Summer Intention List

Every single morning this week I did my yoga routine while babying my gimpy wrist (which is overall much much much better).  It feels good to be back into my daily practice.  Of course I've modified a few poses but that isn't a big deal for me.  I am enjoying knowing that I am doing exercises that are good for my body and for my mind.

The wild roses are blooming this week and they seem to be abundant!  On my daily walks there are many dead trees (some kind of tree borer) and yet the roses have climbed and decorated and revitalized the end of a tree's life - beautiful!

I also spied the first daisy bloom - a personal favorite

The beginning of June is so fresh with promise especially the start of summer.  This summer I want to really be in a "summer frame of mind".  My childhood summers were full of:

-fire fly catching
-endless book reading on the front porch swing with iced tea (no lemon)
-pick up games of soft ball with the neighborhood kids
-fresh fruits and vegetables, many from my father's garden

Today I'm not interested in catching fireflies nor am I feeling up to playing soft ball.  However, I want to harness that care free feeling.  So my summer intentions are thus:

-endless reading on my patio swing with iced tea
-planning out some new knitting projects that are light on the lap and my hands and lacy
-picnics!!  and we take Frodo :)
-hikes at the state forests surrounding me and we take Frodo :)
-eating locally grown food AND from our personal wee garden
-photography with my big camera, I've become a little lazy...
-weekly trips to the local library
-farmer market visits
-learning more about watercolor art and doing it

What would make your summer intention list?


  1. As a kid, my summer activities were the usual reading, swimming, biking, daydreaming. But on rainy days, my little brother and me would play 'school' or 'office' in the basement playroom, where I was always the teacher or boss. So here I am as an adult, stuck indoors playing office all summer! lol

  2. My summer list includes sewing and knitting and reading and lemons in my ice water and hours in my deck chair and days when I don't need to leave the house before lunch time!

  3. Your list is so awesome and I could take most of your intentions and make them my own. I'm a huge fan of summer!

  4. My summers would include, eating the fruits of my labour from the garden. Strolls along the beach watching the sea. Reading, I never seem to have time to read and spending lots of time with the family. Glad you are feeling better. My husband is now taking a stronger dosage of methatroxate in injection form alongside Prednisolone tablets which is helping a little. Take care.

    1. I finished the prednisone and now I'm back with pain... my metho was increased and I'm waiting for it to kick in, should be any week now...

  5. Karen, I love your list! Summer Reading is on my list this year - and it is absolutely throwing me back to the days of my youth and summer read-athons! I was a voracious reader, and hope to recapture some of that this summer! I have a goal to finish up a plethora of WIPs that are hanging around and I want to knit some socks. Big plans, but I am determined.

  6. Summer reading is definitely on my list (but it's also on the list year-round)! It sounds like you and Frodo will be having a grand time this summer!

  7. I love your list. PHotography seems to come naturally to your eye. I look forward to blog photos. in fact I dont read blogs who don't post photos.
    My list:
    Getting back to the Northwoods Of Wisconsin in August. IT has been 8years too long.
    Watching fireflies from my porch
    Maintaining my weight loss . Hello again scale, twice a week.
    Practiciing ONe day at at time and being present in the moment.....a continual challenge for me
    going to the shaved ice store in Evanston for the first time

  8. I need to get back to yoga! It is good for the body and the mind.
    Your shawl is coming along beautifully.
    I love your idea of summer intentions. I'm determined to come up with my own list!

  9. This is a great summer list of to-dos. I need to paint and exercise for sure besides knit socks and bake.

  10. I don't have a list (yet) but yours sounds beautiful. Enjoy every moment you can!

  11. I've had a busy and difficult time since January and now things are settling into a new normal. Your list has inspired me to take time and give some thought to my summer intentions. Thanks for sharing!

    1. sorry you've had a difficult time, I hope it's looking good now! You should buy yourself presents in the summer :)

  12. My summer list is very short. I plan only one thing, to knit at the beach! I will look a bit weird wearing my bikini, drinking iced tea and knitting woolen socks!

    1. you will look fine! and a really hip knitter :)

  13. Karen, your list is wonderful and inspired me to write about my own: I'm going to try to follow your lead and embrace summer! : ) xx

  14. What a great list Karen. I think my list would include getting back into my fiction reading, preferably in the hammock, lots of camp fires in the back yard, and lots of gatherings with friends.

    Happy weekend!

  15. I would like my garden to need maintenance only rather than building and I think I am almost there. We live near a creek and have planted a "bird corridor" and this very morning my garden was honored with native birds. I am glad Frodo will get to go. <3

  16. Great list Karen. I know I always have better days when I wake up and consciously think I want to be my Best Self. Mindfulness helps.

  17. A lovely list, I would love to hang out on your porch knitting and drinking tea, I will be there in spirit. This summer I would have on my list knit a gift for a friend having a baby, enjoy my family holiday, swim as often as possible in our village pool and get to the local PYO farms which I always seem to miss!

    1. I miss the farmer's market and this year I am NOT!!

  18. I love to hear about your days and your intentions list is wonderful. I wish you a very happy summer, dear Karen xx

  19. Such gorgeous photos! Your plans are so dreamy! My number #1 plan is to visit my family, meet all friends, eat Mom's food as much as I can, read, knit, work and love :)

    1. I'm so excited you will be visiting your family!!!!

  20. One of my intentions this summer is finding some outside activities that can be done in the scorching heat of Northern California. It's not even fun to go outside but it's also not fun to be stuck in the house. Also try as many new foods as possible when I'm in Europe!


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