
Kelp Cardigan

Yesterday afternoon I started a cardigan in fingering weight wool,  Quince and Co's Tern  which I have knit with before for this cardigan .  I've been wearing this cardigan a lot through the winter and I love how if feels.  Last Christmas (2012) I received seven skeins of Tern in the kelp colorway from my husband (how did he know?) as a gift and it has  been sitting in my basket waiting for me.  On a whim, I wound two skeins yesterday, already dreaming of THE cardigan for this winter. I adore the color and believe this will be a sweater to wear through many seasons because of the wool silk blend. The yarn has spring, lovely depth of color dyeing and a beautiful subtle sheen. I chose the Ann Budd book of Top Down Sweaters  for my guidance.  I've decided on a raglan shaping and as I knit this sweater, I'll add a few design elements here and there as the knitting spirit inspires me.  Ravelry page is here

Whether the Weather Weekend

This weekend was a snowy weekend.  I was in my happy place!  Saturday I awoke to snow and in the morning, Frodo and I captured the beauty of the day.  The weather people predicted cold but really it wasn't cold like before. We puttered about at home, in the afternoon we had a drive and my husband did a bit of record shopping.  I patiently patiently tried to not be bored out of my mind.  I didn't whine once.  I did have the option to go to a yarn store, but see, I'm in the "don't spend money unnecessarily" mood.  Every January I get like that. Sunday was church and unexpected snow flurries, well unexpected to me. I caught up on the chores--laundry, cleaning, shredding papers (phew).  I listened to a few podcasts while knitting, then unfortunately I found a mistake and had to unknit two rows.  Knitting is more fun than unknitting.  But I'm glad I found the mistake!! This morning I'm dreaming of blueberry muffins that are about to be bak

Baskets, Ducks and Rosy Pink Knitting

Those baskets on my new shelves are now filled with little knits, I love the easy access and feel I have choices when I am about to go outside.  Even my husband had fun choosing a hat!  The basket idea has been ruminating in my imagination for over a year.  I should have acted on the idea sooner, because this organization is bringing great joy. I've slowed down regarding the cleaning and moving "stuff" about.  I'm happy with relocating all of my papers into the computer area.  I shredded many many bills that could have shredded many years ago.  I question why I keep such items for years.  I now have paperless billing to curb my squirreling habits. Yesterday I had in my mind to snap a photo of Frodo.  Once he sees the camera he cannot sit still.  The above photo was taken with a toy duck on my head :)  I won't tell you how many photos I deleted... Now that the house is empty, I am finding pockets of time for my camera and silliness. Oh my goodne

Tea and Jam Shawl Complete

Ta da!!  The shawl is off the needles, well I finished this shawl last week and only just took photos today.  I keep forgetting we are in winter and my lighting is limited.  I want to take photos when the sun is not shining and that leads to undesirable photos. I worried that this yarn would be "itchy" to wear because of the roughness while knitting.  I adored how it knit up but against the skin?  Yikes!  However as we know soaking wool creates miracles beyond a knitter's dream.  I am thrilled to report that my worries were a waste of precious thinking time.  Good think a cold blast is heading our way, I have a new shawl to wear!! The ravelry page is here  and the pattern page is here .  The pattern was easy and fun to knit, I'll be knitting this one again, trust me.  The wool was from Times Remembered .  I purchased two skeins a few years ago at the Endless Mountain Fiber Festival .

Heart Beets Shawl Yarn Along

My good friend (who happens to knit!) gave me the book Tuesdays with Morrie  by Mitch Albom.  She loves to thrift and when she sees a must read book she buys them to give away.  Lucky me!  I'm nearly through reading.  My only wish is that I was reading this thought provoking book on life and death and it's meaning during the summer.  Winter is not the time for me to read about death.  It just isn't. My daughter was reading The Story of My Life by Helen Keller while on break, I decided to revisit an old friend.  I read this book when I was thirteen years old. This book along with a few others started the burning desire to read instead of socializing in my free time.  I thought this was a good habit but my best friend did not.  This book also started a list making habit of "books read" during the summer.  I wish I had the list! I'm still reading Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell-nearly done!  I hope I can finish before it has to be returned to the

Renew and Refresh

I finished moving stuff about on the main floor.  The process took all day long and I'm sore from carrying piles of papers and folders up and down stairs.  I keep way too much "stuff" but at least I'm tidy and neat about it.  Now my studio is a mess but that's another day.  Along with rearranging comes moving little visual corners about in my home. The kitchen pantry has been reorganized as well and lucky for me I have found some items that will definitely be on the menu rotation.  Speaking of menus, since we are down to two people instead of four it occurs to me that our diet will be healthier and cleaner.  Goodbye cookies, cakes, and candies.  Hello, fruits, vegetables and various grains! Today I'll be starting a new knitting project.  Of course it will be lace weight yarn made lovingly by a dear real life knitting friend.  She used plant dyes to create her yarns.  Mine is beets :)  LOVE this!! Do you see the sweet little paper clips in t

Exploring the Town Weekend

On Thursday we left for a long weekend at my sister's house.  My husband had work on Friday at a hospital in downtown Pittsburgh so we mixed a family trip in with the business.  Many times we are in the city and mostly we get together with family.  This trip we squeezed in a visit to the Carnegie Natural History Museum and the Art Museum .  I have been to these museums as a child, teenager, young adult, young mother and etc.  I vaguely remember having lunches in the cafeteria on field trips. A few facts about my weekend: -I did not take many photos with the iphone, and I did not take any at all with the Nikon.  I was living in the moment and being a little lazy. -I did not go yarn shopping!  Sadly when January rolls around I am done in with the shopping and acquiring of objects this includes yarn.  I promise though I shall recover :) -I had home made meals, meals at restaurants but my favorite meal was taking my sister out for lunch on her birthday-just the two of us!