
Showing posts with the label Frodo

Holiday Spirit

  I have been in the holiday spirit for a solid week. Maybe it's because we are near our second Christmas at our new home, and that brings endless cheer. I'm not questioning it too much, I'm basking in the joy I feel. I'm also seeking out Christmas displays where ever I go.  Frodo and I have started walking after lunch instead of in the mornings. The traffic is minimal which leads to me being more present on my daily walk. Also the temperatures are warmed up a bit compared to 8 a.m. We have a good time. All that is missing is a snowflake or two.  Yesterday we went to a local farmer's market and I thoroughly enjoyed their poinsettias on display. Sadly Holly will eat everything that is in a dirt pot so I look instead of buy.  I've been knitting mainly for me - the good things scarf  (in the photo at the top)- in the evenings while we watch a tv show. I am also knitting another pair of socks for my husband in a lovely purple colorway. Technically they are not for ...


  How was your weekend? Mine was a good one. Thanksgiving morning we zoomed with our daughter which was delightful. The day after Thanksgiving at my sister's house with my family, my husband and I drove over to Ohio for the day to see our son, daughter in law and our grandson at the other grandparent's house. Oh the joy!!  Our little grandson wasn't feeling well and was a bit cranky but we did get to hold him as long as he could see his parents. He is growing up so fast! He's nine months old now. Saturday morning was for both of us a recovery day from being in the car most of the Friday. I did decorate the 'big' tree in the living room. The above photo is the 'little' tree in the family room. My house is officially decorated.  Yesterday I dabbled in paints, did the laundry, knitted and wrote that mighty to do list for the week.  How was your weekend?

Selfish Knitting, Maybe

  I've been knitting away gleefully on projects that are for me. To be honest, I did cast on another pair of socks for my husband but I had a really good reason. All of my 'me' knitting needs my full attention and when I'm reading a book on my Kindle I require dead simple knitting. That is why I started a pair of socks. I could have made a pair for myself but my husband is hard on hand-knit socks and blows holes in them within 3-4 years (the best yarn is trekking XXL). I still have socks in my drawer that are 20 years old and do not have a single hole. Go figure!  How are you?  Winter weather has arrived here and it is beautiful! I know I am an oddball with my love of winter but golly, it never gets old for me. I've been a winter lover as long as I can remember. My mother (God rest her soul) loved summer and just could not understand my dedication to a season that chilled her to the bone. She would say 'wait until you have to drive in it' and so on. Even whe...


  And just like that, it's wintry cold out there. Frodo is sporting his lovely plaid dog coat that keeps him toasty warm on our walks. I'm wearing lots of wool and loving it. The newspaper today indicated that this chilliness will remain well after Thanksgiving. Bundle up! How was your weekend? I did massive amounts of knitting and finishing both Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday I invited myself over to my sister's house for an 'art date'. We think we created something good. I packed up what I some of my supplies and we painted together while listening to Christmas music. Oh and she made biscotti! yum. It was a lot of fun. Last night we had a fire in the fireplace. The room looks cosy and warm! In other news, my dry eyes are feeling a bit better, thanks for all the well wishes. I've got quite the to-to list this Monday morning as I start another week.  

Home Stretch

  Right before I fell asleep last night I came up with a really good blog post title. I woke up this morning wondering what it was. I think it was 'home stretch' but I'll never know. Home stretch as in I am nearing the end of the gift knitting. I am so close to finishing knitting for the holidays. That gets me giddy! I'll be done earlier than ever before. The above photo is an extra large dishcloth that will be a ' cat mat ' or a cat blanket for my daughter's cat. Her cat loves to cuddle up and sleep in all the unusual places and I thought these little blankets (the plan is to make two) would make it extra cosy for her. I know Holly would lay on it. Frodo is now 13 years old. He is as spunky as ever but has some elevated liver enzymes that the current vet is treating, this isn't a new thing it's been there for a few years. Overall he is doing great.  Our backyard is a sea of oak leaves, one of  my most favorite trees. We had 'tree people' her...

Missing the Country

Good morning!  This week I've been enjoying the trees and the colors that are in abundant display. It won't be long before they are all done and winter will be whispering in the winds. Sigh. Every year I find Autumn arrives quickly and is just as quick in leaving. Yesterday we drove up to visit my dad and step mom in the country. I worked on my husband's sock in the car but quickly set it aside to enjoy the countryside. Being in the country reminds me of where I used to live and the beautiful dirt road that I used to walk with Frodo. I do love my walks in my neighborhood but I miss the country (NOT the bears). I do like living here and it's so nice to be near family! My husband and I went out for a lunch at the local park on one of the warmer days so that we could eat out on their patio overlooking the pond. The views were spectacular! Frodo was recently groomed this week and he's been shivering since. Every morning I have to bundle him in a blanket. If I put a swea...

This and That

  The last day of September! This month went fast for me and with the fastness came lovely cooler weather that seems to be endless in the forecast every morning when I check on it. My husband is sad that summer is over and keeps hoping for a mini heat wave, not me at all. Being cold is where I want to be! I've been furiously knitting Christmas presents that I will share next week with you in detail. On a whim I cast on something for myself but now I'm rethinking the yarn and the colors I chose for the project. So until I figure out exactly what I am doing that little project is on a temporary hold. I've been sketching daily, well I'm trying to sketch daily. I feel rusty and the only way to 'unrust' my skills is to practice every single day. I have all the pencils right by my side along with my sketchbook so there's no excuse for me. Frodo and I have been thoroughly enjoying our daily walks in the neighborhood. Each time I'm outside I make a mental note o...

How to be Present

  I keep forgetting to show my progress on a cross stitch project I started last week or so. This is for our grandson and it might be an ornament to hang or a framed picture depending on which is easier for me. I am loving that the fabric is 14 Aida count and I can see it. Honestly, having older eyes is challenging. While I do enjoy the cross stitching and it reminds me of all the cross stitching in the past, knitting is my comfort zone. I don't really use my eyes for knitting like I do for cross stitching.  This week has been glorious weather. I walk daily early in the morning when the elementary school bus does its rounds and I eagerly wave to the bus driver and the kids. Actually I wave to just about everyone that passes. The air is crisp and fresh. So so beautiful.  On my walks, I try my best to be present. I go through my five senses to notice what is happening at the moment. For instance, I look for five different things, then listen for four different sounds, then...


  How was your weekend? My weekend was blessedly calm and somewhat productive. I've been working on the grandson's first Christmas cross stitch ornament a little bit each day. I can see it so that makes the stitching all the more enjoyable. (14 count!) I also did the laundry and cleaning for the week. Fall is creeping in slowly, the leaves are changing, the days are shorter. I had my first cup of hot green tea in the afternoon yesterday. I'll be surprised if it gets super hot again, but then you never know with the weather. Frodo and Holly have been at it after weeks of keeping their distance from each other. Holly found a new snuggly sleeping place in the family room and Frodo found her. There was a ton of hissing and barking. I thought after that encounter Holly would be tired of Frodo and just stay out of the family room. No such luck!! The next two photos are Holly slinking in and staring at a sleeping Frodo! Then she decided to perch on the window sill and watch the ch...


  Ah. September, how I enjoy you and welcome you in. I'm not a fan of summer but I try my best to enjoy what I do like about it. One of the best things about summer is that it leads to fall. And I am ready! My super early morning walks with Frodo are chilly most of the time. School is back in session and I wave to the school kids as they drive by in the yellow school bus. This weekend will be in the high 80s and I just don't care, I know it's the last hurrah even if it takes until October. This week has been so nice. I am thrilled that so far (fingers crossed) my husband  and I continue to remain healthy. May it continue. After the massive catch up from being out of town unexpectedly, I've settled into a comforting knitting routine. I've got some ideas for holiday knitting but I'm still sticking with my selfish 'for me' knitting this month. I will ponder the gift giving knitting only. September inspires me to reflect on the remaining tasks around the hou...

Where I've Been

  On Monday afternoon we spontaneously decided to go to Indiana to help our son and daughter in law as a virus (not covid) was shared in a staggered fashion and surprisingly it was two different viruses. How is that possible? Our grandson was fully recovered and as happy as can be. Our son was well until we left on Friday when he started a fever. Our daughter in law had the worst of it the whole time we were there. I did tons and tons of laundry, cleaning and cooking. My husband trimmed hedges and installed five smoke alarms in their purchased home. Since we live near a BIG city we were unable to board Frodo at the kennel (I miss living in the country, I never had that problem) so we packed up Frodo and brought him with us. He did surprisingly well! He acted like he loved the adventure. He's not a fan of riding in a car but if he sits on my lap for SEVEN hours straight he manages his dismay. Let's just say I did not knit, draw, paint or do anything creative, unless you count co...

Counting Blessings

  Today I'm counting my blessings: - Frodo's groomer who 'gets' him and is so wonderful to him and gives him a great haircut - Frodo snuggles and Holly antics, both pets make me smile - phone chats with my children - living near family especially my sister! - my early morning routine - -my yarn stash which is massive and yet I can always buy more yarn, go figure - this little blogging community where we uplift each other and support one another, it is one of the best blessings the internet has provided - summer yielding to fall ( I know! it's crazy but the days are shortening and I've been putting a light on in the morning, we are getting closer to fall!) -  - BIG salads and no cooking days - dark chocolate - green decaf tea - my favorite mugs - a tidy house - my husband - this house - books - knitting - daydreaming - believing in the goodness of others - friendly waves of hello to total strangers on my walks - all the drivers who slow down and yield to me on my...

Weekends and More

  Good morning! Boy do I have a lot of catching up to do so grab your tea or coffee and let's begin! Last Wednesday our son, daughter in law and GRANDSON arrived for a three day visit! We haven't seen them since March and the visit was fantastic. Our little guy was friendly and full of smiles after a brief 'who the heck are you' look that was priceless. I fed him many bottles and changed very few diapers. (that is a great visit) They left on Saturday morning and I miss all of them already. I forgot how tiring babies can be and cannot remember where I had the energy to keep up with them. It took me 48 hours to recover from their stay. During their visit we went to the zoo and we had a family get together at our house. The other set of grandparents were able to attend and we had a grand time doting on the baby. Holly does NOT like babies. She hid under our bed until they were all asleep each day then came out begrudgingly.  Poor Holly!! Frodo thought the baby was here to ...