
How was your weekend?  The kids came home for an extended weekend so we could all celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family.  If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that we exchange Christmas gifts while we are together.  So my manic gift knitting in September had a good reason to exist. 

I had a great time seeing all of my family, eating fantastic food that I did not cook.  I also shopped with my sister on Friday, braving the crazy crowds. 

Yesterday I started decorating the house.  I'm trying to strategically decorate with a one year old inquisitive cat in the house.  I put up the smaller tree this year and picked through the ornaments.  I chose ornaments she can't destroy or get hurt on.  Also I picked some that if she destroyed I'd be okay with it.  I did not put anything my mother made (too much emotional value).

She is still a little stinker and loves yarn and ribbons. 

Even though I placed some of my holiday decorations out, I am still exhausted.  My hands and wrists hurt (RA).  So today is resting and relaxing. 

I started another cowl, this one for my son for Christmas.  I am nearing the end of knitting for others,  I really want to knit for me and I know if I start I will not get the holiday knitting finished. 

How was your weekend?


  1. Your time with your family sounded wonderful. I got as ready for Christmas as I could during my four days off from work. Lots of decorating, gift ordering, a tiny bit of shopping and lots of crochet while watching football. have a great week.

  2. What a great weekend. There is nothing like good times with family. Especially when you don't have to do the cooking yourself.
    Sorry that the RA flared up, though. That does slow down holiday preparations.

  3. What a great weekend (except for the RA flareup)! I hadn't thought about the challenge of decorating with Holly, but it looks lovely. And so does your waffly cowl - so squishy and warm!

  4. Family weekends/holidays are the best. Take good care this week, especially those hands and wrists. We had a nice Thanksgiving day with a bit of a snow storm over night and into this morning. Your Christmas decorations are so pretty. That little Holly is a character.

  5. Our thanksgiving was in October, now is that time in between, no Xmas tree yet, only the grey days and the waiting. You are brave putting out all these pretty decorations with the little one around!

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I have made a start decorating the mantel but not putting too much out this year as we won't be here (hurray) we will be away visiting family.

  7. My weekend will end in two hours when my guest leave for home. I can't wait, even though it was wonderful to spend time with family we rarely see. I will spend the rest of the day cleaning! oh well, THEN, I'll decorate! :)

  8. Sounds like your Thanksgiving and weekend were just perfect! It can be tricky decorating for the holidays with a kitten (or even a cat) in residence...trust me, I know. At least our cats have not tried to climb the tree (unlike our son's cat Marcel) - lol.

  9. I spent the weekend knitting and going to sporting events. Now I am cozy inside while it spits snow outside. No need for me to get out of the house today!

  10. I think my weekend was way calmer than yours - even WITH the little boys on Thursday! I hope all those hand knit gifts were well-received! and that Holly behaves herself with the decorations. I do love that my Holly only cares about the skirt under the tree. It almost takes the place of her bed in December.

  11. Oh How wonderful your early Christmas and Timely Thanksgiving were. I knit for others quite a bit recently, so it is all just for fun now. im okay with it. Between the operation gratitude scarves, the charity acrylic hats and a hat for Fireman, a hat for Zach and mittens for Al......it is me time. OH and the goat coat...that was so fun

  12. I love your snowman collection! The weekend was chill.

    1. And thank you for the hair love. I wish my hair had some wave or curl to it already so I wouldn't have to use the flat iron every time but oh well. I'm being patient and growing it out. My collarbone is my goal.


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