
How was your weekend?

Mine was delightfully calm and serene, just the way I like them. I worked on some of my ongoing knitting projects.  I am finally on the second sock!  Sadly the color way while beautiful seems to be missing color in odd spots so I cannot give them as a gift (except to my husband).  

We picked up Chinese food and that fed us for two days, you know what that means --  I didn't cook for two days.  We tried a new restaurant but we like our regular one better.  

Yesterday we walked after about a two week hiatus.   I cannot stand humidity, so I hide inside the air conditioned house waiting and hoping for a non-humid day.  Yesterday morning was beautiful to be out, I'm glad we went when we did because the forecast is showing more of summer's oppressiveness.  

The walk was filled with lush green vistas and wild raspberries are almost ready to be picked.  The daisies and the day lilies are still doing their thing.  Next up will be thistle, I love the purple blooms.

I haven't been to the gym since March and I doubt I'll be going in the foreseeable future, so I've been modestly investing in my home gym.  I bought a Swiss ball and today is the day I get to use it after a 48 hour inflation period (following instructions).  I miss the gym and the buddies I said 'hi' to every day.   I am pleased that I have overall kept up with my strength training routine.

How was your weekend? 


  1. I wonder if your ball will be enticing to Holly and Frodo? My weekend was spent on taxes, but I should hopefully be done uploading and mailing within a couple hours. That will be a big weight lifted!

  2. Your weekend sounds delightful! Mine was, me handing in basement from the 100+ heat wave, with the air on and lots of ice near by. I did knit on my new cast rainbow sock ;-}

  3. So, what is a Swiss Ball and how do you use it? I have a ball that I can inflate like that - I had to use it for PT years and years ago. I wonder about Holly and Frodo and the ball too - lol. Looks like a pretty new sock you have started.

    1. I do bridging with my feet on the ball, it is quite challenging for me

  4. Sounds good. Mine was a mixture of watching movies, crafting and cooking. It was such great fun and now plans to see the family, it doesn't get any better.

  5. ...At a previous job we had one of those balls that sort of floated around the office...you could sit on it if you wanted to...so sorry your yarn was not what you expected...that's a bummer...but good that you can still use it for something...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  6. I've been working out at home too. Usually my dog is sleeping when I work out, but the other day she was awake and what I was doing was driving her crazy! She actually got a hold of one of the bands I was using and it ended up snapping back at me...it was a real comedy routine! Good luck with your home workouts!

  7. We have been doing home work outs as well.. I started to jog first thing in the morning with the boys.. It's a very short run right now.. none of us have the stamina. M has a much more intense workout for himself and then he does little mini ones with the boys as well.

  8. The break in the weather was most welcome! (that humidity just is so bad!)

  9. Ours was somewhat stressful I'm afraid.

  10. Hmmm , I think we have wild raspberries, I just wasn't sure they are edible. Easy enough to google when I finish here. Glad you had less humidity. While I like it , it does make me crabby. And I hate turning on the a/c because I love having windows open.

  11. A quiet peaceful weekend but that is good by me. I was made for social distancing. We did make a drive though coffee run and I walked early each morning. I finished some socks, solved a shawl problem, and knit on Norah's mitten ornament. I did just a little spinning. I'm waiting for some new fiber to be delivered.

  12. Our heat too is oppressive and it’s time to hunker down. But.....we had a rather humid free morning Sunday so I took the opportunity to move a couple hundred bricks to make room for an outdoor shelf that I bought but can’t yet move. Be prepared! I could wring out my clothes by the time I was done Humidity free morning didn’t last long!

  13. Mine was sort of quiet. Watching Little Buddy in the pool, cleaning, paperwork and unraveling lot of crochet. I was also dog sitting my crazy grand dog so that took up a lot of time. Stay well and happy knitting.

  14. Calm and serene sounds perfect, and your walk looks perfect too, all the lovely lush greenery. My weekend was calm and busy, sitting in the garden, tending the garden, dog walks and miniature work. I've been very lax following blogs so I'm going to see what Frodo and Holly have been up to!

  15. Hmm I keep reading about heat and humidity, is it bad to want some? The temperatures here have dropped to the 50s and it is cold enough for jumpers and hats if you are out walking!

    I am sorry to hear that your yarn was not up to the job that is disappointing, hope your husband is happy with an extra pair of socks!

  16. I'm so glad I quit my gym three years ago and have an awesome at home, by myself (with a daily video) pilates practice. It's wicked humid here, too ... thankfully, we are early risers and it's not too awful to walk at 7am...


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