
Little Bean Blanket

  Ta da! Or should I say 'Ta done'? I am so pleased with this baby blanket for our first grandchild. The pattern is one I've knit before and enjoyed the pattern immensely. This time around, I chose the medium size which is about a crib-size if I was the guessing sort. The cotton yarn is soft enough to not cause issues with my handing getting stiff or sore.  Ravelry notes What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend?  I had yet again another restful weekend. I'm enjoying the stillness and the nothingness in my weekend schedule. Each weekend that comes and goes without stress helps me to recover from the Move. We had family over for dinner Saturday night then my sister and I watercolored for an hour or so together.  Yesterday we celebrated 34 years of marriage! We didn't do anything super exciting, just went to Home Depot (I know it was a little dull but we did go out earlier in the week for a lunch out for our pre-game celebrations). I'm thinking about what I want to do in September and am seriously contemplating a daily haiku. I know this month is a beautiful transition month into Autumn. I'll let you know if I decide to do it.  How was your weekend?


  I have exciting news! I FOUND THE CANDLE REMOTE. This is me shouting from the rooftops and it was in the weirdest of places - the battery box. Why I placed it there is beyond my comprehension and just so you know, I've been in that box many times since moving but haven't looked at what was in there. We both were really excited because now we are officially unpacked.  My husband unpacked the garage and did another cardboard box recycling run. All of our spaces look put together now. Storage space remains tight in this older home but I'm so glad we did the major decluttering before the move because we would not be unpacked like we are now. My husband and I went on an outing to the south part of Pittsburgh to a new to him record store. I tried to be patient in there but ended up popping into the adjacent stationery store. After a yarn store, I do love to look at paper. We had lunch at a pizza shop then headed back home. The outing was fun but the high heat and humidity were

Knitting News

  I know what you might be thinking. There should be a finished project, like the baby blanket or the poncho or the never ending shawl. Well hopefully next week the baby blanket will be done. But instead of focusing my energy on madly dashing over the knitting finishing line, I decided to cast on something new. I am making a pair of fingerless mitts for Christmas giving. I was happy to be knitting a small project for a change. I hope to make more mitts for more people in my life over the next few months. What are you working on this week?


  My weekend was really nice, calm and relaxing. I spent most of each day reading both fiction and non-fiction. I usually sit on the patio and watch the birds come to the feeders. I'm reading 'Full Catastrophe Living' by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It's going to be a long time before I finish this book, it is huge! Friday evening we went over to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner and a quick board game. Saturday was lots of reading and enjoying being outside with Frodo, who by the way, seems to be adjusted to our new home. He loves to sit outside and watch the world go by and he is barking less. Sunday was more reading along with those pesky chores (laundry and cleaning). I watched Mass on You-Tube in the afternoon.  How was your weekend?

A Great Day

  Good morning to you all, how are you? Right now it's early morning and I'm sitting at my kitchen table listening to the birds outside. At this house we can feed the birds without bear activity. What a delight! I've heard there are foxes but so far we haven't seen one yet. There are also deer that come right up to the house, so bold.  When I do my morning routine that consists of journaling, praying and meditating,  I ask myself two key questions. I never write down my answers, I just mull them over in my head. Sometimes the mulling over gives me some insight on myself. Question #1: What would make today a Great Day? Question #2: How will I make today a Great Day? A great day for me is usually some knitting time and reading time. I'm finding that these questions I ask myself are more about how I want the tone of my day to be and how I want to feel and not necessarily a litany of tasks to check off from a list. I want to feel relaxed, calm and content. Going down a

Knitting News

  I know I keep showing the same projects but that is what I'm working on. I'm longing (desperately longing) for a finished project. The shawl is chugging along and the baby blanket is over half way done. I'm also half way through the poncho that is not in the photos.