
My weekend was slow and easy, finishing books, starting books.  Reading over Christmas lists and starting the big buy.  Ignoring my aversion to weekend shopping, then regretting every. single. minute.  I love to shop when no one else is around. The best shopping is on line shopping!!

After Mass this morning the laundry was started, but not finished.  I talked to both kids.  Then Frodo and I settled down to watch the first Harry Potter movie so I could power through the fingerless mitt knitting.  Sometimes movie watching makes me quite productive in the knitting department.

We made homemade pizza that happened to be the best pizza ever.  After a couple pieces of chocolate I'm ready to finish the very last mitt and drink my tea (in a festive mug!)

It was a good weekend.

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. i am not a shopper but when it must be done, it's during the week - i imagine weekends during the holidays to be insane!

  2. I detest shopping [except for books and yarn], but my downtown is so quite this time of year it's like I just about own it. Now during the summer when all the tourist are here there is no way I will go downtown!
    I am working on fingerless gloves too, only three more pair to go and two scarves to finish off my Christmas knitting.

  3. looks like Frodo is enjoying HP also!
    I did all the handmade gifts this year (which equals, well, alot!), online shopped early for just a few things and my husband is in charge of the few things that are left ~ we did good this year!

  4. I love movie watching/ knitting as well!!

  5. I just mentioned to my mom that I much prefer online shopping to the real thing. I also prefer doing anything during the week. Love the movie knitting. Such productivity.

  6. I'd say that sounds like a GREAT weekend!!!! (I'm back to fingerless mitts, too!--such a good gift!)

  7. I am not a shopper either, most of my gifts are being made, and a few things bought online. I have to go to the bookstore this week for a few books but that is it.

    Homemade pizza is the best. Have a great week!

  8. I'm with you...I would much rather shop when the crowds are thin or non-existant, but that isn't always possible during the Christmas rush. Sounds like you had an overall nice weekend. Enjoy the week ahead.

  9. I hate shopping. Luckily I am off a lot during the week. That makes it easier to brave the stores. I shop better under pressure so probably won't even start holiday shopping until later in December.

  10. I love the movie and knitting part!! And, the homemade pizza and chocolate! We have been busy playing with the Little Men... and, I'm enjoying a quiet moment! blessings ~ tanna

  11. Blech I don't like shopping either especially this time of year! I try my hardest to go during the week. But that's getting harder as Ree gets bigger and wants to know what every single thing I put in the cart is for! We love the Harry Potter movies here too!

  12. I love shopping! I'm going out tomorrow evening to grab some things for my oldest Birthday. I also enjoy knitting and watching tv.....well listening to the tv really. I'm scared if I watch the tv instead of my knitting I'll screw it all up.

  13. Sounds like and all in all good weekend. My hubby loathes holiday shopping where I on the other hand love it! Ha! I usually find myself helping strangers make choices or find the perfect gift and Mr. Doozie tags along rolling his eyes ;) Happy Monday to you

  14. Oh, my husband tried to drag me out in that craziness...did not happen. I told him I HAD to stay home and work on Christmas gifts...thank goodness!

  15. hi karen! lots of the same movie watching knitting frenzy going on over here. enjoying the season and all it brings. must enjoy the leaves falling here instead of snow though. xo

  16. I agree, can't stand crowds and holiday shopping. That is unless it's really quaintly Christmasy out and a little chilly.....xo

  17. Sounds like my kind of a week-end. Love movies and knitting.

  18. I dread the mall during the holidays and weekends. I am more of an internet shopper, the UPS lady and I are on a first name basis ;-)
    Knitting, reading and a movie is my kind of weekend

  19. Sounds like an amazing weekend! HP is one of my favorites - and such a festive movie for this time of year!!

  20. Your weekend sounded great! I really want to sit down and watch all of the Harry Potter movies in order. I have seen bits and pieces of each movie here and there.

  21. How cool that you had snow already!! When I woke up Saturday morning and put my head out the window it was all frosty and Narnia like but nothing as good as you had.

    Sounds like you had a lovely peaceful weekend before everyone starts heading home for Christmas.

    Hope the rest of the week's as good.

  22. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a festive mug of my own this year. I really want one!


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