

  How are you all doing? Today is a cooler weather day, you know the kind that feels like fall but isn't fall at all. There is nothing new around here which makes life perfect. I had a campus tour yesterday for my non-credit classes that start in two weeks. I think I know where I'm going, maybe. I definitely know where to park. I am excited for school to start. What an adventure for me! September is going to be a busy month for me, so my posting on this space might be less than usual. I don't want to say definitely, but I feel that skipping a post here and there might be the way to allow for wiggle room in life.  Did you see that acorn?? (Autumn is coming!).  While my heart pines for fall, I am enjoying the late summer days by reading on the back patio with Frodo who tolerates this 'outsideness' for about 30 minutes. I remember when he was a pup and I could not convince him to come inside. At soon to be 14 years old, he enjoys outside limitedly and then wants to go

Knitting News

  This week I've been working on this last hitchhiker shawl of the summer. I have been enjoying the ease of this project, so simple for me to pick up and knit a little bit and put down. I have not tested this with talking at the same time, I'm sure I would make mistakes under those test conditions, ha ha. The sock yarn for this shawl was F R E E. Yup! my sister asked me if I would like the yarn that was given to her by someone who didn't want the yarn. Lucky for me I thought it would make a great shawl. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was nice. Another weekend home doing my regular stuff. On Friday, I had a sister outing and in the morning we stopped to feed the chickens my sister is babysitting. They were all so cute! We picked up smoothies and shopped at a few stores before heading home. I'm having the tiniest arthritis flare, so I've been taking it easy and staying out of the sun, heat and humidity which makes it worse. I'm in a knitting mood so that just aligns with my values these days. I did some art journaling as well. The iris below has decided to bloom a few months late. We've had thunderstorms over the weekend that were intense but luckily Frodo cannot hear them and slept through the noise. Holly can hear them and she doesn't like them at all. How was our weekend?

What Could Be

  Good morning to all of you. How are you doing? Over here we are doing just fine. My knitting has slowed a tiny bit, it seems that my arthritis is having the tiniest of flares so I'm just listening to my body. I believe I am witnessing what could be the ending of summer and the beginning of fall. I know, I know, there are many of you who love summer and I'm trying to let you all enjoy your favorite season. Sadly summer is my least favorite season and I try my best to enjoy the days. I love to sit on the back patio reading a book or knitting, wearing sandals and short sleeved tee shirts. On Monday my husband and I picked up some lunch and drove to the near by park to sit and watch the water and the ducks while we picnicked.  This was after a light rain fall so the temperature felt a little chilly sitting in the pavilion (delightful!). Leaves are starting to drop in my yard and the cicadas are super loud in the middle of the day. On my daily morning walk yesterday I spied acorns

Salted Caramel Shawl

  Good morning! I finished the second hitchhiker shawl of this summer season and am extremely pleased with the results. That pop of blue trim steals the show. Of course, I cast on a third hitchhiker shawl and this one will be the last hitchhiker shawl for the time being. I will then switch to full force fall knitting!! What are you working on this week?


  Good morning to all of you, I hope you had a restful weekend. This past weekend was super boring and just what I needed after all the travels we had the weekend before in Cambridge MA. On Saturday morning, my sister and I took a long walk through the neighborhood and the adjoining trail through the woods that left me feeling exhausted, but the good kind of exhausted. My husband and I spent lots of time on the back patio with Frodo, reading or eating or both. Sometimes it just gets too hot out there and so I go back inside. Because of my intense desire for fall, and yet we are a long ways away from an awesome season, I started a pair of fingerless mitts for me. After this pair, I will make a pair for my husband. Doing this has help my yearnings for cold weather, for now. I did a lot of laundry (!) and list making for the upcoming week. How was your weekend?

Catching Up

  Good morning! How are all of you? I'm doing well and continue to play catch up after our trip last weekend to Cambridge, MA. The unpacking is the easy part, it's the internet catch up - bill paying and visiting blogs. Also buying groceries while not having a menu plan. I should just give up having a menu plan since I seem to do fairly well winging the meals.  I've been holding off saying this but I'm just about to burst because I am ready for FALL. I'm doing my best to enjoy the summer season especially since this is my husband's favorite season. As of today, we have 50 more days until the first day of Autumn.  I went out shopping with my sister yesterday morning and I bought some new charms from Joann Fabrics to add to my traveller's notebook. They are so cute. The tidy Buddha was from the beach vacation last year.  This fall, I will be taking some classes at the local university for people over 50 years old. I'm excited to go back to school but it