

How was your weekend?

Mine was pretty good overall! I started a new knitting project, my grandson's Christmas stocking. While knitting, I listened to a few podcasts OR I was reading The Stand on my Kindle (I'm 64% done!!). Emotionally I'm at the part where I wish I didn't start such a long book just like my regretful feelings of started an afghan... But as you know I will be rejoicing when the book is finished just like a finished afghan project and forget the length of time it took for either of them. 

My meditation app loves to flash a deep thought-provoking quote and sometimes I remember to write them down. The above quote is one remembered!

The weather over the weekend was quite humid and sticky. I will not go into how I'm daydreaming of fall today, but the struggle is real.

How was your weekend?


  1. it was a weekend to stay in the AC for sure! Lovely start to that stocking! :)

  2. We had a nice relaxing weekend. I read and knit too. It's too hot and humid to spend much time outside.

  3. Lots of family time so weekend was great. Can't wait to see how the stocking progresses!

  4. Your grandson's stocking is a wonderful project and I look forward to seeing your progress!

  5. Bright Red Stocking!! That will be lovely. It is stinking hot and humid...it's been miserable. Poor Mabel is panting all the time, yet doesn't want to stay inside!

  6. That's a great quote, I wrote it down in my planner to remind myself of it.
    That's going to be a wonderful Christmas stocking!

  7. Hi Karen,
    ...I would love some fall weather too...but that's still a couple of months away for us...we'll have a few cool days in September...so not too much longer...and look at you...already getting ready for Christmas...maybe you can post your mom's Christmas Stocking pattern...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  8. Our weekend was hot for here. Lots of fans running since we don't have AC.

  9. Love the quote! So true! I noticed this afternoon that the shadows are changing position...it's coming, friend, it's coming! I'm as excited for it as you are!

    Our weekend was good. We didn't do a whole lot...which made it even better.

  10. Our weekend was good. It was very hot so I spent time mostly indoors with projects, podcasts, and the garden produce. Christmas stocking are a lot of fun. I love the little picot edge.

  11. The last 2 weeks have been gross here. It's been so humid the air is more like soup than air. I just checked the weather and currently, at 1:42 a.m., it is 80 degrees, with a "feels like" temperature of 86 and the humidity is 84%. Your clothes get damp just walking the dog. Ugh!

    Can't wait to see how the stocking progresses.

  12. Hot. And. Humid. I not even trying to hide that I'm wishing this summer away! :'-(

  13. ooohhh that red yarn makes me think of fall! we had a good weekend - I got myself back on East coast time and caught up with Marc!

  14. It was a mostly quiet weekend for us apart from a day out on Sunday, but it was so hot that we all came home and crashed for a nap. I am quietly daydreaming of fall as well!

  15. Lovely knitting, wonderful colour. My weekend was full of pottering my favourite kind. Sending cool winds your way to cool you all down ;)


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