
Showing posts with the label walk

Musings and Wonderings

As far as I can remember, I've loved to walk anywhere.  When I was a girl growing up in Pittsburgh, I would walk with my mother and my sister down sidewalks made of red bricks in herringbone designs trying not to step on a crack and save my mother's back.  Eventually I would be reprimanded for dawdling-sadly my mom didn't know I was saving her back health.  Black patent leather shoes angling into brick outlines made a rhythm of hopping and hoping to land inside the lines. I grew up in the city and I recall one street that had many oak trees and a black cast iron fence edging a grand property.  In the fall my sister and I would walk through the fallen brown crunchy leaves kicking them high up in the air, laughing and giggling.  We also walked to school daily. five or six blocks passing crossing guards in blue and white uniforms. Near the end of fall, my mother would bundle me up in a hat and scarf and once around the bend when she couldn't see me-off would go the ha

Blue Skies and Lace Edgings

I thought I'd dazzle you with a bright blue sky that hasn't been seen since last weekend.  Pretty huh? I miss it so.  Every day this week has been over cast, sure the sun will peek out but it's brief and not enough.  Yesterday we walked our dirt road searching for signs of spring.  Runny noses are the only sign for now.  Allergy season! I've resumed my lace knitting and am happy to announce that the edging pattern is cemented into my memory.  One less thing to slow me down-reading directions.  When I first started the edging, I thought it was not very pretty.  Now that I'm a 1/3 done I think it's beautiful.  I used to think garter stitch was very ugly now I love it.  Funny how tastes change.  Garter stitch lovingly showcases a hand painted yarn to it's best advantage, in my opinion. Now that spring is approaching (it will arrive, promise) smaller projects are flitting through my mind.  Hats and socks.  Also I would love to do a beaded lace knit. I hav

Walks, Ducks, Birds

We were out for a walk yesterday and even though it's still cold like winter, I'm seeing signs of spring. Down by the pond the ducks are active and chasing each other.  Seems to me they are swimming more instead of hiding.  Frodo would love to catch one, I'm not sure what he would do with it when he caught it.  Some of our bushes and trees are slowly budding-another sign.  I will admit that I'm looking forward to some milder weather.  Just not hot weather. Yesterday Frodo was barking in the back yard, he's vocal that way.  I decided to see what was the fuss.  I couldn't believe it!!  He was barking at my elusive woodpecker that I've been trying to find in the mornings.  He's a beautiful bird, and I quickly ran to get the "good" camera.  Now I have two drawbacks.  First off, I do not own a zoom lens....yet.  It's on the list of purchases.  Secondly, I am not a stealth person which means I would fail ninja training.  So when I ran outsi


My weekend summary: - YAWN -time change is very tiring... -we walked the three of us in full sunshine yesterday on dry (not muddy) dirt roads.  Birds sang and spring gently whispered in our ears.  Sure there will be more snow and cold weather but it will be brief.  Trees are budding! -with spring comes the craving of tossed salads.  My current favorite is assorted lettuce and vegetables with chickpeas and sunflower seeds sprinkled on top-yum! -Knitting the lace edging of my pi shawl, I believe it's going to take forever.  Lucky for me, I like to knit. -phone calls from the kids-our son will be home next weekend for his spring break!! -hiding the winter boots and woolen socks (for now), washing winter coats, matching up mitts and folding up scarves.  Still at the ready, just in case.  And I know I'm tempting fate. -afternoons of reading novels attacking crossword puzzles and snuggling with Frodo. How was your weekend? Joining Amanda


My sister and I went for a hike just the two of us on Saturday afternoon last weekend. For some reason I read the map very wrong.  I thought it was a paved trail, and it was not.  At first it was marked and we were happily following the dirt foot path through the forest.  Chatting and gabbing away the minutes. There was a point in our walk that we were both thinking "are we on the trail still".  The markings were gone!  We would walk and wonder and ignore the slight panic of what if we are lost.  I did have my cell phone but there's isn't any reception (fat good that would do).  So we followed what we thought was a path. Thank goodness for the graffiti artists that love to carve hearts and who they love on the trees.  That was the only way we knew we were heading somewhere where other hikers have ventured.  Still no markings from the state park officials though. Suddenly my sister was thrilled to see a tree that she remembers.  I quickly said there w

Long and Winding

I don't know about you, but it seems to be a little bit lighter than usual around 4:30 p.m.  I was doing dishes and I thought "we should walk before it gets dark!" If you utter the word "walk" anywhere near Frodo you are committed to walking.  He looks so eager and happy, he prances all around doing twirls-he should have been in the circus. We haven't walked the dirt road for many many weeks.  Mainly because of deer season and I am afraid I might be mistaken for a deer.  My dad insists that it would not happen but I do not believe him.  So from Thanksgiving until one to two weeks after deer season I steer clear of the dirt road.  Only paved residential roads. It was so nice to be out and about in the woods.  There might be one car that passes by.  This walk there was a car and a neighbor's golden retriever walking down the road.  He loves to greet Frodo.  Frodo wishes he was as big as a golden retriever. I might complain there is n

A Walk in the Woods

Our dirt road at the bottom of our hill is a road we do not own.  But it feels like ours, so I guess it is kind of mine....right?  We all took a walk right after dinner and I remembered to bring the camera!  It was fabulous to be out in nature and the only noise was what we were making by talking and laughing.  The last photo is a snail shell that my husband snapped.  Unfortunately his close up shots were very very blurry and could not be included. This was the best one, I swear.  I do not think I will ever get tire of walking in the woods, in the neighborhood, around the yard or at the shore.  There are just so many things to see, smell and hear.  The older I get the more in tune I am with thoroughly enjoying my outings.  It also helps to have family around too.

Jelly Jar

I remember collecting these jelly jars for the kids so we could have two of each four designs. There was one design that was "rare" and we would scour the display hoping to make the set. I think it was 13-14 years ago!  We still use these for juice in the morning or a pretty daisy :)

Fringe Benefits

I think I have been really tired of all the rain we have had for the past week or so.  I think I have even complained about it, especially to my sister. However, on our walk down the dirt road (our favorite), my husband snapped these photos over the weekend.  I am amazed at all of the green we saw on our walk.  So I am done with any whining about the wet weather. The trees and bushes are sprouting their leaves a little more each day.  The air smells different and the sun feels warmer.  I love winter very much but I am ready for the next season.

Spring Forward

This past weekend was so spring like and just--nice!  We were able to walk Frodo on both Saturday and Sunday.  I really liked listening to the birds singing to each other.  The lawns are looking greener. Also the air smells like spring.  Now if only the farmer's market would start in town, that would be fabulous. All of the CDs in the picture belong to my son who has yet to take them up to his room.  Just think in four months both kids will be away for higher education.  Any piles of CDs will have to be left by my husband!

Sunny and Bright

Okay technically we are not even close to spring.  But it did feel very springlike on my walk today with Frodo.  I am getting quite skillful at taking photos while restraining a dog.  I am lucky the dog is only 14 pounds.  My exertion is minimal, right? Here are the simple socks that I knit for my husband.   Cascade Heritage Paints sock yarn is simply the best.  I bought this skein while visiting my sister last last year.  I will definitely be buying more of this brand.  I did make a pair for my son and so far the socks are holding up quite well to the machine washing.  I am also proud to report that I have not accidentally tossed them into the dryer........yet.  It has happened in the past no matter how mindful I think I am.

Long Dirt Road

The very last Christmas present is complete for my side of the family. Now I have to wrap up all of the presents sometime this weekend.  This scarf is for my aunt: My husband and I have been walking Frodo down a long dirt road at the bottom of our hill.  It is quite beautiful and serene.  The bonus is that there are very few cars if any that drive by us.  Frodo loves the walk.  Anyways, we remembered to take a camera on one of the walks.  All of the leaves have dropped and have turned brown but my husband spied these pretty mushrooms! Today is a sunny bright day which is really a nice change.  We were having cloudy days one to many in a row.  The only time I like a cloudy day is when it is snowing.  I would love a flake or two right now!  The TV music channels have already been playing holiday music so why not.