In Nature


My husband and I went to McConnells Mill State Park along with my sister and brother in law for some mild hiking and sightseeing earlier this week. Oh to be in nature and to feel at peace among the trees and water. I was hoping for some fall foliage photos but it's still to early (kind of late this year). I didn't feel disappointed though, we all enjoyed the day trip. 

As I adjust to living outside of the Pittsburgh area, I sometimes miss the country rural life. Sometimes. I continue to acclimate to the relocation and we are glad we did this move. There are a multitude of positives that outweigh a heart tug to the rural life. Adjusting is adjusting, I am just being with it and I know I'll get used to the change eventually.

I did lug around the BIG Nikon camera at the state park and took some great photos but I've yet to look at them on the computer. I'm so used to using my iPhone for snapping photos. Technology changes and so do photographing habits.

Before I forget - the grand baby is due in early February. I know some of you keep asking and I keep forgetting to answer. Since our son and daughter in law live in Indiana, we hope to see the new baby by the end of February beginning of March in person or whenever it works for the new parents. 

Go out and get into some nature! Breathe some fresh air and go take some photos. 

Thanks for visiting and reading this space.


  1. That looks like a beautiful place to walk! Glad you could get out and enjoy it. You and your sister look so much alike!! Just getting out for a walk can be so invigorating.

  2. Getting out in nature is wonderful any time of year, but especially now that it's finally getting cooler. Hopefully, leaves will change soon, bit it is very late this year. Have a good weekend, Karen!

  3. What a gorgeous spot! I have not been there and have put it on my list to visit! And I love the photo of you and your sister! :)

  4. You and your sister look so much alike. Just think how much closer to Indiana you are with this move! Looks like you still have some lovely rural areas around you to go and explore.

  5. You can certainly see the family resemblance there between you and your sister. Yes, it is important I think to get outside as much as possible.

  6. You look so happy! Yes to being out in nature and to having a new baby on the way.

  7. Oh sisters - what would we do without them. You two look so much alike and happy to be together. Hang in there, adjusting to a new locale and home takes time and perhaps some knitting.

  8. What a beautiful place for walking and a great photo of you and your sister. Adjusting to new surroundings is hard. Like you I would prefer rural life too but we live where we do for family reasons. Just think of all the new adventures you’ll get to have and all the new memories you will get to make 😊

  9. Oh your new baby!!! I love that you showed us the area. It has an Americana feel to it. Having just moved (5 years ago) to the countryside, I still get short of breath in the big city. However, if a baby was in the picture I may have to move!

  10. That sounds like a fun place to walk! We just got back from a walk in the neighborhood, thankful that it was in between rain storms, and the sun actually peeked out!

  11. Hi Karen,
    ...what a pretty place...I love covered and your sister look a lot alike...
    ~Have a lovely day!


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