Rainy Days


Day after day has been cloudy, dreary and rainy . Yesterday the sun peeked out briefly which had us scrambling outside for a walk and to soak up the sunbeams. A few hours later, the clouds were back. Today there were teeny tiny snowflakes. So goes January.

How are you? How's your weather? How's your January?

My grand-nephew will be celebrating his second birthday this weekend, I'm excited to gather with family and enjoy the festivities. Our grandson will be one year old in February! Crazy how time flies by.

I've been chipping away at the scarf in the evenings while reading books during the day. I have maybe 2-3 repeats remaining on the scarf and then it will be done. I'm still not sure whether I have enough gray yarn or not and I'm at knitting peace with the dilemma. I will either fudge it with another similar gray color or just end the scarf. I'm resolved to not buy more yarn.


  1. This is the time of year for gray, gloomy weather, but at least you've got celebrations! Your scarf is lovely and I hope you win at yarn chicken!

  2. Those brief moments of sunshine were so welcome! It is a frosty start here today... all hints at the 50+ temps we had yesterday have vanished!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. As Dee says, nothing falling from the sky today, but the wind is howling. I walked two bills down to the mailbox and the wind just about tore through me! I intend to spend the balance of the day (and evening) inside. I have a conference call at 1, but otherwise hope to occupy my time with some knitting and stitching. I can't believe your grandson will be 1 already!!

  4. We had an storm with wintry mix and a little bit of snow on Wednesday. Today was a little milder with the ice coating melting off the trees. It sure was beautiful while it lasted. Sometimes that is the way with projects, they just take the yarn that is on hand and no more. The scarf will be beautiful when finished and no one will know that you fudged.

  5. Time flies! It sure doesn't seem like it has been a whole year since your grandson was born. It has been a gray and dreary week here tool. We finally had some sun today, but it has been bitter cold, so I am not doing much outside. I love the knitting project. I hope you have a good weekend! See you again soon.

  6. It seems that every day here has been gray and gloomy. There was a brief peek of sun today while it was showering. I think I would rather some snow. At least then it looks light out once it is on the ground. That scarf is so pretty. Enjoy your knitting.

  7. The scarf is coming together beautifully.


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