
Showing posts with the label blanket

Tweedy Feather and Fan Blanket

  As promised, here are the photos of the never-ending blanket that has ended! I need a ticker tape parade (hopefully you all know what that is). I enjoyed the beginning and the end of the blanket and the middle was taking forever. I am taking a break from blanket knitting until the fall. The yarn is wool-ease which is hard on my hands. The pattern is Old Faithful - feather and fan stitch which I've mentioned before reminds me of my mother who loved this pattern and made this as baby blankets for many babies in her lifetime. Ravelry notes What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  I'm happy to report that I am half way through knitting this blanket  that I started in January, I love the way it is turning out. My challenge will be deciding to keep it for myself or to gift the blanket. I'm leaning towards gifting but then again I do like it. I love these kinds of decisions. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Hello! How has your knitting been this week? Or should I say how has your craftiness been this week? I know some of you do not knit but are creative in many areas. My knitting has been minimal during the past week and will be for the next few days. It seems each day I have a stray appointment here or there and then  -poof- the day is ending, I'm tired and I manage an hour of knitting if that. The above photo is the feather and fan blanket in Lion Brand wool ease from deep stash. I have no idea how long this will be but when the yarn ends after ten or eleven skeins, this blanket will be done. I toyed with adding some more stripes but decided against it.  What are you working on this week?


  Lately I've been thinking about what brings me joy. I revisit this theme over and over throughout the year and try to tweak my days so they reflect what fills my bucket. My challenge is that I have many many things that bring me joy and trying to fit all of them into my days is nearly impossible. I keep a track of the following in my planner: knitting, journaling, sketching/watercoloring, reading and cross stitching. I'm not strict at what I do each day I just like to see how I end up allocating my time. Anyways, when I eat well and exercise daily I feel fantastic and that brings me joy. I keep track of those activities as well as daily meditation and yoga. Good health is a top priority for have a good day. Keeping my creative pursuits revolving in and out during my days makes for a delightful existence! Since moving here I've been managing any perceived stresses (usually self generated!). I want to sit down at the end of the day and feel like I enjoyed the day, lived it

Knitting News

  This week I've been working on two projects but both of them are slow going. For some unknown reason my left wrist is hurting slightly, not sure why, so I am scaling back the knitting just in case that is the reason.  The socks are for my husband and I am half way to the toe decreasing. I wasn't sure what this color way would look like but it's a fun bright color way for these winter days. Next up is a feather and fan blanket from deep deep stash out of wool-ease. (I suspect that my wrist hurts from that since it's NOT 100% wool). For some crazy reason I wanted to start a blanket out of the yarns I moved to this house especially yarns that are in the stash for almost twenty years. Feather and Fan was my mother's favorite knitting pattern so whenever I work on this it reminds me of her. What are you working on this week?

Gray Baby Blanket

  Good morning! I finished the baby blanket - I must say that my knitting needles are on fire these days and I am grateful that my knitting ennui is a thing of the past. I knew it was a phase and a result from the stress of the move. I also believe the change of seasons has helped me immensely. There is nothing like fall foliage to view, warm knitting in your lap while you drink a cup of hot tea. This blanket is the smallest size and was a breeze to knit up. The cotton yarn is nice to knit with for baby projects. This blanket is for the grand-baby to be.

Knitting News

  I started two new projects this weekend. First off is a smaller baby blanket for the grandbaby-to-be in a soft gray cotton yarn. I'm not sure I have enough yarn but I think I can rejigger the pattern to accommodate my 10 yards missing, wish me luck! My other new project is a cowl for a Christmas gift, let's hope I finish this by Thanksgiving because that is when I am gifting it, ha. The yarn is from stash and the pattern has a simple cable design that I thought looked nice. What are you working on this week?

Little Bean Blanket

  Ta da! Or should I say 'Ta done'? I am so pleased with this baby blanket for our first grandchild. The pattern is one I've knit before and enjoyed the pattern immensely. This time around, I chose the medium size which is about a crib-size if I was the guessing sort. The cotton yarn is soft enough to not cause issues with my handing getting stiff or sore.  Ravelry notes What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  I know I keep showing the same projects but that is what I'm working on. I'm longing (desperately longing) for a finished project. The shawl is chugging along and the baby blanket is over half way done. I'm also half way through the poncho that is not in the photos.

Knitting News

  Not much new to report with my knitting. I wasn't feeling well this week because of blood pressure issues (found a new to me doctor and my meds are being adjusted). So I haven't been knitting. However, I am half way done with this baby blanket! I love this project and adding a repeat whenever I sit down and pick it up to work on. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  I have three projects going at the same time and I am mostly working on the baby blanket which for me is addictive to keep adding repeats. The poncho for my daughter in law is coming along, I give this project at least one hour of knitting time a day.  This shawl have been on the needles forever, well it feels like forever. I give this project about an hour every day as well. I love how it's turning out! What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! Isn't my new knitting project cheerful? I'm trying to knit a little bit every day but not too much since it's cotton and cotton can be rough on my hands. This sweet little blanket is for our future grandchild. Yup, our son and daughter in law are expecting in early February and we are beyond excited. I made this blanket pattern for my nephew's son and loved it so much I decided to knit it again only in a medium size. I just might knit a small size as well since I bought a ton of yellow yarn. The repeated seed stitch stripes makes for potato chip knitting (just one more row!). What are you working on this week?

Watercolor Blanket

  I'm excited that this blanket project is done and folded up tucked in a closet.  I don't know when I will be mailing the blanket to the recipient, I have plans to make a baby sweater too. The blanket  was a fun knit but cotton is stressing on my hands and I had to take many mini-breaks. A knitter does not want to have a repetitive stress injury! This blanket is for my daughter's sister in law in California who is due sometime in March. I will be taking a mini-blog break this upcoming Friday and will see you all next Monday. May your New Year's Day celebrations be filled with goodness and kindness.


  Hello!  My it's been a while since I've posted. My mini break was restorative, quiet and overall nice.  Christmas this year was simplified with just the two of us. We had a nice time together. We watched all the Lord of the Rings Trilogy over the past few days and now have started the Harry Potter movies.  I am soooo close to finishing the blanket - less that 6 rows! I was aiming to finish it last night but I got too tired and marathon knitting with cotton isn't a good thing for my hands. Maybe today is THE day of finishing it! Brie of Documented Journey provided some December prompts that I enjoyed this holiday season. I stumbled upon her you-tube channel and then you know what happens with unexpected rabbit tumble down and enjoy the ride. Frodo loved his new little toy stuffy that Santa brought him.  Holly is in LOVE with her new little mice - you find them sprinkled here and there throughout the house.  She loves to play catch with them and place them in

Knitting News

  Good morning to all of you! My knitting has been mainly two projects this week. My lovely yoke sweater is so so so close to the bottom edging. I'm less than one inch away - so close to starting the sleeves! I love working on this while watching a movie and having my lap so cosy warm. The baby blanket is making great progress, I'm over half way. Because of the yarn colors you cannot see the blanket pattern except for the seed stitch edging, that is okay.  I like having an 8 row repeat pattern so I can keep tabs on my progress and know that I am inching closer to the end. What are you working on this week? P.S.  I will not be posting this Friday, Christmas Day.  I'll be thinking of you all and wishing you a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holiday.  My celebrations are simplified because it's just the two of us and I want to enjoy the holiday and be present each moment. Thank you for visiting and reading this space!


  How was your weekend?   My weekend was uneventful which makes it a perfect weekend. The snow is still here and I guess in a few days it will be raining (boo). The bitter cold turned into a damp cold which feels chillier to me.   I completed the weekly household chores yesterday as well as went for a walk with my husband and Frodo. My weekend contained: -reading - knitting -  sketching -  watercoloring - menu planning - journaling - chatting with my sister - tracking some last minute packages - watching Lord of the Rings -  How was your weekend? PS:  I will not be posting on December 25th and January 1st, since they are both holidays and I want to be fully present on each of those days. I'll be thinking of you all!

Knitting News

  Good morning!  My knitting this week has been fantastic. I've been working on a new project, a baby blanket , for my daughter's sister in law who lives in California. The colors in this blanket are soothing to look at and I am enjoying the cotton yarn from deep deep stash. My sweater , gosh I do love it and can't wait to wear it!  I will have to block the daylights out of it to get some extra room though.  (this is what happens when you skip gauge....) I am a bit sad that the color work section of the pattern is over but I am knitting super fast on the plain old stockinette! What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was quiet and steady, just the way I like it. We walked both days getting our fresh air and stretching our legs. I did art journaling on Saturday as well as hot glued some ornaments then stitched them together.  Let's just say I have respect for hot glueing - it is a mess and it's painful when you touch it! On Sunday I started a new baby blanket but I'm waffling on whether I like it or not. The yarn is pooling a bit. I could accept it and say it's artistic expression and leave it be.  I will just keep adding rows and thinking about it.  I like the yarn since it's 100% cotton and the baby is a California baby to be.   I worked on my sweater as well this weekend and really need to check gauge...eep.  If I'm off by an inch I know I can block the daylights out of it.  The yarn is 100% wool and I do not have the grace that super wash gives when it relaxes and grows which is a minor concern. It's wonderful that these are my pressing th

Socks and a Blanket

  I finished two projects since I last posted my knitting news update. Sadly I have to guess when I finished these socks ! So let's say sometime last week? I have no idea. But they are finished and they turned out great. I'm knitting a pair of socks for each of the kids and their partners. I am half way done! The baby blanket turned out so nice and because it's all cotton, it's soft and has a cosy feel to it. I'll be wrapping this up for the nephew's baby to be within the next week or so. I have a wee cardigan to go with it, more about that next week. What are you working on this week? Joining Ginny

Rainy Days and Planners

  This week before the daily rainy days, we were walking our usual daily route. Most of the leaves have fallen but there are some trees that are resisting, mainly the catalpa trees. Maybe we are on our third rainy day, I've lost count. Rainy dreary days are perfect for knitting endlessly. My new planner arrived on Monday afternoon as well as a new fountain pen and new ink. I've been setting it up so that I start in November. This planner is replacing two to four notebooks or loose pages. I am focusing on daily tasks, menu planning, exercising, budgeting and my schedule. Migrating information from one location to another has been fun. Nothing motivates me more than a new system. I'll keep you updated with my progress. The fountain pen is a TWSBI Eco pen  and my new ink is 54th Massachusetts Noodler's ink  which is a blue/black ink - I love it. (I purchased through JetPens this is not an affiliate link) I continue to use my creativity planner as well. That holds my knit