
Good morning!  My weekend is still going strong but I thought I'd post this morning before the post gets away from me.  Even though today is a holiday, I'm still going to the gym.  Once I'm in the habit of doing something good, I continue to do so. 

Saturday morning we had a snowstorm that was glorious.  Beautiful snowflakes fell slowly and I didn't have to go anywhere important.

I read Grant all day.  Literally.  I started around 10 a.m. and finished around 9:30 p.m. Of course I took breaks for eating meals but I didn't even knit while reading.  I wanted that book done and out of my rotation. Phew!  The book was fantastic but Grant's death was a sad one.  He died of tongue and mouth cancer....boo. 

Anyways, I feel light as a feather now that I finished reading.  I haven't started anything else new.  I'm reading  Dutch House and A Better Man.  I hope to make progress in both of those books.

Saturday morning before the reading marathon, I gathered up some worsted weight wool for new projects.  The brown wool is for a sweater (Felix) because I loved Kat's one so much.  Thank you Kat for the inspiration!

I hope the wool I picked out will work, I'll be swatching gauge sometime today.

Also I impulsively decided to knit a hat for the preschooler.  We take walks and the hat she has is a little small.  I'm still deciding on a pattern but getting close.  Also, she needs mitts!  Little hands lose little mitts I guess.

Today after the gym, I can leisurely read whatever I want, knit whatever I want and hopefully cook up a fast dinner.

How was your weekend?


  1. Long weekends are the best. I’ve spent most of mine knitting a shawl and hope to continue to do the same today. We didn’t get much snow but had sleet and freezing rain. Luckily it wasn’t terrible, now it’s windy and bitter cold. The perfect weather for knitting!

  2. The relaxing day that you have planned sounds heavenly. I like the sweater that you are planning. That wool is very pretty.

  3. Oh, how we need snow here! I miss it. The Felix sweater is on my list of knits to knit, such a lovely sweater. I loved Grant as well, thought the book was well done.
    Enjoy MLK day-taking it slow.

  4. I am hoping to get some reading done today too. Good for you for finishing Grant. He was an interesting guy for sure. That is so nice of you to knit a hat and little mittens for the pre-schooler. I hope you can have a day to relax today. Have a good week.

  5. I also have a weekend full of yarn and books. And I did a lot of thinking about how to get more organized around dinner prep so I can start getting in 30 minutes of yoga or Pilates while dinner is cooking. Hats for preschoolers are so fun because they don’t take too long. Enjoy

  6. Oh yes, isn't the snow wonnnnderful??????? This morning, it has diamonds sprinkled all over it. -smile-

    A bit north of us, is where Grant's Cottage is located. Where he finished his writing and spent his last days.

    That brown yarn is gorgeous...

    We did errands Sat., before the snow storm. The rest of the weekend was calm. My casserole did both meals, which is a joy!!!! -smile-

    Happy Monday!


  7. That is quite the reading marathon! I don't think I've ever done that, but it sounds like a wonderful idea that I need to try. Enjoy your swatching and knitting!

  8. I have my fingers crossed that yarn will work perfectly! And, thank you so much for the shout out! XO

  9. Reading from dusk till dawn.. that is the dream :)

  10. Sometimes it is just nice to spend a day doing exactly what you want to do. I'll have to try it with reading - knitting that long might create injury for me. Reading is another story. My favorite go to mitten pattern for kids is from Tin Can - The World's Simplest Mitten. It's free and has numbers for all ages and weights of yarn. The top decreases are fuss free. I hope the brown wool works out for a Felix sweater. It looks so rich.

  11. That was a long reading marathon. Enjoy your new knitting this week. We had a busy weekend ferrying children around, clearing our bedroom for a new bed and then driving to pick it up on Sunday. It was busy but a good kind of busy.

  12. Impressive reading marathon I haven't done that for a long time. Although I do enjoy a crochet marathon particularly if I want a project finished. We had a social weekend and did a lot of entertaining of neighbours and friends, it was nice to catch up.

  13. Your brown wool is gorgeous. Hope your swatching worked out. It must feel so good to be finished with Grant!! What a tome!

  14. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Mine was good too. Birthday lunch with my sister, hot tub shopping with my husband, every meal eaten out so no kitchen work and the rain/sleet storm never slowed me down. Never got any knitting done though.

  15. A cardigan is such a good staple; it's a shining plus when it's handknitted. Love how you're going to knit for the preschooler.


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