
Showing posts with the label reflection

A Great Day

  Good morning to you all, how are you? Right now it's early morning and I'm sitting at my kitchen table listening to the birds outside. At this house we can feed the birds without bear activity. What a delight! I've heard there are foxes but so far we haven't seen one yet. There are also deer that come right up to the house, so bold.  When I do my morning routine that consists of journaling, praying and meditating,  I ask myself two key questions. I never write down my answers, I just mull them over in my head. Sometimes the mulling over gives me some insight on myself. Question #1: What would make today a Great Day? Question #2: How will I make today a Great Day? A great day for me is usually some knitting time and reading time. I'm finding that these questions I ask myself are more about how I want the tone of my day to be and how I want to feel and not necessarily a litany of tasks to check off from a list. I want to feel relaxed, calm and content. Going down a

Bring Joy

  How has your week been?  We are knee deep in decluttering and the first phase of packing up a house we've been living in for sixteen years. I try to squelch the little whispers in my head that get overwhelmed by the process. I just wake up, do my morning routine (mostly journalling and praying), get ready, eat breakfast, meditate and then tackle the to-do list. I have a moving notebook where I'm capturing ALL the tasks. I'm getting it done box by blessed box. Yesterday I finished packing up the dining room (yay!). That room was 'easy'. The rooms with closets where I can stuff them from top to bottom are the challenge, remember sixteen years of stuffing closets. I'm finding the more I let go the easier it is to let go of more stuff. We are paying the movers by weight so that is a contributing factor as well. I go through closets and boxes and have my internal questions: 'does this bring me joy?' 'is this meaningful to me?' 'do I want to pay

Hidden Blessings

  Good morning! How are all of you doing? I've got lots to say so sit back, grab a cup of coffee or tea and let's begin. This week has been busy. We continue to declutter and unearth all sorts of treasures (junk) and I wonder why oh why am I keeping this stuff. I have systematically picked a section of a room and just go through the belongings and make a big pile on the kitchen table to then put directly into our SUV.  Earlier in the week, we donated a second car load and now we have a third load ready to donate. Slowly we are making progress.  Yesterday I fell in the hallway on a droplet of water that I splashed and did not clean up. I sprained my ankle, at least I hope it's just that, I see the doctor this morning to confirm. I am looking forward to his humor and teasing about how it's 'just' sprained. I don't know, I guess because I have RA and joint issues, I freak out when I injure myself and want to make sure all is well.  In case you're keeping sc

Take for Granted

  I'm amazed at how much I take for granted in my surroundings and my life. I live in a small rural town and my husband and I take the same daily walks down two of our adjoining roads. You might say it's a 'same old, same old' way of living. I thrive on sameness, honestly the more mundane my days can be the more content I am. I eat the same breakfast every day (cheerios)!  This week we put a pause on the Great Decluttering of our house (yay) and ventured to towns that are close to us. We sat on a bench and watched geese and goslings playing by the river and we picnicked outdoors at a park near a beautiful covered bridge. This particular bridge is retired from car crossings and filled with picnic tables. We took Frodo with us who was thrilled to be exploring new places. His nose went into overdrive trying to decode the information. He thoroughly enjoyed our outings. No matter where we go with Frodo, there is someone who stops us on our excursions and tells us about their

Because I Can

  How was your Thanksgiving (for those of you in the USA)? I had a lovely Thanksgiving. It was just the two of us and I enjoyed the non-traveling and the cosiness of being home. I missed the kids and I missed my family. I had phone calls and zoom meetings and that bridge the gap of being together.  I've decorated my house earlier this year because I can. It's our third year with the 'smaller' tree because of Miss Holly the Cat and her inquisitiveness. So far she has not tried to climb into the tree. We have the tree bungee corded to the wall just in case. I'm one step ahead of her, or so I would like to think so. Because I can, I am choosing to focus on creativity and mindfulness. Each morning I set an intention and think of what I want my day to be like. Sometimes I follow those intentions and sometimes I forget those intentions. The beauty of each morning consists of a brand new slated day - the newness and openness is a treasure. Because I can, I repeatedly list

Same Old, Same Old

  Lately it seems that each day that comes and goes is just like the previous one. How have you been? Have you been able to make the days feel different? Today I am planning on wrapping some Christmas gifts and I'm toying with decorating the house this weekend which would be a week early, just because I can. I hope to have a walk after dinner and take advantage of the milder weather. The local radio station said they will start playing holiday tunes, that was a bright beacon of delight to hear! When I was in high school, I loved Christmas and the days leading up to it. I would wear jingle bells tied to my shoes and I'm amazed that the teachers and Sisters at my Catholic high school allowed this. Maybe they liked the 'jingle jangle' or maybe they had great restraint at being annoyed.  I upgraded my phone after waiting since March to do so. Unfortunately I lost October and November photos due to a rookie mistake. I was so consumed with making sure my husband's photos

Happy List

  Good morning! How has your week been? Overall my week has been a good week. I've been thoroughly enjoying watching the leaves change color around my neighborhood. The oak trees are starting to do their leaf dump, in the next week or so the oak trees will be finished. Autumn goes much too quickly for me! All of the holiday plans in the next coming months are completely undone and I keep trying to think of ways to gather without gathering. Can a fire pit keep you warm outside for socializing in late fall early winter? I don't know. Also if it's raining sleeting or snowing that makes it a little nuts to be outside. If you have any suggestions let me know! always a sunrise photo neighborhood sign I saw my kidney doctor yesterday and she said 'you are too healthy to be in my clinic'. So I'm discharged!  That was quite exciting. I was so upset when I was referred to her back in February, but now I will miss her, she is a kind, patient and caring doctor. I'm in t

Savoring October

  October!!!  I made it to the best of the first months of glorious brilliant fall foliage, cool breezes and the quietening of summer.  Phew.  Now the question I ponder upon is how do I savor this blessed month? I already keep a journal and I take photos.  I document so much of my days in more than one notebook even though they seem mundane and nothing changes day in day out. I guess I will try my very best to be mindful and in the moment.  This is a challenge since I'm thinking of the next thing I want to do or accomplish. Inktober started yesterday!  I do love pens and ink the best (besides watercoloring).  I'm eager to return to a daily sketching habit.  My husband mainly does pastels and is now dabbling in colored pencil.  Oh I am a wannabe when it comes to colored pencil and it just doesn't jive with me.  I like the permanence of ink and the sloppiness of watercolor.  I'm also not patient enough to layer colors like he is.   Thank you  Mary for a great book recom

This Week

This week the weather has decided to give me a much needed break.  I've been enjoying low humidity and mild temperatures that have been rare most of the summer.  I know this reprieve will end soon.  I've noticed some leaves falling, dare I hope that it is an early sign of fall?  I'd like to believe so. This week I've been seeking peace and calmness in my days.  I love when I have a string of easy days where nothing is pressing on my mind, oh to bottle up that contentment! Then of course there are those days when everything is on my mind, I magnify their importance and maybe just maybe I am magnifying in error.  How lucky that every single morning is a personal reset to focus on what matters. This is why mornings are the sacred time of the day for me. This week my husband has put up netting to save the kale and the cabbage from cabbage worms.  It's a battle.  He'll be retiring next Friday and the duties and tasks are in multitudes until that day arrives.  The gar


Last night the rain finally came although the amount wasn't nearly enough to make a substantial rise in the lower than usual pool level.  This week's forecast is for more chances of rain.  For the first time I heard the tree frogs last evening that live in the woods, truly a late sign of summer. The cicadas were late to sing this year as well but they are doing their thing sweetly harmonizing with the tree frogs.  Any day now the acorns should be falling.  Fingers crossed! I fell down two delightful rabbit holes yesterday.  First I looked for a watercolor book that was printed in 2002 and I wanted to own a copy after an eager flip through of a library copy.  The internet is my tether to the world, I socialize, shop and consume news while I stay home as much as possible.  The challenge is to balance all of them. The other rabbit hole was looking for a state park or state forest where we could meet our daughter and son in law for a socially distant hike/walk and share a packed pi