Finding Joy

How has your week been?  Did you find joy?  I hope so.  Thank you all for the lovely comments on my shawl, this tiny blogging world is wonderful!  This week started out with winter coats and today it will be nearly 80 degrees.  On our daily walks we've seen an oriole, an indigo bunting and a woodpecker.  To be honest, my husband sees them first then I'm trying to follow where he is pointing lagging behind in my birdwatching skills.

I'm finding joy in the every day.  Sure these days seem to run together blurring lines and becoming a bit of a blob.  But then, I schedule myself out with some blocked time of purposeful creativity and then 'poof' the day feels different.  As I mentioned in my Weekends post, I read all day Saturday and that made Saturday feel like Saturday.

gift from my daughter and son in law
I'm finding joy in rearranging all my art supplies, rotating out watercolor paint sets and flipping through art journals.  It's been over a year since I started seriously watercoloring and I do see some progress.  I still need to learn more and therein lies endless joy.

I'm finding joy in embracing good health and good health throughout my family and friends. 

There's joy in:

-a classic book (Middlemarch)
-a BIG salad
-a big mug of green tea
-sitting in full sun soaking up the warmth
-a somewhat tidy house
-daily walks
-Frodo snuggles
-Holly antics
-cooking dinner and NOT cooking dinner
-packages arriving in the mail

Where are you finding joy these days?

Welcome to all of you new readers, you know who you are!  I'm thrilled you are here reading this space.  As always I am grateful to my returning readers, you are treasured immensely!! 


  1. Beautiful post, Karen! I love your painting so much! (and would love birdwatching with you!)

  2. It is nice you have such a variety of birds to see. We have pigeons, starlings and sparrows in our area. We use to have a woodpecker but he left a few years ago. In the wintertime we get all the northern birds and then it is much more interesting. Your water colors are always so pretty. I truly enjoy seeing them. Your list of joys has given me pause to think of my own. Thank you for that.

  3. I'm finding joy in daily walks, watching all the birds (especially all the nest building going on), and seeing your watercolors!

  4. Your water coloring should encourage me, to do the same!!!!!!!!! I never tried that medium, although I love it dearly. YOur way, with a small book/pad, looks like a wonderful way to do it. It just seems too much work, to get out a big pad of paper. <---Jolly excuse, I know!!!!!!!!!!

    Please keep showing your lovely water colors! I just might doooooooooo it!!!!!! -smile-

    Our weather is switching to warm too. We are a bit east of you, up a bit, so similar weather is usual. But we are more north, which makes a difference.

    Oh yes, let's keep finding, those things, which make us the most Peaceful. And eliminating those, which give stress, even though they bring Joy, to others. Individuals, as we are!

    Gentle hugs,

  5. Loved the water colour once again. I am tempted to give it a go you are an inspiration. I am finding joy as always with family just in different ways. The community, for their care and generosity and craft projects. It was a delight to see your list. Take care and stay safe dear friend.

  6. First of all, I like the phrase that you used: purposeful creativity. What a great way to put it. I am finding joy in all that is growing in my yard, and nature in general. I saw three foxes yesterday! Your dog is adorable.

  7. I like seeing your watercoloring. I need to practice more my brush lettering. I've been slowly going through a book with Crayola Super tips. I'm okay at it and a bit frustrated with it.

  8. I'd love to see an indigo bunting!!! You painting is lovely .

  9. I love your artwork. You are very talented. It is good to find joy in the small things of our lives. Have a good weekend.

  10. Such a lovely post Karen. It is so important that we find joy isn't it? The beauty in the ordinary. I have had a very very busy, full week but have been so happy and content in that busyness. Now spending my Saturday morning catching up on reading blogs which I haven't done for over a week.

  11. I love this post, such lovely thoughts. Today I am finding joy in having nothing scheduled, just a day to work out at its own pace. I don't get many of those so it is a special treat. Stay safe.

  12. ooohhh, your mail looks totally joyful! as does that list. I'm about to find joy in a run to the lake - my first this year!!

  13. I find joy in the sunshine and walking each day, the iris that begin to bloom in my yard and my neighbors, a cup of tea brewed in a teapot from tea leaves, and your lovely blog posts.

  14. Indigo buntings are So pretty! Your water colors are fantastic and always amaze me.


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