy to be sleeping in his own bed (just like me!). Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers, they mean a lot to me. Anyways, last Sunday we drove to Indiana to visit our son, daughter-in-law and grandson and to help out with childcare for the week. Their babysitter was taking a vacation. What a delight! We spent so much time with him. Sadly, he had another ear infection but was quickly put on medication and improved. In their neighborhood they have a local park that we walked every single day. We bundled up our grandson and off we went. He loves to eat bagels and blueberries and goldfish. When I laughed, he would laugh. He is a hap


  How was your weekend? My weekend was relaxing overall. First of all, I tried really hard to ignore the wintry cold air blast as much as possible. It was bitterly cold and windy - Frodo and I don't like that kind of weather at all but I do not want to complain about it. Today is the first day of Spring and let's hope spring temperatures arrive soon. I found pockets of time to read and to knit at home even though I am still driving down to the hospital to visit dad who is now in a regular room. My family and I are hoping he can go to a rehab facility soon.  I continue to enjoy knitting my top down sweater . How was your weekend?


  Good morning! How are all of you doing on this fine March day? I woke up to snow and that wintry feeling in the air. I hope my daffodils can tolerate this brief snowy blast. My weekend was visiting my father daily while he is still in ICU (today is DAY 19). He gets closer and closer to being placed in a regular room but health events keep him where he is. I am grateful for the doctors and nurses who take such good care of him. Today I'm staying home and getting some things done around the house. 


  Hello! How are you all doing? Life around here has been the same. My dad is still in ICU and we wake up each day hoping that he will be in a regular room. Living with uncertainty is the new normal. However isn't life just uncertainty to different degrees? My dad is better than he was last week and I celebrate that nugget! I have been LOVING watching an early spring emerge. Gosh it's beautiful and therapeutic. I walk around and soak up the sun while taking some photos.  Down in our woods, I spotted this clump of crocuses doing their blooming thing so unassuming and beautiful.  Frodo continues to improve after he tweaked his back, but I do believe his walking for 30-40 minutes at a time are on hold for the time being, maybe forever. We enjoy our 15 minute walks and he comes home so happy to be out and about. Then I go back out for a longer walk. Yesterday I started a sweater for myself (notes forthcoming). I was in the mood for something new on the needles, just for me and espe


  Good morning! How was your weekend? We had a restive weekend and mostly stayed home. I did a lot of podcasting-listenting-catching up (not nearly done) and I did some knitting. I'm so happy that Frodo is slowly feeling better. I wish he could talk and give me explicit details of his ailments but I guess I have to use my observational skills. He is still restricted on his daily walks, I'm assuming that might be for a few weeks?  The birds are singing and the crocuses are blooming like it is Spring time. I am holding my breath for a major snow fall. We continue to have mild temperatures and sunshine! Yesterday was beautiful, we went for a walk at the local park after Mass (without Frodo, so sad).  I hope you have a wonderful week!


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was eventful as opposed to uneventful. On Saturday my sister and I picked up some smoothies and went to a local yarn store. Of course I bought more yarn - life is short. However I am very specific in what I buy and have a plan for the yarn. In my younger years I bought yarn because I liked it but didn't have a plan for it. I'm trying to be mindful in my purchasing. Sunday we all went to the conservatory to see their Orchid show and soak in all the greenery during the February brown days. I loved it and it was toasty warm in the conservatory.  Sunday afternoon I did a bit of sketching and relaxed.  How was your weekend?


  This weekend was slow and easy. I'm still not feeling the best which makes canceling our travel plans to visit our grandson in Indiana the right decision. Our son face-timed me when our grandson had his first birthday cake. I was happy to witness his messy messy eating!! I am grateful for modern technology and being connected to those who live far away. Over the weekend, I did some mixed media art that is in the first photo and I did some watercoloring in the bottom photo. I've had weeks where I don't 'feel' like creating art. I've just accepted that it was a phase and I would want to get back to it eventually. Well this weekend was the weekend to feel excitement sitting with my papers and paints.  We did drop in a local art store as well on Saturday and I snapped that street art. My husband and I bought a few things then headed home. Over all the weekend was lots of resting and recovering. How was your weekend?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? After last week mentioning the endless rain, I'm happy to report our weather switched to snow. It's pretty to look at and it's a nice change.  My weekend was a socializing one. My husband and I attended our grand-nephew's second birthday. He was sweet to watch with a room full of people celebrating his big day. Of course there was cake and tons of family to catch up with.  Afterwards some family came to our house to continue the socializing. We had pizza and played a board game. Seeing family on a regular basis is one of the reasons I moved here. Sunday afternoon I had an art date with my sister and I started on some Valentine Cards. We drank tea and painted - these watercoloring sessions filled my creative heart.  During the entire weekend I feverishly read (but did not finish) Stephen King's book Fairytale . I'm over half way through and it's captivating. I also worked on the scarf that is getting closer and closer to


  Good morning, this post is brought to you today from the glorious moon shot I snapped yesterday morning. I wish you were there because it is better in real person. How are you? My weekend was pretty okay.  Yesterday, Miss Holly the cat who likes to create mayhem decided to bite her way into the bottom of our loveseat (we blocked her a month or so ago from the 'burrow' she made in the couch). So after Mass, we drove to Joann Fabrics to buy cloth that is densely woven. Apparently this is a cat 'thing'. The cashier and the fabric cutter have heard stories of cats doing this.... I bet this behavior keeps Joann Fabrics in business. After lunch we staple-gunned the new fabric over the old and now she has been thwarted once again. ha ha. I am satisfied I out smart a cat. Frodo has been doing really well since it's been a week after his teeth cleaning and a week of preventative antibiotic which I believe upsets his stomach a tiny bit. He and I are thrilled the medicine is


  Good morning! How are you all doing on this fine Monday morning? All is well here in the land of ordinary time. After all the festivities that Christmas and New Year's Day brings, I'm welcoming the ordinary. I'm basking in the ordinary. Overall my weekend was restive and restorative. On Saturday morning, my sister and I did a long walk in the neighborhood with our dogs. Sunday morning was Mass then laundry (not too much laundry since the grandson had me doing loads mid week).  The whole weekend was filled with lots and lots of knitting and reading. Below is a little stack of current reads. I'm also reading Fairytale by Stephen King on my kindle which is not in the photo. The Walden book is a long term reading project, I try to read a page or so a day. His writings are not easily breezed through and each sentence is dense. After weeks of dreary cloudy days the sun was out yesterday! Sunshine instantly makes me happy! 


  I'm dropping in for a quick hello and to wish all of you a Happy New Year! May 2023 bring you lots of health, luck and happiness.  I have my grandson visiting with his parents and it's been full of diaper changing, bottle feeding and baby snuggles (off and on as he adjusts to us). I'll be catching up with your blogs later on this week or early next week. We've been spending time together, eating meals together, visiting family and going out for a bit a shopping. I have not knit one single stitch since they arrived! Happy New Year everyone!!


  Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful weekend with people who bring you joy and happiness. I've been filling my days with visiting family and day outings. Yesterday, my husband and I enjoyed a quiet day at home. The day was sprinkled with phone calls to and from family who live far away. Thank goodness for the person who invented cell phones and unlimited calling. I remember when we were first married and having phone bills up to $400 dollars (yikes!). Last Thursday, my husband and I went to the art museum to see the nativity scene and some exhibits then headed off to lunch. I love the museum outings immensely - they spark inspiration and creativity. Santa Claus gifted me new paints! How did he know? I also received yarn and books. He is just a good gift giver. And my 2023 is going to be a wonderful year. Our son, daughter in law and grandson  are arriving later this week. I'm looking forward to seeing them and being with them. We will do another round of visiting famil


  What a delight to wake up to some snow on Sunday morning! Sadly they are calling for rain later this week and all of the snow will disappear. How are you? How was your weekend? I wrapped Christmas gifts yesterday and I am mostly done. I even tidied up the wrapping area. There's a few more presents left but those can be tucked into a gift bag. I'm in the process of moving away from using wrapping paper which is not recyclable and using gift bags instead.  I have yet to write and plot out the menu this week, it's on my 'to do' list. How was your weekend?


  Boy oh boy, did this weekend speed on by! I didn't do much outside of the house, but I was engrossed in cross stitching. I am trying my very best to finish this project. I spend about one hour a day (that's all I can manage with white thread on cream background).  I'm also motivated to crank out a pair of socks for my husband. There is a critical need for more hand knit socks. Ah, the knitter's dilemma that delights the soul!! In between knitting and reading I did my weekly chores.  How was your weekend?