Ordinary Time


And just like that, I'm back in ordinary time. 

I go to my classes and continue to love Wednesdays because that is tai chi day. I'm not an expert but I've graduated myself to the back of the class so that new people can be up front if they wish to see the instructor clearly. 

Frodo continues to be well considering his age. We are grateful to have him every day. Holly continues to check in on him and wish him well. In the photo above, she is watching us from the upstairs window as we walk around the yard.

For the first time since moving here (2021), the hydrangea bush is blooming! Every day I witness its beauty. Now if only the lilac bush would bloom. Maybe the inspiration will come from the hydrangea bush for next spring. 

Our daughter and son in law are visiting us this weekend and today I have a bazillion things to do. (it feels like a bazillion). I wish I would have done a little bit each day this past week but I waited until today. 

I have yet to decide on a sweater pattern and so I keep searching and pondering. It's a wonderful problem to have! 

We have new steps to the newly redone deck flooring. The old steps were made wrong and were rotting. Now we can confidently walk up and down them in confidence.


  1. The return to ordinary time is wonderful and I hope you have a great visit this weekend!

  2. Ordinary time is the best time! Have a great weekend!

  3. So glad you are having a good summer. My hydrangea are starting to bloom too. So glad that Frodo has recovered and is doing well. I hope you have a nice weekend enjoying some more "ordinary time."

  4. Hydrangeas are my absolute favorite. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the one I planted this spring will survive. I have a really hard time remembering to water the outside plants.

  5. Have a wonderful visit with your kids. I miss the old days when we would all gather at my mom's or mother in laws. My kids don't seem to come around much at all......and I miss them.

  6. Ordinary is wonderful. I love hydrangeas. We used to have big bushes of them before we moved, but they don't like the heat around here.

  7. Love, love, love ordinary time. This whole posts makes me feel the joy of slowing down and being in the moment.

  8. I too love the ordinary days. I love the feeling you've written into this post. And that hydrangea is gorgeous. Here we only have the white ones unless some grower really works with the soil but the blue color doesn't last. I'll enjoy yours.


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