
Gray Matter Shawl

  Well, well, well, will you look at that, I finished that never ending shawl ! I started this mid-May before the big move and then I worked on it off and on through the move and then adjusting to the move. I am thrilled with the blocking and the size of this simple lace design. I'm still learning where to take photos in this new house of mine and at what time of the day. I am getting better at it but sometimes it's a challenge.  Ravelry notes


  Good morning! How was your weekend? I have been bit by the knitting bug and have been working feverishly on the little baby blanket all weekend. On Sunday, my sister, aunt, cousin and goddaughter came over for a dinner on the back patio (my sister did all the cooking!) and we did a little bit of stitching. Of course I forgot to take a photo... Yesterday I tidied up the house and did the laundry. I'm ready for another week! In some fantastic news this warm weather is supposed to end by Friday. Fingers are crossed that this becomes reality.  Someone asked me in the comments on my last post about what podcasts I listen to, here are a few that are audio: 2knit lit chicks, knitmore girls, what should I read next, literary disco (salty language!), yarniacs, cogknitive and caithness craft collective.  Do you all have any podcasts to recommend? How was your weekend?

Around Here

  Around here it looks like fall but it feels like summer. Those days are numbered and I'm patiently waiting for cool breezes and seeing my breath in the early morning moments and being cold, hopefully sooner than later. How are you?  I've been busy with....knitting! Yes I finally feel like my pre-moved self and have been sitting and knitting while listening to old podcasts (I am 1-2 months behind). When I am not knitting, I am reading also playing catchup to made my reading goals I set before I even knew I was going to move. I just might make the goal but it's okay if I do not make it. Some time this month the awning guy will arrive and take down and store my shaded patio area. My husband and I love to sit out here and eat lunch. Frodo loves to sit and watch the dog walkers on the road (and bark at them) or be dazzled by the family of chipmunks that pop up in one hole run right in front of him to disappear in another hole. I can't tell what he is thinking - he watches,

Knitting News

  I started two new projects this weekend. First off is a smaller baby blanket for the grandbaby-to-be in a soft gray cotton yarn. I'm not sure I have enough yarn but I think I can rejigger the pattern to accommodate my 10 yards missing, wish me luck! My other new project is a cowl for a Christmas gift, let's hope I finish this by Thanksgiving because that is when I am gifting it, ha. The yarn is from stash and the pattern has a simple cable design that I thought looked nice. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? You know you are officially moved in when you hang your cuckoo clock. My husband's brother and sister in law gave us this clock from their time in Germany in the 1980's and it still runs perfectly. I love it! However, I'm afraid of Holly the cat being interested in it as well, so at night I stop the tick tocking, my husband thinks I'm ridiculous. Honestly, I'm thinking like a cat. After months of thinking about finding new salad dressings to make at home I ventured with a new tahini recipe, it was 'okay'. The garlic was a bit much and it was too thick to pour. So I'll be going back to the drawing board for some new ideas. I spent the majority of my weekend --- KNITTING. I started two new projects while still getting so close to the end of that never-ending shawl. I'm positive I'm on the last repeat but I've thought that many repeats ago. I snapped this photo of Holly looking at the world below from our be

October Goodness

  Finally, it is October! Are you celebrating? Are you excited? All through end of July, all of August and half way through September I've been pining for October. This is the secret sauce month of Autumn and we are finally finally here. In my planner I have set up some monthly pages, one of which is 'October Ideas'. This page will be the catchall brain dump of what I'd like to do, or investigate during the month. Usually I write each week what I want to do but I have to carry it over to another week (sometimes repeatedly). Maybe a monthly catchall place will work for me. Near where I live there are plenty of farmer's markets and there is one in particular that is a compound of buildings. They have a few animals for children to say 'hi' to and chat with, you can feed them some food as well. I snapped the photo of this sweet pig (hog??). I'll be missing the big fair that was close to my old home. I find it weird that the last time at the big fair I didn&#

Knitting News

  I have been religiously working on this project and only this project for a few days now. I have high hopes of finishing this by next week. I need space in my knitting bag for some serious holiday knitting. I perused my knitted gift box and there aren't many gifts to give that I've knit throughout the year - I'll blame the move. I'm happy to report that my knitting mojo is back and I'm thoroughly enjoying sitting down with wool in my hands and on my lap. I'm sure the change in the weather has helped me along the way. What are you working on this week?