
Showing posts with the label Photography

Springtime Memories

Usually I write about how the month May reminds me of my grandmother and her garden.  I've written about her many times during this month and decided to expand my memories and write about other memories. I grew up going to Catholic schools and May was THE month when we all knew the school year was ending.  On warm days during high school,  the teachers would open the windows and I would struggle to focus on the lessons because my eyes would wonder to the windows and my mind would follow willingly to wishful thinking of being outdoors. Ordinarily I disliked gym class but in May we would play softball (outside!) and I would eagerly get into my gym uniform quickly so I could be outside as much as possible.  Every single class we attended, we would beg our teachers to have our class outside.  They nearly always said 'no' but I remember once a teacher said 'yes' much to our amazement. In Biology High School class we were allowed to walk the grounds looking

Keeping Busy

Our daughter's birthday was this week and because we couldn't see her in person we sent flowers and presents.  As soon as we get together, I'm having a big fat piece of birthday cake with them after singing Happy Birthday!  How are you?  I've been busy keeping myself busy.  I'm scheduling out my days doing my best to push myself to relax and pursue my crafts and interests.  Most of the time I'm successful but as you know sometimes it's a challenge.  I've been upping my exercise and tweaking my diet all for a healthier 'me'.  My kidney doctor adjusted my meds for a better blood pressure reading and so I'm digging deep into my lifestyle to see what I can do as well.  As my dad says 'there's always room for improvement'.  I think it's genetics, but more yoga and lots of fruits and vegetables won't kill me! I'm sure living in this crazy stressful time isn't helping at all. This week has been a cloudy o

Moving Forward

Thank you so much for you kind words about my orange pullover .  I was tempted to wear it yesterday while a snow squall breezed through, however, my mind is on springtime and no matter how cold it is outside and no matter the snowflakes in the air, I'm moving forward to wearing lighter clothing.  The birds are singing and bushes and trees are sprouting! How are you? We are doing well here.  My husband is doing his best to keep on top of his work while working from home.  It seems that the work is more than usual and it's hard to turn off the day.  Weather permitting we take an afternoon walk which is the highlight of the day.  We rarely see humans as we are out and about.  I am getting used to my days and I'm successful at making Monday through Friday feel different than Saturday and Sunday.  We talk to the kids often and we try to look forward to the day when we can get together with them once again. Do you see the second deer to the right of the standing

Other Easters

We walked every day this week except yesterday because of the winds and crazy intermittent rainy weather.  Today as I type this there are tiny snowflakes - what?  I remember one Easter when there was about six inches of snow and my spring dress with short sleeves was very lacking as we headed off to church.  Let's hope there isn't a snowfall this weekend. I believe this is the first Easter I will not be with my family.  The first Easter I will not be physically attending Mass.  I will be watching virtual Mass on Youtube though, and it counts!  I'll be missing my family but you know what?  We will have other Easters and we will gather soon before you know it.  I am grateful everyone is healthy and safe.  I am hugely grateful for technology! I have an Easter meal planned and of course we have some much needed Easter candy for the two of us. I have phone calls, texting and zoom meetings to be with my family.  This will go down in my journal as a learning experie

Finding Joy

My husband and I have settled into a new rhythm to our weekdays.  He's busy working remotely from home in my craft room upstairs (also known as the cat room...or guest room).  He'll be in various virtual meetings and Holly will walk across his laptop to take center stage.  If only she new that people were watching.  After lunch we take a walk with Frodo as long as it's not raining or like yesterday not super windy.  This morning I heard a woodpecker while drinking in the beginning of the day as I stood outside.  I try my very best to write a few things down that I'd like to do during each day and they're simple goals.  Mainly my watercoloring has been scant.  I don't 'feel' like it and when the afternoon arrives I know I won't do it at all. Yesterday I set up the paints and supplies right after breakfast so that when I walked by I would be reminded to do something, anything.  This worked!  I enjoyed playing around with color mixing and foun

Beams of Light

Good morning!  I'm sitting at my kitchen table writing this post while watching the sun rise and send beams of light through the window.  The birds are singing and I hope to have a walk later today, weather permitting.  I noticed a drippy drip at my kitchen sink and I need to call the plumber to schedule a visit.  I'm sure we need to replace the faucet. Remember last summer when we (the royal 'we' - I did nothing) ripped out the bushes in the front yard because the deer were eating them and ruined them?  Well my husband planted crocus bulbs here and there and I swear the deer are nibbling them.  We have no rabbits on the property, Frodo has scared them all away.  Of course the groundhog could have done it as well, or any other roaming rodent but I like to blame the deer, I see them daily looking at me with guilt in their eyes. Anyways I'm happy that lots have sprouted and are blooming, as well as my daffodils in the back yard.  I believe all of our new dee


Our weekend was low-key because of the PA shutdown.  So what does one do?  Well we are trying our best to walk every single day if the weather permits.  On Saturday we saw HUMANS.  I said 'hello human beings!' as we kept our more than six foot distance.  We live out in the country so our human sightings are limited.  However, I see humans more than I see bears, and I see deer more than I see humans. My husband was whistling this weekend and I asked him what is he so happy about.  He replied 'I love social distancing'.  As you can imagine he is an introvert. All of the daffodils are blooming and are a cheerful sight to behold.  There is a hill speckled bland with dead grass and bushes yet to sprout leaves. In the middle of this hill there's a cluster of daffodils booming and screaming 'it's spring!'.  So lovely. I'm starting to focus better as I adjust to what is going on, I heard your advice to quit consuming the news, I am trying