
Knitting News

  That sweater is not as a rosy color in real life. It's a dark maroon hue and lovely, I guess the light was hitting the photo in a certain way. The second Christmas sweater for our grandson is gaining progress. I work on it most evenings while splitting my time with the socks in the below photo. The socks are for my husband who is wearing out previous hand made socks and needs his sock stash boosted. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend?  My weekend was a making weekend. I dug out the Christmas ornament for our grandson after a full month of not working on it at all (gnome invasion?). Let's see if I can work on it each day and get this finished soon. I also worked steadily on my Grandson's SECOND Christmas sweater in a larger size than the first one I knit him which fits him right now. Overall it was a glorious weekend!! How was yours?

Museum Outing

Yesterday we went to the the Carnegie Museum of Art and Natural History and had a great time. One of the better decisions we made earlier in the springtime was to purchase memberships that gives us admission to four museums in the Pittsburgh area.  After the museum, we went out to lunch then headed off to the local yarn store so I could buy some wool for our grandson's SECOND Christmas sweater. The first sweater he is already wearing at 8 months old even though I knit the 18 month old size. I cast on last night for a 2 year old size, let's hope he grows slowly and it fits for the holidays! Oh and that purple Malabrigo sock yarn is for a future pair of socks for my husband. Even though I am not sketching daily, I am trying my best to sketch when I remember. For some reason I'm in the mood for graphite sketching. Yesterday morning before sunrise, I spied the moon spying on me!  I loved our outing in the city but I loved more coming home, starting a knitting project and drinki

The Gnomes

  All I've been doing is thinking about gnomes and knitting gnomes . The photo shows seven completed and number eight which is the LAST one needs a beard and he is completed. The pattern is Nice to Gnome You . I used left over worsted weight wools from deep stash and went crazy with the color combining. The crazier I went with color combing the more I liked the gnomes. This morning number eight will be finished and I will be thankful. My hands are sore from the double pointed needle knitting. These little guys are all Christmas gifts. I must say it was ultra satisfying to knit something that is a stash buster! What are you working on this week?


  My weekend contained: -daily walks and gathering leaves - stay at home weekend - phone calls with family - knitting gnomes (the photo below is number seven!) - lots of reading - visiting my neighbor discussing Holiday plans and gifts for family - enjoying the BIRDS at my bird feeder - seeing a red breasted nuthatch at my feeder first time ever - getting excited for an upcoming museum visit this week - writing out my weekly plans and lofty goals! - hearing S N O W in the forecast (yay) - getting all the laundry and cleaning done in one day How was your weekend?

This and That

  How are you?  I've been mighty fine these days. The knitting frenzy continues as I am working on the sixth gnome! I am getting more crazy with the color combinations and chipping away at some half skeins that I know I will never use again. The gnome journey has been so much fun! The above photo is the scarf that I am making for me that I haven't worked on since gnome number two or three. I'm working on it today, it's a lovely pattern that is fun to work on. After a brief warm up in the temperatures, we are getting back to chilly air. A cold front blew through and the winds knocked down so many tree leaves in the neighborhood. Delightful! Frodo and I love to see the fallen leaves all mixed up on neighborhood properties. We have our fair share of leaves mixed together in our front yard. After a summer on NOT feeding the birds because of a raccoon family, we are back at it. The birds came right back! Hopefully the raccoons do not. My bird feeder is squirrel proof but no

Knitting News

  I am half way done with my gnome making! I want to make eight total and I started number FIVE two days ago. The pattern calls for two strands of fingering so I substituted worsted weight on size five double pointed needles. What I am enjoying the most is blitzing through half skeins of worsted weight wool that I've saved from previous projects along with color coordinating my gnomes.  (In the background are two pilgrims that my sister made for me a few years ago). What are you working on this week?