

Yesterday it rained all day and most of the snow melted and today I woke up to intense 'flurries' that could or could not accumulate, that's to be determined. I know why it's snowing, I put the heavy coats and the winter boots in a different closet. I jinxed the warm up! 

This week has been 'busy' with a splattering of random appointments strategically placed nearly every day breaking up the rhythm I enjoy. We met our new dentist earlier this week (and passed the exam!) and now I think we are done with establishing care with new medical providers. Phew! 

I enjoyed reading your comments from last Friday's post about saving things for special occasions and the special occasions never come. I have plans for my deep stash with yarns that are over 20 years old. In my defense, I inherited much of my mother's yarn stash when she died in 1998. I have yarn that I bought in 1990 that I have yet to knit up! Right now I'm thinking I should always have some kind of blanket going on and knitting up and using up these skeins.

We will be meeting our grandson soon (!) and I might take a bit of a break here in the space, or I might not. I haven't decided yet what I wish to do. Over Christmas and New Year's weeks I enjoyed that short space of not blogging and giving myself room to enjoy celebrating and being in the moment.


  1. I enjoy days when I can be at home and establish my own rhythm. These are few and far between, but valuable! You do have some deep stash, but it was worth moving, so it is worth knitting (someday)!

  2. How exciting to be meeting your new grandson. If you need a break from blog-verse. Then take it. I, for one, will miss you and will be super excited when you return. I am sure there will be photos of baby feet and hands as well as lots to talk about.

  3. Hey dear! Loved your post and allready followed your blog, i want invite you to visit and follow my blog back <3

  4. Yep you definitely jinxed the warm up. Glad all your appointments are over with and you can get back to your groove. I'm so excited for you about meeting your grandbaby soon! Have a beautiful weekend.

  5. That weather moved through Missouri only we got some ice yesterday afternoon... gone today!
    Cannot wait to hear about your visit with your new grandbaby! Such exciting times.

    I always love to see what you are knitting up.

  6. Enjoy every moment with that new grandson of yours! I love the quote at the end of this post. Have a good weekend.

  7. Glad to hear that you have now sorted all your medical providers, I expect that is more complicated than it would be here in the UK. No passing tests to get into a dentist here, I would not like that! We had snow yesterday too, and a very windy storm, it is all calm now, thankfully. How exciting to meet your new grandson soon, hope you have a lovely time. Enjoy your weekend x

  8. I wish 1ike Bonnie I could estab1ish my own home time. I just wa1ked around my home for 45 minutes because Im not going out in 9 degree sunny weather. It is a big dea1 to find new providers. Good job

  9. How exciting to meet your new grandson soon! Come visit me, Karen; it's been low 70's here.

  10. I hope you meet that new little guy soon. I so agree with a rhythm to days at home. I hope the quiet ordinary days return soon,

  11. I'm so excited for you to meet your grandson! and I think blankets are the best stash-busters - especially old(er) wool. also, 100% agree about the blog break - ENJOY!!

  12. Hi Karen,
    ...we're having a spate of warm weather right now...highs today are supposed to be above 60° it'll make for a nice bike ride...
    ~Have a lovely day!


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