Abundance and Gratitude


I don't usually chose a word for the year but this year I have a theme. Since September when all the new planners were coming out and I was envying most of them I decided to purchase a Hobonichi Techo. I will use it for daily journaling about my gratitudes and abundance in my ordinary life. 

In previous years, I journaled each morning about the day before (and I am continuing doing this in another notebook) and ended the entry with a list of gratitudes. For 2023 I separated the two and now will be writing daily what I am grateful for and why.

My days easily get caught up with perceived minor stresses and I wanted a way to refocus, regroup and bask in all the wonderfulness in my day. There is so much goodness in a day! I want to magnify the ordinary abundance. For example: being able to walk daily, having fun outings with my husband, overall good health, etc. 

Also for 2023 I am back at reading the bible through in a year after a two year break. I have other little daily spiritual readings that I will continue doing along with my daily morning prayers.

My sister and I are reading the Coffee Talk book together. We signed up for a year course on Daily Om. It's fun to have a buddy!

I've discovered that on Goodreads I read MORE books when I lower my reading goal. Go figure. So this year I kept the number at 30 books and hope to exceed that number. I'd like to read 12 books on my physical shelves that I can then donate to remove them off the shelves. There's a hefty non-fiction pile as well. 

I don't really make a knitting goal but it would be nice to knit through all of my current projects on the needles in my overstuffed knitting bag. Speaking of current projects my yarn order arrived yesterday for the secret project. Phew!!

Frodo had his teeth cleaned on Wednesday and based on the vet's attitude and educated guess she expected multiple teeth would need extraction. Guess what? None were pulled, I am so grateful for this and I'm sure Frodo was pleased in his doggy brain as well. We had a peaceful afternoon of him being dopey from the procedure (no barking!). 

And so I wish all of you a wonderful 2023 filled with abundance and gratitude! 

What are you grateful for today?


  1. I'm grateful that it's raining instead of snowing today! I have to travel and didn't want to drive in the snow.

  2. I am grateful that it is Friday... and none of my grandkids have picked up anything from their first week back at school! Whew!

    Happy Friday, Karen!

  3. I am grateful that today is a new day with new opportunities and I am here to enjoy it. So glad that Frodo didn't need any teeth extracted. I am planning on purging some books from my shelves through donation. I won't read or use several of them again, so it is time. Have a great week. Enjoy your knitting.

  4. I am grateful to (finally) feel a little bit better than I have the previous days. I slept well and feel as though I might have a spark of energy! I love your term "magnify the ordinary abundance" - that just makes so much sense to me and I need to REMEMBER to do that! Thank you for posting and happy weekend!

  5. Hi Karen. I love this post and your focus on gratitude. I'm with you - I keep my reading goals fairly low compared with what I actually read. I think my brain likes the feeling of doing better than I think I will. Your Coffee Talk book looks very interesting. It's cool that you and your sister are reading it together. It's always fun to have a reading buddy. I hope you have a good weekend.

  6. I like your focus on gratitude and the abundance in life. I don't set reading goals per se but do make a list of books to possibly read each season. I am grateful for warm enough temperatures to make walking bracing and for my winter woolens. Oh - and a new coffee pot.

  7. You must spend hours a day reading then, I guess ? Wish I had the rest to read that much ( mind you, I do have time, I am just restless ). I am grateful for antibiotics, which hopefully will clear the snotty nose of my cat. And meanwhile I'm off cleaning, speaking of said nose......

    1. I hope you feel better soon! I wish I was reading for hours a day :)

  8. What books are on your list? I hope to read the Hobbit with my two younger kids at some point this year. I love the library. I'm currently reading The Scent of Water by Elizabeth Goudge. I read her book The Dean's Watch in December and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    1. I have never read the Hobbit but maybe one day I will!!

  9. I am very happy about his teeth!


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