
Showing posts with the label socks

Soaking Up Autumn

  How's your week been?  Mine was somewhat busy and a little bit stressful. I decided to bundle a lot of my errands and tasks on Wednesday just so I could cross off a huge list, instead of every single day having a dribbling effect of going somewhere or doing something. So my Wednesday was full but I was quite productive. We've been going on daily walks, where I soak up the autumnal changes, I'm afraid I'll blink and the colors will be completely over. The maple trees are in peak colors right now and the oak trees are starting to drop leaves. There's a mini warm up predicted for the weekend and then hopefully we are back to light jacket wearing. I've got some plans in my head for some aimless car rides on back roads in the next few weeks.  Frodo continues to act like himself and chases Holly whenever he gets a chance. It's nice to not be worrying about him as much as I was over last weekend. My husband and I have been watching all the Marvel movies in the or

Knitting News

  First and foremost, Frodo is acting more like himself now that he is on some medicines to help him get better. Thank you for all of the well wishes for his speedy recovery, I am grateful.   I started knitting a baby blanket  yesterday for my nephew's baby-to-be that is due in mid-January. This yarn has been in my stash for over twenty years...I love when I use something that has hung around forever. Using stash yarn justifies the collecting of stash yarn. I am on the second sock for my son in law for his hand made Christmas present. I had grand plans of finishing it over the weekend but I didn't.  Maybe by this weekend??  What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was a mixed bag of sorts. Just so you know, Blogger insists on uploading my photos in the wrong order and I've given up fixing them.  Does it matter? I'm not sure! I've contacted them numerous times and I don't think they care or it isn't a high priority for them. Also free is free, you get what you pay for. Anyways, Saturday was a beautiful day, we drove to a neighboring town via back roads and drank in the fall foliage that is slowly emerging. I don't want to miss it!  We had the best bagel sandwiches ever for lunch outside while the weather permits. I think hunger makes everything taste good these days. We walked around the town and then headed home. Yesterday was stressful. Frodo started a cough Saturday night and coughed the whole night through. I just don't know how I did babies-toddlers-preschoolers back in the day. I was extremely exhausted yesterday morning! Anyways we took him the a 24/7 emergency vet hospital who said

Savoring October

  October!!!  I made it to the best of the first months of glorious brilliant fall foliage, cool breezes and the quietening of summer.  Phew.  Now the question I ponder upon is how do I savor this blessed month? I already keep a journal and I take photos.  I document so much of my days in more than one notebook even though they seem mundane and nothing changes day in day out. I guess I will try my very best to be mindful and in the moment.  This is a challenge since I'm thinking of the next thing I want to do or accomplish. Inktober started yesterday!  I do love pens and ink the best (besides watercoloring).  I'm eager to return to a daily sketching habit.  My husband mainly does pastels and is now dabbling in colored pencil.  Oh I am a wannabe when it comes to colored pencil and it just doesn't jive with me.  I like the permanence of ink and the sloppiness of watercolor.  I'm also not patient enough to layer colors like he is.   Thank you  Mary for a great book recom

Knitting News

  Good morning!  My knitting has been quite productive this week.  I finished the red socks over the weekend as I had planned.  So the first pair of socks are done out of at least four pairs I'd like to make as Christmas gifts.  In the above photo, I started the second pair of socks with the most delightful green color way.   What are you working on this week?

Around Here

  Are you enjoying this fall-like weather?  I have been in heaven.  I even changed the bed comforter to the fall/winter one.  The pool will be closing this week and I cannot get enough of the fall foliage that is emerging.  Thank goodness for Autumn! This past week was a little busy.  After many months of staying at home we were out for the first time in six months to a neighboring city to look for a dress for me to wear to my son's wedding in January.  I tried on five, liked two and picked one.  See - simple.   I honestly do not want to go store-to-store scouring the selections which is what I would have done before the pandemic.  I also didn't want to order online.  All I need are a pair of shoes and that can wait for a few weeks for now. On Saturday I drastically cut added sugar in my diet.  I gave up desserts which was easy after one day but I have been chipping away at the sugar I put in my morning coffee.  I have successfully eliminated 50% and am now trying to cut anothe

Knitting News

  Good morning!  Another wonderful Wednesday where I show you minimal knitting progress! I'll blame in on the one-month-retired husband who distracts me, and I'm sticking to that excuse. How are you? How is your life going these days? We are going to the urgent eye clinic this morning because my husband did something to his eye a few weeks ago and it's not really better but worse. I'm taking my knitting and my book and have positive thoughts of getting the second sock done.   The wedding shawl is my most favorite knit of all. I love the weight of the beads and the bit of sparkle they give. I love doing my wedges too. I am on the ninth wedge (out of ten total). It takes longer and longer to do each row. The beading row is now taking more than 2 hours. I'm in knitting heaven! What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was quite nice especially since autumn is squeezing out summer days by leaps and bounds. The mornings are chilly and the sunset inches closer and closer towards dinner time. I love all of it and am savoring it. I spend most of summer trying my best to enjoy summer but really deep down inside I long for fall. I did a bit of puzzling, reading and knitting. Also a lot of research on the internet about healthy diets. I cut added sugar on Saturday because of a really crazy high-salt high-sugar Friday. I felt so crummy this weekend. I remember being in my 20s and eating anything I wanted without ill effects. Oh how I miss those glorious days. I have to do yoga frequently so I can sit and knit. I have to exercise frequently so I don't have chronic back pain or joint pain. Now I believe I need to cut the added sugar (most days I am low salt so that isn't an issue). I'll keep you posted on the journey. I don't like to obsessively track health goals b

This and That

  Good morning! How are you doing? Did you have a good week? Sometimes these days seem the same day in and day out. I like it over all and find it soothing. My week was pretty good, the maple trees are slowly dropping leaves and even though it might be summery temps it feels like early fall. Today is supposed to be cooler and I'm all in for that. Yesterday I made chocolate chip cookies and zucchini bread (two loaves). The aroma was delightful and I couldn't wait to take a bite of one of those cookies. They might be my favorite cookie. Since his retirement we have settled into a routine of sorts. I'm still getting used to him being here everyday for lunch and the 'noise' he creates with the tv on. I sit in silence all day long! However, if he puts on Mystery Science Theater I am all in for the distraction. I giggle a lot. My journaling goals are going quite well. The only task I am unable to incorporate as a daily task is sketching and drawing. There is next week so


  My weekend is still going on since it's Labor Day weekend, however I decided to pop in here and do a quick posting.  How are you?  We've been pretty good.  This weekend has been ultra chill filled with morning walks now that the heat and humidity have ebbed away.  It's been nice to be out and about feeling cold my only whimper is the fall allergies! On Saturday morning I heard the Canadian geese for the first time, they honk to tell me of things to come.   After my first week of September, I've managed to stay mostly on task with my creative goals.  Knitting and reading always happen daily no matter what. The sketching and watercoloring are currently set at three times a week (I'd like more often than that).   the moon this morning Since the weekend  is still going strong, we might take a country drive.  He wants to show me his local bike routes on secondary roads that take you up and down some hills (mountains) to places I've never been.  I'm all for it! 

Knitting News

Good morning!  How are you doing and how have your projects been coming along?  I feel like I'm knitting the same stuff, well actually I am knitting the same projects.  My zoom socks are only a few rows ahead than what they were last week.  During zoom meetings I talk more than I knit. My golden wheat shawl is slowly getting bigger - I work on this in the afternoons for an hour or so. There might be one more repeat before I cast off. I don't think I'll be adding additional contrasting colors because the shawl might be big enough on its own once I block the daylights out of it. What have you been working on this week?

Knitting News

    Good morning!  I've been busy with three knitting projects this week and yet I'm yearning to cast on a new one.  I'm resisting the urge since I really want the golden wheat shawl done.  I am getting very close to running out of the yellow wool and debating whether to add a contrasting color and make the shawl bigger or just finish the shawl with one color.  I'll let you know what I decide, it'll depend on what is leftover in my stash. The Wedding shawl  is making great progress.  I work on this at night since I can watch a tv show at the same time.  The row with beads is very slow going but ultimately satisfying!  I'm using this method to place the beads .  I love how this is turning out. The socks for my daughter's Christmas present are my zooming socks.  I can knit and talk with this project and so I save this project when I'm gabbing away.  I adore the color-way and the stripe sequence. What are you working on this week?