This and That


Good morning, how are you doing? 

Today is looking to be a sunny day and that is a welcomed sight since it was overcast and blah for two days not to mention rainy as well. As you can see by my photos we still have snow on the ground but I'm confident that pile will disappear over the weekend. 

I've been knitting only at nights now instead of during pockets of my day. Can't say why but I've been trying to read more in the afternoons and not multitask while I do my reading. My other reason to read more during the day is because when I read at night I fall asleep so quickly! I don't think I read more than a page or two and I have trouble remembering what I've read.

I've decided to decrease the sugar I put in my coffee (again) and decrease the amount of salt I add to my food (again). Yesterday was a slow going morning drinking sad coffee. Today the same coffee tasted happier. About a year or so ago I worked at decreasing and eliminating the sugar I put in my green tea (let's say it was years in the making). I love the way the tea tastes now and cannot imagine sugar in it. 

Coffee is different but I'm going to try. The guidelines are 25 grams of added sugar per day for a woman. Sugar is in everything, just so you know. I am doing this because it's healthy for me and I want to see if it improves my mood or happiness factor. I was not happy yesterday morning but the slight headache told me I LOVE sugar and might has withdrawal symptoms (ha ha ha). So far this morning I'm good.

I read somewhere that if your food tastes bland without salt you are eating too much salt. That sums it up for me. 

While I'm talking of foods and such. Does anyone have any homemade salad dressings that are non-dairy and not too acidic (I get mouth sores easily from one of my medications)? Too much lemon or vinegar causes problems. Let me know in the comments.

I snapped a photo of Holly The Cat decorating for Easter. She makes me smile with what she finds to entertain herself.

As you can see by the above planners, I am in a blue/teal mood these days. The paisley print cover is my ipad mini. I have been using the Jibun Techo for daily tracking, note-taking and finance keeping since October and love it. The Hobonichi Weeks is my carry around planner for appointments and plans, I purchased this a week or so ago with an April start. I purchased both from Jet Pens. (I am NOT an affiliate - I'm sharing what I like.) The multi-pen is a Uni Jetstream 4 +1 which is a huge game changer with for different ink colors and a pencil.

I love winter but I am so ready for Spring and being outside more. I can't wait for the day I can eat my lunch outside.

Thank you all for visiting and commenting. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Sad coffee is never a good way to begin your day! I found myself routinely adding salt to food before I even tasted it, so I've been trying to cut down. I rarely add sugar to things, but I'm afraid to add up the sugar that's already in what I eat (especially during Girl Scout cookie season). Good luck and I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Lots going on here! Your planners and pens are so pretty. I'm tempted, but I know I am not a planner-type of person. I rarely salt things when I cook and almost never use salt when I eat...only occasionally. We do keep "lite salt" on the table - Fletch uses it a lot. I use Splenda in my coffee, but when I get it out I don't sweeten it at all. Go figure. For salad dressings, I don't make my own, but often just put a little olive oil and balsamic (or other) vinegar on mine. It always tastes clean to me.

    1. I'll try that combo next time I'm facing a naked salad.

  3. Well done on eliminating sugar! I have found some good recipes on Forks Over Knives -
    I don’t know if you have a Trader Joe’s but they have some dressings in the produce department that are really good. My current is made with cashews and chipotle. Vegan and gluten free too. Happy spring

  4. Good for you for reducing sugar and salt. I quit cooking with salt almost 20 years ago and do not miss it. I figured if the family wanted salt on their food they could add at the table. Sugar is much harder for me. We switched to coconut palm sugar about 4 years ago. Our nutritionist said it didn't cause spikes and crashes like granulated sugar does. I use it for white and brown sugar when baking.

    Your planners and pens are so cool. I like how you match the colors. I finally tried fountain pens thanks to you. Love them!

    Spring has sprung here. Our citus trees are blooming as are all the grasses and weeds. Allergy season is in full swing lol.

    As for salad has some really good recipes for some. I also have found quite a few on Pinterest.

    Have a blessed day.

  5. Hi Karen,
    ...I definitely agree about the sugar...about 2 years ago...I stopped putting sugar in my tea (about 2 tsp. in each cup)...and I drink a lot of tea...and I lost about 15 lbs...without making any other that was a bonus...but I too cannot imagine drinking coffee without sugar...haha...
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. well one teaspoon of sugar is starting to taste 'okay'.

  6. Good luck on reducing your sugar and salt. Luckily I'm a cream only coffee drinker. I season food while cooking but only put out the pepper grinder when we eat. Try looking up salad dressings made from nuts, or could could always try substituting almond milk in place of dairy in other recipes. Have a great weekend Karen!

  7. Spring definitely looks like it is approaching up your way. No sugar here, I do a bit of agave in cookies but stay away from all other types of sweetened food because I have insulin issues. So I wish you the best of luck with your sugar and salt reduction. Stay strong!

    1. hopefully me doing this now will avoid any issues as I age!

  8. The Sugar Dragon!!! UGH! The husband and I looked at just how much sugar we were intentionally adding each day and said "Enough!" So, on February 17 we made "no sugar" part of our Lenten sacrifices. It's been a month and it hasn't been easy. In fact, we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph today and while I would normally be seeking out zeppoles, not this year. We're sticking to it. After all, husband said "it should be a real sacrifice." Have a lovely weekend ~ we'll be at the Sonoran Desert Museum tomorrow night with our youngest daughter and her fiance.

    1. wow I am impressed with your lenten sacrifice!

  9. Sad coffee. That' s the cutest description ever. My brother in law had a heart attack and told us all he had to do to be healthier was give up coffee creamer. Really? I laughed inside. Who are you kidding man? I'm a sugar lover. I have to work on that.

    1. my coffee is getting happier as my taste buds adjust.

  10. Lovely pictures of your week. I have been trying to reduce sugar and calories in general this past year. I have notice that too much sugar does have a negative impact on my general mood and feeling of well being. I have heard that other have the same kind of issues with sugar, so it is a good thing to cut down on. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one with the sugar-mood connection. I notice I sleep terribly when there is sugar afoot.

  11. Your teal planner and pens are pretty. I use a little salt when I cook and then try to augment with herbs and spices. I make a salad dressing that goes like this: 2T olive oil, 1T white wine vinegar,
    1 1/2 - 2 tsp honey, a shake of powdered ginger, garlic powder, black pepper, and a pinch of salt. It's not an exact recipe but I like it though it might have too much vinegar for you. You could try cutting it back or substituting lemon juice. I'm with you. I love winter but the sunshine is lovely.

    1. thank you for the 'recipe' I like it being loose so I can move up and down on each ingredient.

  12. Good luck with cutting down on added sugar ! I did that as well, a few years ago and now find that things like tomatoe, bell pepper and cashews for instance, seem to taste way sweeter :)
    The easiest dressing I can think of, and you can make a bunch of it in advance, goes very well with Italian dishes: Take nice olive oil, add some ( dried ) basil and add squeezed ( use a garlic press ) garlic.

    1. we definitely love garlic around here so this is something we will make!

  13. I desperately need to start on the road of cutting sugar and salt as well. Also need to cut down on food in general as I have gained some weight recently. Thankfully the snow is all gone here and the weather is turning somewhat warmer. Holly's Easter decorating made me smile.

    1. when you do embark on the journey share with me any tips or tricks!

  14. I have been contemplating that sugar reduction here... but for me, morning coffee is off limits! lol I got a Hobonichi Weeks planner as well from Jet Pens! I will try and share my initial thoughts on it this week! I love that picture of Frodo under the blanket! Snuggly pups are the best!

    1. can't wait to see what you think of the Weeks! I love mine immensely.

  15. It took such a long time for plain green tea to taste so good and now it does!

  16. Minnie is the same way. She's been poking about in my closet trying to mess with stuff.


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