

Good morning! How are you doing? 

Right now I am sitting at my kitchen table in the morning writing this post. Yesterday the rain came all day long, today we are in for some more rain. Our backyard is a mud pit and I try to walk Frodo from one tuft of grass to the other trying my best to avoid mud - the success is intermittent, but my determination is strong.

On my daily walk yesterday, I snapped that tulip photo from a neighbor's garden. We cannot grow tulips in our yard because the deer eat them up but I guess where she lives the deer are respectful. My daffodils continue to bloom and are wonderful to look at.

I came across these two gratitude quotes and decided to write them down to remember them. 

Today I am grateful for: - my healing wrists - being finished with an antibiotic - my raincoat and umbrella - leftovers - a captivating novel on a rainy day - easy peasy sock knitting - Frodo and Holly - phone calls from the kids - silence - the kindness of others

What are you grateful for today?


  1. Hard rain and wind woke me up several times last night. April is a rainy, soggy month!

  2. The rain is just crazy here! The standing water in my backyard has finally started a trickle in the basement... just enough to be irritating! Sigh. I have one small, determined tulip as well... and I am so grateful for it!

  3. I love your gratitude reflections. We all have so many things to be grateful for. The wind and rain are awful here right now...good weekend to hunker down and knit!

  4. I'm grateful that the garden is in bloom and it is Friday... Have a lovely weekend x

  5. Today, I am grateful for my husband who is willing to help me with projects I can no longer accomplish on my own...and for him treating me to lunch out today! :)

  6. Those quotes are great and what a beautiful tulip. So much to be thankful and grateful for. Happy weekend!

  7. What nice things to be grateful for! Today, I am grateful for my son. Today is his birthday. I am grateful that we were able to spend the morning/afternoon together. I'm grateful he had the day off and we found a spot for lunch that he really enjoyed!

  8. I am grateful for the sunshine and the pansies I potted up this afternoon.

  9. I love your notebook filled with meaningful quotes and illustrations. I saw some tulips just like the ones you snapped a picture of on my walk tonight. I am grateful that springtime is here! I hope you have a nice weekend. See you again soon!

  10. I’m grateful for beautiful clear skies and herbs that are growing leaps and bounds. Love your journal Karen and so sorry about your yard. Hopefully the rain will end soon.

  11. Lovely tulips! Daffodils are blooming here, too. Sadly we have no flowers in our yard really, at church, the library and friend's houses. We'll have some in a month on our apple trees and lilac bush.


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