The Days Following After

My Christmas was wonderful.  The day was quiet and I purposefully choose a simple meal for dinner so that my entire day was spent knitting.  I need to do this more often.  I tend to get caught up in what I believe 'has' to be done and I waste time on many tasks that could be put off until later.  I especially do this when the kids are visiting.  I find peace constantly tidying up but then I sacrifice my down time with knitting.  Truly there is a balance of both.

As I mentioned before our son was with us for Christmas day and will be here until the new year.  Our daughter and son in law arrive tomorrow and we celebrate all over again.  Tomorrow will be a 'Christmas' day in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.  I'm excited for them to arrive.

Above is the blanket started all over again, phew!  I am so glad I made this decision.  Now the project lays flat and I can see the simple stitch detail.  Also this project fits perfectly with mild distractions or watching a tv show.

I started a sweater for me!  If you check out the project page and see purple wool remember this is a provisional cast on and not part of the sweater.  This project requires tons of focus and has no wiggle room for distractions.  Once the yoke is knit then I think I'll be on autopilot knitting.

I've been thinking about 2019 and some loosey goosey goals.  I tend to never follow any of my intentions throughout the year.  Unfortunately I cannot commit to ONE word for the year either.  I have a jumble of thoughts or ideas and I cannot simmer them down to one word that casts a wide net. 

I found a print out for reading the bible in a year that I've tucked into my bible.  This blog post was informational and I downloaded Dr. Mary Healy's pdf.  I've put away some prayer books and added some new prayer books. 

morning Holly stretches
Sure I could tell you I'm going to read more, knit more and sketch more.  I think 2019 will be focusing on what is my free time and how am I using my free time.  The days that I babysit tend to be days I do nothing at all once I get home because I'm tired.  I'd like to find an activity that will fit in with my exhaustion and maybe those days should be a simple meal plan or maybe no cooking at all to give myself leeway.

My mornings are crammed with errands and the gym or with babysitting.  My focus is to better allocate my afternoon time and use it wisely. 

My health and fitness goals are the same for 2019:  Exercise, eat healthy and use hand sanitizer whenever possible.

Do you have any goals?  If so what are they?

Holly has been with us for one entire year on December 9th.  Here is a photo of her laying in front of the ottoman (Frodo is under there, I doubt he was sleeping).  Look at her there sitting with her feet tucked under being with her Nemesis so much trust in the photo. 

Watching these two animals become 'friends' has been slow going but rewarding.  Sometimes Frodo doesn't chase her or bark at her.  Sometimes Holly seeks him out only to run away.  My husband and I researched her behavior and believe she was abused/neglected before we found her.  Her skitterishness (not a word but I'm using it) is due to that.  She would love if Frodo never barked again but she can't have everything.  We also believe she loves us and her home. 


  1. I love your projects! I know exactly how you feel about goals and words for the year. I start out with strong intentions, well, then life happens. You know how it is. So glad you had a good Christmas and are getting to spend some time with your children!

  2. I love how you pour out yourself in these posts, Karen. I am going to set some intentions this year - with the goal of making them a habit by the end of January - revolving around being healthier!

  3. How wonderful to have another celebration with your whole family. You have more focus than I do or think I do. I like your idea of loosey goosey rules. I'm going to ponder that for awhile.

  4. How wonderful to have another Christmas (today?) - but I do hope you're getting plenty of knitting time, too! I'm still thinking about 2019 intentions and goals. This week needs to be a few days longer so I can be ready for January 1. I read the bible in one year back in 2011 and it was one of the most meaningful things I ever did. highly recommend!

  5. I have some thoughts on my goals:
    I maintained my weight this year with much attention to weightwatcher points. I am pleased. So I want to maintain again.
    I want to worry less. Im not sure how to accomplish this.
    I want to get back to my knit group or .....form one in my town.

  6. Good luck on your goals! And of course Holly loves you and her home! It is purrfect for her.

  7. Oh, this is wonderful. I downloaded the Bible -in-a-year PDF--thank you for linking! I use my Magnificat everyday but have been wanting to read the Bible in a year and this plan looks so doable! That, some weight loss (just 20 pounds to go!), and more knitting and volunteering and "aunting!" Blessings to you! ~ Jill M

  8. Animal friendships are the best! I'm sure she is very happy in her home with a loving family.
    I'd like to knit a Jennifer Steinglass pattern some day. The problem is that I don't wear pullover sweaters because I get too hot! I love the colors you picked out.
    My goal at the moment is to figure out if I should retire at the end of the school year.

  9. I have also been trying to think of a word and I think I may have it not sure just yet. Good luck on any goals for the upcoming year. It was just the opposite at our house with our Scruffy Dog and Kitty Kitty. We got Scruffy first and then about a month later Kitty Kitty. Scruffy was terrified of her at first and would not go near her. She didn't have too much to do with him either. Now they are the best of buddies. It only took about a month. They sleep together and romp through the house like a herd of elephants. Your kitty is very lucky to have you and I am sure she is as happy as can be. Happy New Year!!!!

  10. I am so glad you had a nice Christmas! I too need a day to just relax and decompress! It's great to have goals! Sending you love and good wishes for the new year!

  11. Enjoy and savor the time with your family. Oh, a sweater with a color work yoke. What a great idea. I love the Chickadee yarn - both knitting and wearing it. Your colors look so much like you and are beautiful together. So Holly has been with you for a year - hard to believe. I don't set goals for a year but I do enjoy choosing a word to ponder during the year. Hard to believe 2018 is almost a wrap but so it goes.

  12. I love that sheep bag!! So cute. I also love the photo of Holly's morning stretches, too cute.


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