
Refresh Thy Spirit

I was lucky to have two outings in one weekend. On Saturday my husband and I went on a day trip.  I find day trips to have the best of everything.  I explore, I eat and car knit but best of all I sleep in my own bed.  That is a perfect day.  Anyways, we planned a day trip to Bethlehem , Pa.  Why might you ask?  Well since I teach knitting, conversations swirl about yarn.  A new friend suggested we go to Bethlehem and check out their yarn shop, historical town and good food.  After I researched, I discovered that there was a used music store that would delight that husband of mine.  He is always on the look out for more music. As you can see there's not one photo of yarn or the store.  I was too engrossed in shopping to remember to take a photo. However, walking around the town, I was in photographer mode.  I was constantly stopping and snapping.  The weather was perfect-cold in the shade, hot in the sun.  Nearly every restaurant had outdoor seating on the side walks.


Gosh this weekend was a busy one.  I've got lots to share in upcoming posts.  We were in the car a lot seeing a new to us town.  We celebrated Father's day with family.  My weekend was: -relaxing, fun and filled with laughter -reading fiction and non-fiction -watching two bluebirds in the back yard while eating THAT salad -sharing good food with family  -rain then sun then rain then sun-wonderful! -picking up a very wiggly dog who was happy to come home from the kennel -just being in the moment-the bestest place to be!! How was your weekend? Joining Amanda

Moments and Thankfulness

It's been a quiet week full of rainy dreary days.  Early mornings (5 a.m.) I'm serenaded by the birds mostly robins, sometimes a woodpecker, rain and thunder.  I pause and listen enjoying that moment before my day begins. The days have been quiet now that we are two.  I'm focusing on knitting my various projects, planning some fall knitting classes and joyfully glancing at the cleared off coffee table.  That will never get old.  Menu planning became easy this week-we ate through the leftovers.  Gone is the l-o-n-g list of snacks and foods to buy.  We keep it simple when it's just two.  Salads for lunch every day.  In a few weeks we will be harvesting our own lettuce and spinach. I am thankful for: -avocados-can't stop eating them. -family-how days, weeks can pass by, yet you pick up where you left off when you last saw them -phone calls from kids-it's nice to know they are happy and they want to call us :) -being two of us-we are once again enjoying

Make and Listen Along

I've been itching to join  Dawn Suzette  over at Simple Things Notebook  on her Thursday link up .  I enjoy reading each week the blog posts that participate, so here I am diving in.  You thought I would show more knitting didn't you?  Well, this time I thought I'd share what my husband remade a few weeks back. This shelf was an old beat up shelf with the bottom ledge completely missing, and yet we saved it in the basement.  We are notorious at having a difficult time throwing stuff away.  And you can't donate a broken shelf.  So I was sitting and thinking (I do that sometimes) about how I wanted to move my dying plants closer to the sliding glass door and have all of my cookbooks in the kitchen easily accessible.  I've shopped at stores, again too cheap to pay money for a piece of furniture that is not solid wood. I remembered the sad shelf, brought it up and used the two remaining intact shelves for some plants.  My husband offered to replace all the woo

Yarn Along

The Kuura Shawl  is a fun knit and the pattern is quite easy to memorize with only brief glances just to make sure.  I highly recommend this pattern. On the right is my same same cardigan  and I consider it my hearty knitting project.  Currently I'm on the body keeping track of button hole placement, pleating, and waist shaping.  So as you can guess, there's a lot going on and sweeps away any boredom that could possibly descend when doing stockinette stitch with fingering weight yarn. The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin is turning out to be a fantastic read.  The beginning chapter was distracting for me because of her great love of the semicolon.  Seriously-they are in almost every other sentence in the first chapter.  But then something wonderful happened, the plot jumped out grabbed my attention and now the semicolon dispair has taken a back seat in my mind. The characters are distinctly interesting and what's best is I have no clue where this story is going, so I read s


What a weekend it was -packing up the son for his summer research program -driving to the place, seeing his new room-collaborators in research --saying goodbye -saying "hello!" to:  my kitchen counter and my coffee table-I've had THREE weeks of his stuff littering it.  Drives me nuts -a quite Sunday evening will an eerie silence now that he's gone -meeting with a friend for knitting and missing two friends who were busy How was your weekend? Joining Amanda

Walk with Me

I am lucky to to be surrounded by trees and woods. I have wild roses blooming and they're beautiful.  The fragrance is mild and sometimes I catch a whiff of loveliness.  The wild blackberries are nearly finished blooming and in a month it will be picking time. Unfortunately the berries are quite bitter and need lots of sugar, well maybe that isn't so bad. A couple years ago my son and husband made ink out of them.  It worked but it was a faded ink.  I think the fun was all about the gathering. Yesterday the rain arrived and it was a drippy drizzly day.  The plants and flowers needed the moisture so I enjoyed the change of weather.  This spring for me has been a cool low humidity one-my hair loves it!  Unfortunately my husband has not been in the pool yet because it has been too cold. I am sure the hot weather will be here in no time at all.  I'll wilt and he will bask. Our vegetable garden is in.  We scaled back on the tomato and pepper plants this year.  We