Beams of Light

Good morning!  I'm sitting at my kitchen table writing this post while watching the sun rise and send beams of light through the window.  The birds are singing and I hope to have a walk later today, weather permitting.  I noticed a drippy drip at my kitchen sink and I need to call the plumber to schedule a visit.  I'm sure we need to replace the faucet.

Remember last summer when we (the royal 'we' - I did nothing) ripped out the bushes in the front yard because the deer were eating them and ruined them?  Well my husband planted crocus bulbs here and there and I swear the deer are nibbling them.  We have no rabbits on the property, Frodo has scared them all away.  Of course the groundhog could have done it as well, or any other roaming rodent but I like to blame the deer, I see them daily looking at me with guilt in their eyes.

Anyways I'm happy that lots have sprouted and are blooming, as well as my daffodils in the back yard.  I believe all of our new deer-resistant bushes are established except for two but I don't know what they are.  I'm sure I bought them on clearance so there's not a big amount of money lost.

I've been cooking everyday and trying to balance easy meals that get thrown together as opposed to labor intensive meals.  I tend to pick easy meals most of the time.  We are living large with my daily cooking and menu planning.  Also I am treating myself to daily dishwasher use no matter how full it is, this decision feels decadent.

I continue to sketch even though I don't 'feel' like it.  Once I sit and start I find great pleasure in spending the time.  I need more of this in my life.  I'm also trying to finish two books that aren't as captivating as I thought.

I am a book finisher no matter what so I've started to read in the mornings (since I'm not driving to and from the gym) and chipping away at both books.  I should be finishing both of them today. 

I have high hopes of finishing my hitchhiker shawl today as well.  I'm aiming for 45 teeth then casting off.  That is only four more rows! 

Watching spring arrive has been so nice and hopeful.  Hearing spring arrive is equally delightful.  In a matter of weeks I'll be sitting on my outdoor swing enjoying the backyard once again. 

How are signs of spring arriving in your area?  And for those who are witnessing signs of fall?


  1. I'm betting squirrels or groundhogs might be the bulb-eating culprits. In our yard, squirrels are always the guilty ones, but they don't show any remorse! I love your Hitchhiker stripes!

  2. Your hitchhiker shawl has such beautiful colors! I am about to embark on my most ambitious knitting yet, it's called 'Magical Thinking' by Casapinka. It's kind of a cowl-necked poncho and looking over the directions I can tell that I will be using You Tube tutorials to understand how to do some of the stitches. Wish me luck!😳

  3. I love the spring flowers. Hope the deer will go somewhere else for dinner and leave your flowers alone. Your sketches are great. You have a real talent. Cute picture of you and your hubby. Have a good weekend!

  4. Just catching up whilst I have internet connection which is so patchy at the moment. It was a delight to visit and see that Spring has arrived and that you are safe and well. Spring has been slow in its arrival here but very slowly it is starting its journey and unfurling its beauty. Stay safe.

  5. The deer eat tulips here, but everyone says they leave the daffodils alone - so Bonny might be right about squirrels or groundhogs! Your hitchhiker is gorgeous!

  6. The birds have been so noisy. I love hearing all the birdsongs. I have not seen our resident groundhog. I do hope he is ok (I like him, Fletch does not). I noticed some hyacinths coming up, so it won't be long before those are blooming too. And, of course, ticks are around. That's a sign I could do without! Have a nice weekend Karen. Love your Hitchhiker!

  7. Squirrels always eat my crocuses and sometimes they dig up the little bulbs and bury them somewhere else in the yard. Your Hitchhiker looks nice! Have a good weekend!

  8. Drippy sinks here, are fixed, with a new "washer"... I'm sure your plumber will know....

    Oh I do not finish a book, which I don't want to. -smile- Too many good books, for me to waste any time, on a personal "dud".... That's me, of course!

    Both of us have a zillion boons on our tablet. I have found free and 99 cent books, of late. And they have been fun.

    Your water colors are delightful!!! Do continue!!!

    And keep on blogging tooooo! Pretty Blog Land is a haven! I just hope, this attitude, doesn't melt away, after this is over. -sigh-

    🌸Gentle hugs🌸

  9. You are most likelyseeing guilt in the eyes of your deer because they are the ones eating off your sweet spring flowers. I feel your sadness because they used to do the same thing to mine. My husband built a fence around our entire backyard several years ago and I have been able to enjoy my spring blooms ever since. Well, until last week when my hubby forgot to close the gate to the backyard and the deer came in overnight and ate off (to the ground, mind you) the majority of my hyacinths. I'm thankful for the few they missed. :)

  10. Oh, love those flowers! We're feeling "spring" too, as in it gets dryer and hotter.
    Lovely painting as always!
    And about finishing books: I stopped doing that. I decided that since there are so many books that do bring me pleasure, it's just a waste of time to force myself to finish books I don't even like. That does mean my reading list is not really "presentable" these days. Just a lot of old favorites and some new-to-me fun stories (I finally started in one of those Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich).

  11. Thank you for your beams of light. We have rabbits here rather than deer, we had to fence off our garden to keep them out. It is pain when you invest so much in plants only for them to be nibbled. I love your sketching, delightful. Hope you get your hitchhiker knitted up soon.

  12. Your hitchhiker is lovely. That pattern has been in my favorites forever. I’m such a slow knitter but I know I’ll get to it soon. Spring is definitely in full bloom around here. Our cherry tree is heavy with pinkish-white flowers. It actually makes me think of snow weighing on the branches. Sunday the temperature is going to be close to 80! That’s too close to summer for me. I need more cool spring weather.

  13. Don't you just love crocuses? Squirrels do, too, and oh my, do they ever love tulips! Sometimes when I plant "squirrel food," I try to surround them with daffodils which squirrels don't like. Love that beautiful Hitchhiker! One day I'm going to make that pattern....

  14. Spring flowers are a ray of hope these days. There are a few blooming in my neighborhood. Just today I noticed buds swelling on a Japanese Lilac Tree and a little green fringe on a tree down the street. Our backyard on the south side of the house is quite green, the front on the north less so. It is so lovely to see color return to the landscape. The hitchhiker looks great. Those are such a fun knit.

  15. I like your sketches they are really good. Love the signs of spring it gives me a feeling of hope of a new beginning. I haven't see much of Spring here yet but today on a walk it felt warmer. Let's hope this virus goes away in time to enjoy the hot summer days ahead.

  16. Flowers and your Hitchhiker are lovely; we don't have deer in the city (Washington DC), tho' I've seen some about a couple miles away in a very recently built up/ populated neighborhood. Good luck with the plumber.

  17. We are in full-on spring here, which also means POLLEN (which also means not fun being outside). My sister and I just chatted and made plans to catch up on Deanna Raybourn's fantastic Veronica Speedwell series before she comes on Modern Mrs. Darcy's Booktour on April 9. Needless to say, I'm abandoning all the other books to make space ... I have THREE books to read by then!

  18. I'm so late reading this it's sort of pointless to comment but I just had to tell you how much I love the water color of the rain boots. It looks like it should be published in a children's book.


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