Unexpected Snowfall

Brr!  The outside is frightfully, frigidly, delightfully cold --  really really cold.  This cold snap gives me every single excuse to skip the daily walks and hibernate inside my house.  When the wind chill is under 10 degrees my poor little dog suffers and I cannot take that brisk wind either.  Too bad hibernating isn't very healthy, I feel like a slug.  I am continuing my daily yoga ritual so my flexibility is improving, like touch my toes kind of fexibility.  I know in a few days the weather will once again cooperate for the daily walks.  Really spring is just around the corner.

This past week we had an unexpected snowfall.  I love waking up and looking outside to 3-4 inches of snow that the forecasters decided to not forecast.  The sunrise with the snowfall was beautiful.  Frodo and I walked around with my camera and snapped photos.  I wish I could capture the elegant silence that goes with snow.  It's pure contentment.

I've been working on the baby blanket and hope to be finished over this weekend.  I've been itching to start something new but know that if I do, I will abandon the blanket and the on going sweater.  I know myself well.  I'm daydreaming of cowls and mitts and shawls.  

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Lovely photos! I also welcome and appreciate how snow makes everything quiet and beautiful. (I'm just not fond of shoveling feet of the stuff.) It's bitterly cold here also, so after a few errands today I'm going to stay in and hiberknit. Stay warm!

  2. What beautiful mid-winter snow! Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. I really do want to come and hang out with you!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. How beautiful! I would love to see snow, but we have only gray and fog.

  5. Good luck finishing the baby blanket! Hopefully you stay focused on your current sweater project, it's been coming along so nicely :) Have a great weekend!

  6. Winter came late it seems. I know you love it. Snow makes it better. We are looking at more snow on Monday, but an unexpected snow is the best. Chilly here too. Brrrr. Stay warm!

  7. We had a little snow this week but it is already gone. Can't wait for spring!

  8. Wow, look at that snow. It's amazing how a snowfall can be art, yeah? I'm glad you're warm and flexible and have great knitting plans this weekend. Still detoxing here. I hope to finish sock one this weekend so I can move onto a vanilla one. Trying to finish my HP 6 too.

  9. It's snowing like crazy here in London right now - I think you or your husband have relatives here? We had a dumping yesterday and now are expecting another 25cm over the next two days! It's fun though, the forced hibernation, it's never a problem for a knitter :-) Can't wait to see your finished projects soon!

  10. So beautiful! It hasn't snowed here in the south-west of England for a couple of years now and I do miss waking up to that lovely white hushed scene. Enjoy your weekend, and keep cosy :)

  11. Your photos are beautiful. Ours has melted but more is supposed to be on the way. Have a nice weekend.

  12. The snow does look really pretty, but at this point I'd rather not have any in our area. ;-) Hannah and I will be volunteering at a 5k tomorrow morning and with the wind chill it's supposed to be in the single digits. Brrr...

  13. Beautiful photos! We didn't have any snow this year so I'm experiencing it through pictures of others.

  14. Oh YAY! Winter did find you... I'm sorry it had to be such an extreme dive in, but what a lovey sight non the less. Enjoy it Karen! And yes, please stay warm... It was -31'C (equal in 'F) with the wind this morning here. So believe me, you are not the only one hibernating. :-)

  15. Isn't that snow just so beautiful? I prefer it to rain and gloom.
    We are expecting snow this weekend and Im looking forward to just watching it. I used to have to work and drive at all hours in unpaved, unsalted roads. It is pure heaven to be retired.

  16. Thank you for sharing the beauty of an unexpected snowfall with us!

  17. The pictures look so cold but are so beautiful. Wishing you warm knitting this weekend.

  18. We are in the midst of a deep freeze too, and had unexpected snow today!!! It is beautiful out there, and I am quite happy to be looking at it all from the comfort of the sofa in front of the fire :)

    Enjoy your weekend Karen.

  19. Please send as much of that lovely cold stuff down under - I am sick of the humidity and sweaty clothing. It is hideous in a school hall with 600 students with no fans or cooling system - open windows do zilch too. I can get warm in cold weather but cooling down in 90% humidity does not happen!

  20. What lovely shots of the snow, Karen! I have been happy as well because of the snow this week. And like you, I don't mind having to stay inside cozy and warm on these frigid days! xx

  21. Love how still and peaceful these photos are! Have a great weekend!

  22. It looks very cold and very beautiful at the same time! Glad you are staying in and keeping warm. I could do with getting more flexible, something to work on next perhaps now that I am walking more. Happy Valentines! xx

  23. Such beauty in snowy landscapes! Although it makes you stay inside for now, the more happy you will be to hear the crisp of the first signs of Spring and take Frodo out for longer walks again. Have a nice Sunday!

  24. I know what you mean about the quiet of snow, it's rather wonderful isn't it. Hope you have been able to get out and about this weekend ;). Happy Knitting!

  25. This looks incredible! We've had no snow at all in the south of England, so this is a positive wonderland!

  26. Such lovely photos, Karen. Stay warm and cosy xx

  27. Wonderful photography, Karen. But it does look COLD!


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