

Good morning! How are you?

We had a long weekend up in London, Ontario visiting family. This time we met up with our son and his family and shared a house rental while up there. I am grateful that I had extended time to spend with our grandchildren and be a part of their lives. 

Our grandson is full of energy and is quite spunky. He is a lot of fun. Our granddaughter is wonderful and is starting to get into a routine of sorts. However when she is up crying in the middle of the night we are all up in the middle of the night, ha ha.

We had fun visiting my husband's mother and brother and is family. Cousins and Cousin's children gathered for a lovely luncheon hosted by my brother in law and sister in law. 

Of course I was in another basilica attending Sunday Mass. We sat in the back with all the other young families thoroughly enjoying the little ones wiggle and squirm.

I'll be catching up with you in the coming days! How was your weekend?


  1. What a delightful weekend, Karen!

  2. How wonderful! (except maybe the middle of the night crying...) So glad you got to spend a long weekend with family!

  3. That is a beautiful church, even if you had to sit in the back with the little ones. It sounds like a terrific weekend!

  4. What a lovely weekend. Your grandson is getting big. That church is gorgeous.

  5. My sister lives in Ottawa, Ontario! It was their Thanksgiving day yesterday. Sounds like you had a nice trip!

    1. my husband also has a brother and sister in law living in Ottawa!

  6. What a wonderful long weekend. It's so nice to be with family except maybe the middle of the night crying. Somehow it is different when one is the grandparent and know that someone else will be getting up with the child.

  7. It is always so much fun to be with family. Sharing a house too really gave you a lot of time with your grandkids.......how blessed.

  8. Your weekend sounds wonderful and that basilica is beautiful! (I smile thinking about you sitting in the back with the small children).


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