

Before I talk about my weekend, I'd like to thank you for the lovely comments on my last post.  This little blogging community brings all of us closer together and I treasure your visits here.  I'm glad I'm not alone peeking into windows :) Today, I'm trying hard not to hate on summer.  I'm wilting before your eyes!  I took a walk with Frodo at 9:30 a.m. believing the weather was truly 70 degrees.  Well, well, well.....the humidity at the time was 85% (this is why I hate summer).  Once I returned home, I complained to my sister which I'm sure was tiring to hear. Then I cut my bangs and instantly I felt better. My liatris is blooming!  I appreciate when plants grow without any help from humans. This perennial  loves where it blooms.  I love that it attracts lots of bees and butterflies and this hummingbird moth . Yesterday on our daily walk, we saw the blue heron, you'll have to use your imagination of what he looked like because I didn't

Sliver of Reality

Good morning to you all, how are you?  I'm in the kitchen at the table with my computer and the rain has stopped for now.  Yesterday, the rain arrived shortly after lunch and kept on going.  My walking goals have been set aside because of my 'valid' excuses, it's raining or it's too muggy.  Frodo, my faithful walking buddy doesn't like hot or muggy weather either. I've been thinking about motivation  and inspiration towards writing and blogging consistently since Grace mentioned this in a comment on the last post.  First and foremost, I am a talker.  I talk all the time and if there is no one to listen to me, I talk to myself. Luckily I have Frodo, so my non-stop chatting has ears to capture my string of words. My inspirations ebb and flow like many of you.  I have times when I wonder what will I write about.  Magically, when I sit at the computer and upload my photos I find the words, I find a thought to expand on or I write about what is on

Flower Garden Lace Shawl

Yesterday, I was itching to cast on something different.  I have plenty to keep me busy with my sweater and my long term shawl knitting and yet I felt the overwhelming urge to have another project on the needles.  As a knitter, I find that two projects isn't enough.  Three to four projects is my sweet spot.  I love to have choices and I love to pick up each one, knit a bit and then turn to another project. This knit picks lace yarn was gifted to me by a friend a few years ago and I'm thrilled to be using it this week.  Stash diving is rewarding and saves me money (to buy more yarn).   I am pretty in pink! Ravelry notes here


Frodo and I took a walk this afternoon and I heard the cicadas for the first time this summer.  Summer days are in full swing now.  By the end of this month, the tree frogs will be singing too.  So far, I've been enjoying this season.  Check back with me at the end of August and I'll be grumbling away.  For now, I'm enjoying the flowers, watching the nature changes on my walks. After Mass last night, we picked up a pizza for dinner at a local business that is our new "favorite" place.  This restaurant has been here for over 20 years and we only just discovered their delicious menu.  Where have I been? Today I was successful in not consuming news (well a little bit, but not much).  I focused on my menu plan for the week, read some magazines and chatted with both kids at some point during the day.  After I hit the publish button, I'll be knitting. I'm rested and recharged for another week.  I'm counting down the days for when my sist

Knitting News

I'm reading some light and easy books this week, you know, summer reading.  I love the pick it up and put it down ease and the low-thinking impact.  I know when the end of August arrives, I'll be craving some serious literary writing. I bought the victorian book on my beach vacation after a delightful old house tour.  If you ask me, we could all do with more manners -  where did they go? Last night I separated the sleeves from the body on my beloved cardigan .  The mindless stockinette is nicely paired with a murder mystery on TV or with a kindle book (kindles stay open on my lap). If you're analyzing my above photo, you will see a glimpse of a different coffee table.  The square one is going to be refinished by my husband.  I called my dad for detailed instructions (he refinished furniture professionally) and we (meaning he) are ready to go!  I hit my limit of water marks on the table even when using sturdy coasters. Sadly, there are some deep marks lovingly

Tea Rose Dress

While knitting this dress was hard on my hands, the challenge was worth it!  I love the finished dress.  The directions were clear and concise with lots of photos to guide you through the steps.   Purl Soho is talented in clean classic designs. I dislike knitting the linen stitch with all of my being, but...but I love how it looks.  Thankfully the bodice knitted up in two days and then I was blissfully knitting mindless stockinette stitch.  The older I get the more I love mindless knitting. The yarn I chose was Berocco Weekend DK , a machine washable acrylic-cotton blend that was lovely to knit with.  I knew that the fiber would be hard on my hands, cotton blends usually are.  However, I took frequent breaks and limited my time on the project. I'm waiting for the next time I babysit to give the dress to the mom.  I'll let you know if the dress fits.  I am hoping it's slightly big in the chest size and perfect for length.  Fingers crossed :) Ravelry n


I've been focusing on my shawl this weekend since I finished the baby dress (yay!).  I keep knitting even though my doubts still exist.  Honestly, I'll know when I get to the lace section.  Garter stitch is a fickle area for me to assess.  I know that blocking will change how it looks and I love how it stretches out. This morning we went to the urgent care clinic for my husband who was stung by wasps in three areas of his foot yesterday morning.  His foot was swollen and I knew he needed predinsone.  Once the weekday starts up after the fourth, we'll message his doctor about the localized allergic reaction and possible precautionary medicines.  (He is feeling much better after one dose) On Friday, we went out to dinner and I was underwhelmed so much so that we are going to try to eat at home throughout the month of July.  I am an excellent cook and so his my husband - also, I find no spending challenges fun.  A no spending challenge will help fund that pesky new p

Summer Goals

Since arriving home from my beach vacation, I've spent the week playing catch up.  The days leading to the vacation, I prepared and gathered items that were needed.  Once we returned, I have to put everything back.  My house is almost tidy.  Of course the camera only shows you the tidy sections. I want to continue that vacation feeling through out the summer.  This morning I wrote down how I felt and reflected upon the large spans of time where I felt uninterrupted.  I know I sound silly but the media (me seeking the news feeds) really puts a damper on my focusing and productivity. Frodo in his thoughtful spot I was chatting with my sister (daily, on the phone) and she's looking forward to a week off from work and she's scheduling in peaceful activities to make sure she captures the vacation feeling during her stay-cation. You know, that is something I'm going to do as well!  As I say goodbye to the last day of June and welcome in July.  I'm writing

Knitting on Vacation

As promised, I'm sharing some photos I snapped on my Cape May vacation from the Nikon camera.  I find I like the portability of my iphone but you cannot compare those photos with the Nikon.  I carried the big camera at least one during the day. My husband and son had the epic paddle ball volley on the beach - 402 times, never to be beaten the rest of the vacation.  I am the one who sits and watches.  Staying out of the sun under the umbrella, I read my book or people watch.  The old people aren't as old as they appeared when I was in my thirties.  I hope as I age I can walk briskly on the beach like them - and look healthy. We stayed at the Victorian Lace Inn  and I adored their porch.  I spent many hours sitting and knitting (and sheltering from the sun).  My next house will have a porch - it must!  I have a patio and it's not the same. I added inches to the dress length and I'm close to the edging linen stitch detail.  All that's left i