
Showing posts with the label grandbaby

Knitting News

  On Monday while the workers were here in my house installing insulation in the attic and sealing the air leaks in the basement, I decided to start my grandson's Christmas sweater. Well due to the noise and disruption of the busyness of the past two days, I made numerous errors and was unknitting rows.  The good news is that I love the yarn and the re-knitting makes me happy. I bought the yarn and the pattern at a local yarn store. If you know me well, I am drawn to top-down seamless sweaters. What are you working on this week?


  Thank you so very much for your kind words and encouraging comments. I called the office late Friday afternoon and was told 'no further treatment' is necessary from the coronary CT scan. I am feeling better and my body is adjusting to the new (three's a charm) blood pressure medicine. By mid June I will have a follow up appointment with a cardiologist closer to home and during that visit I will get the nitty-gritty of what all the cardio test results mean. I have a multitude of questions. Thank you again - I am humbled by our little blogging community and the space we share.  Did your SEE that first photo??? Like crazy grandparents we drove three hours (one way to Columbus Ohio) for a lunch date with our son and daughter in law to spend some short time with our grandson yesterday. Oh the happiness!! He is a joyful baby, how lucky am I??  On Saturday, I did lots of watercoloring, sketching, reading and basically chilling out.  How was your weekend?

The Visit

  Hello! How was your week?  My husband and I went to Indiana to visit our son, daughter-in-law and the brand new grandson. We had a wonderful time. Of course there was unending baby time. Lots and lots of holding, snuggling and soothing. We ate out way too much but it was a fun diversion to always eating at home. We walked many of their local parks to get some fresh air and to get our wiggles out. The weather was gorgeous!! We did a little bit of window shopping in town as well. The trip and visit was fantastic, but you know me. Home sweet home is the best. I was thrilled to be in my own bed last night, waking up and heading to my kitchen for the perfectly brewed cup of coffee, sitting in my kitchen. Maybe traveling makes me appreciate the little things all the more! I barely knit a stitch or read a sentence while visiting even though I brought a hefty 'activity' bag.


  Well now, our weekend was fantastic!  We met sweet baby Blaise and celebrated his Baptism with family and friends. It was a busy weekend but full of love and goodness. Today is playing catchup after a swift busy 48 hours. I did not knit or read. I did however cuddle and hold a sweet bundle of joy :)

Pixie Hat and Mitts

  I started this little wee hat and finished it within 48 hours - now that is a fun satisfying knit. This bonnet is for the grandbaby-to-be and it matches the little sweater that I knit a few weeks ago.  I finished another set of fingerless mitts to be given as a Christmas gift. I have the pattern memorized in my brain so that gives for even speedier knitting. I definitely have one more pair to make - possibly a few more after that if I haven't burned out from making them. What are you working on this week?

Teal Baby Sweater

  I finished this sweet little baby sweater for the grandbaby-to-be a few days ago. The duck buttons just amuse me every single time I look at the wee sweater. This was sweater was #12 of this pattern by Elizabeth Zimmermann. I am sure I will be making more after the holidays are over in other colors.  What are you working on this week?

In Nature

  My husband and I went to McConnells Mill State Park  along with my sister and brother in law for some mild hiking and sightseeing earlier this week. Oh to be in nature and to feel at peace among the trees and water. I was hoping for some fall foliage photos but it's still to early (kind of late this year). I didn't feel disappointed though, we all enjoyed the day trip.  As I adjust to living outside of the Pittsburgh area, I sometimes miss the country rural life. Sometimes. I continue to acclimate to the relocation and we are glad we did this move. There are a multitude of positives that outweigh a heart tug to the rural life. Adjusting is adjusting, I am just being with it and I know I'll get used to the change eventually. I did lug around the BIG Nikon camera at the state park and took some great photos but I've yet to look at them on the computer. I'm so used to using my iPhone for snapping photos. Technology changes and so do photographing habits. Before I for

Gray Baby Blanket

  Good morning! I finished the baby blanket - I must say that my knitting needles are on fire these days and I am grateful that my knitting ennui is a thing of the past. I knew it was a phase and a result from the stress of the move. I also believe the change of seasons has helped me immensely. There is nothing like fall foliage to view, warm knitting in your lap while you drink a cup of hot tea. This blanket is the smallest size and was a breeze to knit up. The cotton yarn is nice to knit with for baby projects. This blanket is for the grand-baby to be.

Little Bean Blanket

  Ta da! Or should I say 'Ta done'? I am so pleased with this baby blanket for our first grandchild. The pattern is one I've knit before and enjoyed the pattern immensely. This time around, I chose the medium size which is about a crib-size if I was the guessing sort. The cotton yarn is soft enough to not cause issues with my handing getting stiff or sore.  Ravelry notes What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  I have three projects going at the same time and I am mostly working on the baby blanket which for me is addictive to keep adding repeats. The poncho for my daughter in law is coming along, I give this project at least one hour of knitting time a day.  This shawl have been on the needles forever, well it feels like forever. I give this project about an hour every day as well. I love how it's turning out! What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! Isn't my new knitting project cheerful? I'm trying to knit a little bit every day but not too much since it's cotton and cotton can be rough on my hands. This sweet little blanket is for our future grandchild. Yup, our son and daughter in law are expecting in early February and we are beyond excited. I made this blanket pattern for my nephew's son and loved it so much I decided to knit it again only in a medium size. I just might knit a small size as well since I bought a ton of yellow yarn. The repeated seed stitch stripes makes for potato chip knitting (just one more row!). What are you working on this week?