

  Overall my weekend was nice. My weekend was filled with: -reorganizing art and journaling supplies - playing Christmas music -  journaling - thinking of family - walks - knitting (always knitting) - reading Fred Roger's biography - eating all the leftovers from Thursday - daydreaming - wishing for snow - finally witnessing the first hard frost (my fall allergies are thankful) - contemplating new knitting projects - online Christmas shopping How was your weekend?

Because I Can

  How was your Thanksgiving (for those of you in the USA)? I had a lovely Thanksgiving. It was just the two of us and I enjoyed the non-traveling and the cosiness of being home. I missed the kids and I missed my family. I had phone calls and zoom meetings and that bridge the gap of being together.  I've decorated my house earlier this year because I can. It's our third year with the 'smaller' tree because of Miss Holly the Cat and her inquisitiveness. So far she has not tried to climb into the tree. We have the tree bungee corded to the wall just in case. I'm one step ahead of her, or so I would like to think so. Because I can, I am choosing to focus on creativity and mindfulness. Each morning I set an intention and think of what I want my day to be like. Sometimes I follow those intentions and sometimes I forget those intentions. The beauty of each morning consists of a brand new slated day - the newness and openness is a treasure. Because I can, I repeatedly list ...

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you and how are your knitting projects or other works in progress?  I've been in a knitting frenzy this week. I started a new project, a top down sweater that is the last photo. It would have been the first photo if Blogger would upload my photos in the correct order. This sweater has been such a delight to cast on! I get excited each afternoon when I pick up and knit a few rows.  I'm using yarn from my stash which permits me to buy more yarn right? The above photo is a hat a started earlier this month and haven't spent much time working on it. I decided to photo the project and add it to my Raverly notes so I remember that I should be working on this beautiful hat. Lastly, I will be finishing the last sock of the last pair of holiday gift knitting. I estimate that I will be done in three days. I'm so excited to reach my knitting Christmas goal! What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? First of all, thank you thank you thank you for the birthday wishes. My birthday was wonderful and filled with phone calls all day long from family and friends. Even though I celebrated with my husband and the pets, I felt loved by all. My pumpkin pie was delicious and the day was serene. Over the weekend I started decorating for Christmas, why not? I'll put up the tree some time this week. It's been joyful to look at the decorations and feel the spirit of the holidays slowly approaching. Usually I decorate after Thanksgiving but since we are going no where and seeing no one the rules have been broken and I'm doing whatever I want. On Saturday afternoon while sitting outside (OUTSIDE! in November) I received a beautiful birthday gift from my daughter and son in law. Polish pottery hand crafted, stunningly gorgeous. I have precariously set them out so that Miss Holly will not go near them, they're blockaded by other knick knacks. Even though she i...

Same Old, Same Old

  Lately it seems that each day that comes and goes is just like the previous one. How have you been? Have you been able to make the days feel different? Today I am planning on wrapping some Christmas gifts and I'm toying with decorating the house this weekend which would be a week early, just because I can. I hope to have a walk after dinner and take advantage of the milder weather. The local radio station said they will start playing holiday tunes, that was a bright beacon of delight to hear! When I was in high school, I loved Christmas and the days leading up to it. I would wear jingle bells tied to my shoes and I'm amazed that the teachers and Sisters at my Catholic high school allowed this. Maybe they liked the 'jingle jangle' or maybe they had great restraint at being annoyed.  I upgraded my phone after waiting since March to do so. Unfortunately I lost October and November photos due to a rookie mistake. I was so consumed with making sure my husband's photos ...

Blue Whale Socks

  I finished the third pair of socks for holiday gift giving out of four pairs! Of course it's the same pattern memorized in my head that is somewhat soothing during these trying times. My only slight problem was when I pulled from the center out to begin the socks I must have messed it up and I had to knit almost one sock before the massive tangle was undone.   Ravelry notes What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was okay - I focused on lots of down time and keeping myself busy with reading, knitting and journaling. Our upcoming holidays look like we will be 'home sweet home', just the two of us. Already I am brainstorming what to make for dinner without a lot of effort since I would rather be reading or knitting. I'll let you know what I come up with, takeout is in the running but I'm not sure they would be opened for a major holiday. We walked on Saturday in brilliant sunshine and I wore lots of wool, it's nice to be in the fall leading to winter seasons where I can showcase my knits. On Sunday, the weather was down right miserable. The day was dark and dreary and in the evening the wind was howling away. Luckily we did not lose power, always a reality when you live in the country. Frodo has been extra snuggly since it's been chilly. Even Miss Holly is sitting on the kitchen table watching me write in my journal in the morning. She is my mo...